What is the single most powerful signifier of sociopathy?
How about, lack of empathy?
I don’t think so.
As an isolated factor, I don’t think lack of empathy best nails the sociopath.
Many millions of people, after all, lack empathy and aren’t sociopaths. Also, exactly what constitutes empathy is a subject of some disagreement. Some LoveFraud members, in fact, question whether sociopaths even lack empathy (some asserting, to the contrary, that the sociopaths they’ve known have used their capacity for empathy to exploit them).
But the biggest problem with lack of empathy is its weakeness in explaining the single, truly best signifier of sociopathy—the characterological exploitiveness of the sociopath.
It is a high level of exploitiveness that most singularly exposes the sociopath.
Now exploitiveness is also associated with the narcissistic personality. For this reason extremely destructive (“malignant”) narcissists can be hard to distinguish from sociopaths. Still, a high level of exploitiveness is rarely the single best signifier of narcissistic personality disorder, whereas it is, I suggest, the best single indicator of sociopathy.
Why does lack of empathy fail to explain the sociopath’s exploitiveness? It fails because most people who lack empathy are not exploitive. Just consider the autistic spectrum disorders: Lack of empathy is commonly associated with these disorders, but exploitive behavior is not.
Now it is true that empathic individuals will generally be nonexploitive. Why? Because their empathy will prove a deterrent against exploitative impulses or ideas. Empathy, in other words, surely is a powerful deterrent against exploitation.
But in someone nonexploitative (someone, say, with Asperger’s Syndrome), empathy will not be needed for its deterrent effect. However, in someone inclined to exploitation, lack of empathy will be a missing deterrent in a situation where deterrence is urgent.
Effectively, the sociopath’s exploitive nature is undeterred by empathy, which is missing, thus liberating him to exploit. And it is the sociopath’s tendency, or compulsion, to exploit, I propose, that best characterizes his sociopathy.
I’d be remiss not to clarify my working definition of empathy. Empathy, as I use it, is an experience, or appreciation, of another’s experience that, depending on the situation, elicits a thoughtful, respectful, perhaps nurturing, but never exploitive, response.
While some sociopaths may possess an evolved capacity to read others’ vulnerabilities, this doesn’t make them empathic.
It is the particular response to someone’s vulnerability that indicates the presence of empathy, or exploitation. It is the particular response, or pattern of responses, to someone’s vulnerability that separates the empathic individual from the predator.
In this respect, I regard the sociopath as seriously, and given his exploitive personality, dangerously deficient in empathy.
What about his remorselessness? Certainly the sociopath’s remorselessness is quite notable and diagnostically significant. However, I would argue that the sociopath’s remorselessness is a byproduct not of his lack of empathy, but of his exploitive personality.
Many people who lack empathy are remorseful, for instance when informed that an action they took, or something they said, left someone else feeling damaged. They may struggle to relate emotionally (or even intellectually) to the effect their behavior had on the wounded party (their deficient empathy); but they are upset to learn that their action caused damage.
In other words, they feel remorseful even though their empathy is deficient.
However, exploitation and remorselessness go hand in hand. The essence of exploitation is the intentional violation of another’s vulnerability. The exploiter knows, on some level, that his behavior is exploitive.
By definition, the exploiter is grossly indifferent to the damaging effect of his behavior on his victim. All that matters is his perceived gain, his demanded, greedy satisfaction. There is indifference to the loss and damage to others resulting from his self-centered, aggressive behaviors.
This sounds a lot like callousness; and we recognize callousness as another of the sociopath’s telling qualities. But I would suggest, again, that the sociopath’s callousness derives not from his defective empathy, but rather from his characterological exploitiveness. Most people with deficits in empathy are not callous. On the other hand, the exploitive mentality will engender a callous perspective.
I discussed in a prior post the audacity of the sociopath. I suggested a correspondence between audacity and sociopathy. But here, too, we want to get the causality correct: audacity doesn’t make for sociopathy; but the exploitive mentality will make for staggering audacity.
(My use of “he” in this post is for convenience’s sake, not to suggest that men have a patent on sociopathy. This article is copyrighted (c) 2008 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Kathleen: Im learning a lot about myself, and also a lot about the aftermath thats caused after I finish doing whatever it is I actually do.
