It’s easy to get obsessed with, fixated on, “labels” and diagnostic categories like sociopath, psychopath, malignant narcissist, narcissist, etc. To be sure, labels and diagnoses can be important and informative.
In the case of “sociopathic” individuals, for instance, we know that there’s no changing them; we know that there’s no real hope for their redemption; and so, if you’ve correctly identified a sociopathic type, you can know that it’s pointless, self-destructive to invest another minute of your time in him. And this is a good thing to know.
But it’s also the case, I’d suggest, that an overfocus on labels and diagnoses can sometimes be a distraction, a form of avoidance, sometimes of obsession, and, in some cases, a habitually poor use of one’s time.
Does it really matter, as several LoveFraud readers have pointed out in various posts over the months, what precise label—accurate or not—you affix to an individual when he’s proven to be emotionally unavailable, or a compulsive liar, or an abusive personality, or a chronically selfish, self-centered partner, or a chronic, comfortable manipulator and deceiver?
Does it really matter, in the end, what you call this? It seems to me that what’s suitable to call this, and perhaps all that’s necessary, sometimes, to call this, is–This is a bad dude for me. This is the wrong dude for me.
Sometimes this is the diagnosis that ultimately matters: Wrong dude for me, or Right dude for me.
Whether he’s a narcissist, sociopath, or neither (in a fullblown sense); whether he’s got another personality disorder, or a hybrid of personality disorders, or whether, again, he fails to meet the full criteria for any personality disorder, sometimes this isn’t the main issue.
Often, what matters most is what it is that you require in a partner, and whether he has the goods to deliver it. And once you establish that he lacks what you require—say, sufficient integrity, emotional generosity, dependability, you name it—then, as I suggest, you’ve nailed the really, and sometimes only, relevant diagnosis—the he’s wrong for me! diagnosis.
I understand that a community of people who’ve suffered some of the common indignities inflicted by exploitive personalities can offer one another invaluable support, and I surely don’t mean to devalue the fantastic healing power of this communal process.
But it’s also important to remember, going forward, that we, each of us, needs to take a good, long look in the mirror and take charge of the kind of relationships that dignify us. I maintain that, in a great many cases, when we’re honest with ourselves, we discover, in examining the history of our relationships, that we may have tolerated, overlooked, or denied behaviors and attitudes that, in retrospect, should have been unacceptable to us.
These may have been the behaviors and attitudes of a sociopath, or just a selfish, immature partner; a narcissist, or just an emotionally unavailable, detached boyfriend or girlfriend.
We may have invested a great deal of false, unrealistic hope in the possibility that this person would change; that we could somehow change this person; that this person would somehow, someday, “get it,” wake up, possibly “grow up,” realize and, finally, properly value,what we had to offer him (or her)!
But as so many of us know all too well, this can be a misguided fantasy that leads us into dangerous, compromising investments–investments which can devolve us into protracted, paralyzing resentment of the individual in whom we made this too-long, too-patient and too-compromising investment; and then get hung-up on eviscerating him for his deviance—when all along, maybe more obviously than we ever wanted to admit, we might have recognized that he was the wrong dude for me.
Again, I sincerely don’t mean to minimize the trauma arising from the violating—sometimes the shockingly violating behaviors—of those in whom we’ve invested our trust. And I particularly don’t mean to minimize the pain engendered from the chronically violating behaviors of serial expoiters.
But I do mean to question whether, sometimes, dwelling on any diagnostic cateory, including the sociopathic spectrum category, can distract us from a most important, and, ultimately, liberating achievement, which is to own that sometimes we end up making terrible choices of partners, regardless of their diagnoses—partners incapable of doing us justice, and capable all too often of doing us terrible injustice.
These are partners—whoever they are, and whatever drives their unacceptable behaviors—whom we want to be grateful to be rid of, and whose destructive qualities, in future relationships, we want to seize every opportunity to steer clear of.
(As usual, my use of male gender pronouns in this article is purely for convenience’s sake. Everything discussed in this article applies equally to female perpetrators of deception and exploitation. This article is copyrighted (c) 2010 by Steve Becker, LCSW.)
Dear Spirit 40 (cont’d)
Oh, and Dr. Hare also says to watch the psychopaths hands!
ifinallygotit, What does Dr. Hare say about their hands? Now you’ve got me curious.
Dear Not That Girl
Would like to share some hope with you. I have been completely no contact for 2 mos now. This time I am resolute.
What has helped me the most is writing down every incident where he put me in danger, this kept me from falling back into the dreamy stage, reading lv everyday, and reading a ton of books on the subject: Without Conscience, Snakes in Suits, to name but a few. Also have taken advantage of reading the copious articles on lf, and jotting down more books from lf’s recommended reading. Reading did it for me.