Wini: I know we are not from the same cookie cutter, but in my life there are a few variations of the same kind of people… its hard to explain as its something I usually figure out after learning someone. Its no so much that Im worried about others, as Im sure that there is no one out there that could truely love me for me, the real me deep down inside. The me that i portray to the outside world is dependant on who I am around. Like a chameleon I change constantly, from one extreme to another. At first I seem shy, as I size you u, your values, humor, attitude, and then I reflect myself as someone you would like, pretending to share simelar intrests, hold the same values etc. This also causes me to have not any true friends in life as there are not many people who hold the same intrests as me. I also dont drink, or participate in recreational drug use.
Henry: obviously by most anyones standards that would be considered wrong, I realize its wrong, but that dosnt affect me as it would the normal person. I dont know how to justify your husbands actions though I know in my life before I have done much of the very same things, though I dont get rocks off of stealing anything. I think its just that people like me somehow attract the weak ones and that we notice, or precieve them as being weak and therefore justify doing those cruel things to them, maby “to teach them a lesson” I know I always got off on the fact that multiple women would BEG me to come back claiming I was the one meant for them. I have had so mant multiple people tell me that I can hardly truely believe it, I precieve it as a lie. I like the fact that right now, there are women thinking about me, wondering why it was I left and what they could have done to change it. Even now as we speak someone I have not talked to in YEARS contacted me and tryed to get me to see them, as they “cannot stop thinking about me” I may not abuse and then leave, but whatever it is I do it causes harm.
To be honest I dont think I have ever been able to maintain a feale as simply a friend. They always try to cross the line and thats when I decide to do what I do. If I could truely find a woman that diddnt wish to get her hands on me and make me her “own” I would have LOTS of respect for them. There have even been a few males in my life tell confess to me that they love me, previously believer to be hetero guys. Im not trying to brag or toot my horn, its actually something I dispise in people. I am not a sex hungry maniac like the rest of the male population and its not something I seek out at all in life. If I go a year, two years without sex, that is fine with me.
Why do you sound so much like my ex-boyfriend?
As you know very well, understanding you doesn’t change how you behave. And if there’s anyone here who doesn’t see that you’re projecting what you think we want to see — right up to the poor, pitiful you with your sad story — I’d be surprised.
Whether or not anyone could love the “real you” deep down inside is irrelevant. Because that “you” isn’t the one driving your bus.
We know you’re a miserable human being. That doesn’t make you less dangerous.
PleasedSociopath: So who is the real you? Why don’t you just express yourself so everyone knows who you REALLY are?
Well Im not really trying to get anyones sympathy, I expect to recieve nothing but resistance from anyone associated with this website. The last people on earth who would ever pity me would be readers here. I do just fine for myself and I believe I adapted well to the circumstances I have had to deal with in life. I am trying to be as hosest as I can possibly be, because it actually seems theraputic for me. The deep down me is definetly the one driving the bus, I just dont show my true feelings to anyone, and yes that does make me feel lonely and possibly miserable. Do I deserve that, well yeah I probably do. Do I let those feelings dominate my being? Absolutely not, I dont live day to say feeling alone and miserable, that is not productive or condusive in my life. I have also never cheated on anyone, so as far as the stealing and cheating is concerned, I am like your boyfriend.
PleasedSociopath: Who is the REAL you? Why don’t you just spill your guts and tell us?
Wini, Im the minority, out there thete is probably 1-2% of people that are like me, and share my intrests, furthermore the outlets for me to find people like me are very minimal. Especially when you are turned off by most social situations. If I expressed who I really was most people would flat out not like me, and not want to be around me. And to be brutally honest I dont even know how to express the real me as its something I have had to supress for so long. Which is also another reason it would probably be nearly impossible to rehibilitate someone like me.
I think I am going to retire for today. I really enjoyed talking to some of you and even though I am properly hated. I want to say dont let these other socios get to you, thats all they want. If you give them that they they have won.
PleasedSociopath: So, having people like you is important to you? Why is that important to you?