Hang in there, if I can do it anybody can.
All of above, though has helped me to remain in reality and no contact no matter what. Once I accepted that n/c was the only way for me to go, everything became easier.
My life gets much better and easier each day. Much peace to you-
I Finally Got…..
Notthatgirl says:
kim frederick”“how long have you been away from him? what has helped you heal the most? I’d look up your previous comments but it seems you can’t do that on this site.
I took time off for three years from relationships. I then made two bad decisions back to freakin’ back. I was with my longtime friend turned ex-fiance from July 2006-December 2009, and then sociopath from January-August.
I thought he was my angel, the antithesis to the others. I thought he was so pure, trustworthy and innocent. I can never get it right”
I shouldn’t talk like that but it seems to be the reality.
Thanks I finally got the lesson: I already read a few books including Dr Hares.. The Sociopath next door was a better read for me . I also Just read Psychopaths by Blair and Blair and someone… cant remember who .. that one also very text book like and Its just more of the same but thanks for thinking of me… its ironic at the time I found out about the S/N/P I was taking abnormal psych my professor seemed a bit N himself and I did tell him what I was going through I think he thought I was nuts but anyhow He gave me two C’s in his psych classes I am an A/B student… I know I deserved at least a B he told me his ex wife says C’s get degree’s now I know why she was an ex wife LOL…. Its almost a year I am FREE my spirit is coming back! …
I think I get what Dr. Becker is saying. I have to take responsibility in this too. I do.
Jim showed red flags early on. But, he didn’t go away when I told him to. He took advantage of information I gave him. I told him how I was unwilling to go to police about anything because of my ex-boyfriends. The police had been called to my prior house so many times that the police were ready to put me in jail.
I wanted to have a fresh start with the law, in my newer location. Jim took advantage of that. He would barge in my door to scream at me. Or he would openly steal from me. He knew I wouldn’t call, cause I didn’t want to be the problem house in my new community.
Oh, remember that Jim took over my neighbor friends across the street? Well, when my neighbor lady was on vacation, Jim dropped his property in her garage, without her permission. She found this out after traveling home all day. She had to move his shit out of the way to park her vehicle in her garage.
I really believe that Jim is a sociopath, and not just a ‘bad boy’. He had a horrendous childhood.
His dad dropped Jim and his brothers off at campground to camp by themselves while they were still young children. Jim had no protection. Jim’s older brothers tied him up and put him in bathtub to let the faucet slowly drip on his forehead. He was brutalized by his dad and brutalized by his older brothers.
The stories Jim told me about his childhood were so bad that child protective services should have stepped in. But, this was the ’60’s.
I believe Jim is a sociopath. I believe that his mind was so screwed up from his totally fucked up childhood.
He does to every woman what his dad did to his mom.
Apparently your Jim got the worst of both worlds, the genetic and the environmental double whammy…but since you have apparently had experience with more than one psychopath, now you can recognize the RED FLAGS and RUN before you need to call the law. That is the purpose we are all working this hard to protect ourselves. Glad you are here, and glad you too are seeing the “light at the end of the tunnel” (((Hugs))))
One of the things the spath I was married to always said….or portrayed…..was childhood abuse….torture type stuff.
He had stories for everything.
His mother ‘abandoned’ him…..story told was he dropped him and brother off in a basket on the g.parents doorstep. (pretty dramatic….but who was I to question it).
Then…..the step mother…..the pure torture…..the pills, the pinto beans…..withholding the bathroom…..
he’d come in from playing and have to ask to go to bathroom…..smother would say no…..stand in the corner of kitchen…..he’d stand there until peed pants. THEN he said he’d get punished for peeing….
Punishment was he’d have to roll in his urine, as s.mother threw a bag a pinto beans across the linolium floor and he’d have to do laps on his knees across the pinto beans.
THIS WAS HIS STORY…..along with all the christmas presents being stolen by the s. mother…..and going days without food as punishment.?????
WELL>…….as we separated, his family, (who had been split off from us for years…..we wern’t allowed to communicate with them…..
Well….we got in touch….and I asked several family members about this abuse…..they were flabergasted….SHOCKED!
It never happened.
The s. mother said, she could have been a better mother to the boys, but NO physical abuse, spankings…..but NO PINTO BEANS.
The brother (who spath also claimed was abused) also said…..NO, none of that ever happened.
For 28 years I believed a ‘story’ of abuse….I ‘protected’ my kids from their grandparents….and never left them alone with them……because I thought they were abusive…..and no way would I put my kids in that situation.
It was all a lie!
I ‘bonded’ with spath…..on the abuse story.
I also had trauma in my childhood.
Kindred spirits….
He told me his ‘story’ after I shared mine with him… 13!
That story was always on my mind….with every bit of crap he dealt…I excused it with…..well….he’s trying…..
He only knows how to punish and lash out…..
I’m wondering if this is common……or if childhood abuse is a ‘real’ story for most of them?
I think the tough stuff is more likely on the side of they who believe without question than they who lie.
Your story says it all.
New motto: Trust, but verify.
We all lost years. WE don’t have to give up any more.
The common thread is that these bad dudes (and dudettes) told lies for the purpose of gaining sympathy and through it the power to exact abuse and insult.
Again and again, we see and hear that these knuckleheads take hard work and destroy it, good fortune and throw it away, love that is turned into rage for the betrayal.
Any outrageous story is an outrageous story. And an outrageous story sandwiched with charm, seduction and a whirlwind is gonna be bad news.
At least that is what I walk away with.
I think until we accept we were lied to and guessing that the relationship with a liar was an outcome of the kinds of deceptions in early childhood that trained acceptance of unacceptable behavior and extended our boundaries far enough for them to get a foothold in our psyche, was precedant to it, we can’t do the work to recapture our own lives.
And its not pretty stuff.
Trauma bonding with knuckleheads doesn’t fix anything. Even if for that little time when it is so, it makes us feel good.
Like a paper fire….
EB – thanks for sharing this here. hadn’t heard the pity story of your spath before.
well, my ppath tells people that she was raped @....... a young age by a group of ____(insert racial group here) in a _______(insert rural location here) OR under a _______(insert urban location here). now she does this both as ‘herself’ and her multitude of sps (sockpuppets)
now, as the fake boy:
raised by a sexually and physically abusive alcoholic father who pimped him out to his to pay drug and gambling debts, and who personally raped and beat him repeatedly
was cast out by said father
sexually used by his sister from the age of 6 or 8 or something, until 21 by which point it was participation(i might barf before i finish this list)
was pimped out to his later boy friends father
lived with a man fro 7 years in a strict 24/7 dom/sub relationship, who withheld medical care, who tortured him and almost killed him once.
was stalked online by his boy friend’s sister
was under threat of being used by his ex (dead) partners cronies, but was barely rescued
was abused in the name of the church
was locked up in a tiny crawlspace by dead ex as punishment for transgressions- for days at a time, denied his medication
…and more. of course, always more.
you know what i think? they pull this crap from movies, books and urban legends. they keep using WHATEVER WORKS. its the thing, always going for the ‘win.’
NEVER thought i would trauma bond to anyone ever again. sigh. if the little knucklehead didn’t laugh so much i don’t think i ever would have. THAT combo was just too much for me. if ‘he’ had been all dour it wouldn’t have worked on me. I was LOOKING for nobility and humour.
i am going to go scrub my mind out with lye now, and get ready for work.
it’s only been a year and a half of my life, and yet it has been so intense and difficult. 28 years – you must be SOME pissed.
One Step,
Sps, that’s pretty funny. How did he/she keep all that crap straight? Must have had some cheat sheets when doing the damage on the internet. Cliff notes, maybe note cards with all the ‘facts’ written on them. Those sps really messed with you in deep ways. How about you draw faces of all the dupes on your socks and put them in a big fire, roast some marshmallows and weiners and purge the sps from your life. Might be good for healing, heck, at this point I’d dance naked in the street if it would help me feel better.
Boy, he had some major issues. He is the lie, no doubt about it. Mine didn’t have abuse stories about his youth, his childhood was straight out of Mayberry. That’s what he likes to think. He can’t see any parts of his life as ‘imperfect’, sort of goes with the narcissism. In reality there were addiction issues in his family and an aloofness, kind of like exclusionary to certain people. If we had birthdays with my family as well as his, they wouldn’t talk to my family, or me. It was always the in-laws that I connected with. One brother has debiltating anxiety, one is an alcoholic, one married an alcoholic, sister married into alcoholism, other sister seems ok. Dad, probably an alcoholic at the end of his life. He sees his childhood through rose colored glasses.
I am amazed by your strength, he could have taken so much more from you EB, his lies could have been your demise but you prevailed. For 28 years you bought into a false reality and it probably contributed to your getting sick. Your strength is so admirable, you not only endured the brain washing, you back-spathed the spath! Very cool! It’s insidious, what they do. I am finally finding some of my inner strength and I hope to find that I have a backbone and it’s not made of rubber. You are inspiring!