When is history predictive of future behavior? Who can change? Who will change? Can sociopaths change? What is meaningful versus unmeaningful change?
I would argue that history is most predictive of future behavior when the mindset of the individual—especially the motivational mindset of the individual—remains static. By this I mean that short of a radicalized mindset, one can assume that the individual’s historical behaviors and attitudes will not change, at least not meaningfully.
So motivation goes directly to the question who is likely, or unlikely, to make changes in historical behavior patterns. One must ask, what is the individual’s motivation to change previous behavior?
This isn’t always easy to answer for several reasons—one, we can disguise our motives; also, we can want to believe that someone’s stated motive is their true motive, when it isn’t (sometimes against our better judgement). Plus, as change-intenders, we can also deceive ourselves about our own motives, further complicating the task of ascertaining the true motive(s) behind an intended change.
In the case of the sociopath, we can be quite sure of this: His motives will be self-serving (which alone isn’t necessarily a fatal problem). What makes the problem “fatal” is that the sociopath’s motives will be exclusively self-serving. Sure, he may be motivated to please you, but it will be, exclusively, to benefit himself (from his pleasing you).
This means the sociopath won’t be looking genuinely to benefit you with his change, but rather, principally (if not entirely) himself.
And so sociopaths, if motivated enough, can make changes. But one can’t stress enough that their motives to change will be shallow. Now it may not look like this on the surface—that is, a slick sociopath can seem to want to change with convincing, genuine intent. But eventually, often much too late for his partner, the underlying, dominating self-centeredness of his agenda will surface.
This is a fancy way of reminding ourselves that the sociopath is manifestly out for himself; thus any changes he endeavors will be pursued with the aim to protect and advance his interests, his gratifications; not yours.
Let’s consider the case of the abusive personality—more specifically, someone with a significant history as a serial emotional, if not physical, abuser. Can this individual change? And, if so, under what circumstances?
If he’s a sociopath, we have our answer—no. The sociopathic abuser is a flat-out hopeless case; he will never stop his abuse in a permanent, reliable way. The reason why is that he’s lacking an essential motivation: to want, genuinely, to cease his role as a cause of his partner’s suffering.
In the sociopath’s case, he lacks this motivation permanently because, basically, he lacks love and empathy for his partner. This is the sociopath’s essential defect—his incapacity to love and empathize maturely. He is primitively, functionally deficient in this respect. Consequently, he has no intrinsic incentives to sacrifice himself meaningfully (including to make meaningful changes), especially in the long-term, for others.
Can the sociopath cease his abuse temporarily? Yes, if the short-term incentives are strong enough. The sociopathic abuser can sometimes suspend his abuse just long enough to recapture what he wants (like renewed sexual attentions), or just long enough to avoid losing what he’s unprepared to lose (like a doting partner who makes his life convenient in many ways).
But bear in mind the shelf-life for his changes will be temporary; also, i think it bears repeating, these changes will be driven to improve his, not your, sense of security and comfort.
Conversely, where you have an abusive individual who is capable of feeling love and empathy for his partner, it is possible that he may reach a point of recognition that he no longer wants to be a cause, through his abuse, of his partner’s suffering. This is where the kernel of hope lies and where the work begins–from the recognition that one can no longer justify, or rationalize, being a source of suffering to another. However this requires a capacity to empathize; and where one feels love, as well as empathy, for one’s victims, then one has a chance to begin to work through one’s abusiveness.
Unfortunately chronic abusiveness is often associated with, and supported by, a highly narcissistic mindset, in which capacities for mature love and empathy are limited. This explains why it is often very difficult to treat successfully chronic relationship abusers.
(This article is copyrighted © 2010 by Steve Becker, LCSW. My use of male gender pronouns is strictly for convenience’s sake and not to suggest that females aren’t capable of the attitudes and behaviors discussed.)
Thank you OX Drover. It’s only prayer and God’s grace that has kept my sanity. There were days that I literally didn’t want to go on with my life. The only thing that gave me hope were my children. I just didn’t want to see them motherless. (Even though the sociopath had already began having my 2 year old child, call his then girlfriend, now soon to be exwife, “mommy.”)
I guess I really don’t see a true “hiding” place from all of this. I don’t see him ever stopping or giving up. Just today, I arrived home with a ton of court papers filed. It really deflated my mood, and the stress of it all surfaced once again. If I concede, then he gets a heightened sense of success, and he comes back full speed ahead. If I go on the offense, then I’m in over my head in more attorney fees, but it does keep him at bay — at least for a little while. fortunately, the fight is only over money — I was awarded attorney fees for the sociopath taking me to all three levels of court — even the Supreme Court for my state.
He, of course, doesn’t want to pay. I don’t care about the money. I just want him to focus on the money, so that he won’t start up again to take my son. I know that this strategy is just buying me time, and only a little at that.
Dear imstillstanding,
Sounds like you do have a strategy though, and that is important that you keep that GOAL in your cross hairs! Your son is the most important thing and while money may be important too, it doesn’t compare to your kid.
If you keep the jerk focused on the $$$ then maybe he will leave your son alone. Or possibly you can “buy” him off by telling him “Hey, leave my kid alone and I’ll forget the money” but GET IT IN WRITING, don’t trust him. But sometimes that works, and sometimes not.
Just love your baby and give him all the love you can and hopefully the X will get bored! Keep on praying and do your best to see the lessons in all this perversity. Sometimes that isn’t easy. Today is one of those days for me, and I’m having to work harder than usual on it but learning to trust and depend on God instead of myself has been one of the exercises for me I think. “Tribulation worketh patience” and I’ve prayed for patience—AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW! LOL God bless ((hugs)))
Why me,
I relate to you when you said something about you felt like you where reading too much about n’s and p’s and that you didn’t belong here. I came here months ago and stopped for the same reasons you stated. I also understand the overwhelming anxiety. I have spent much time just surviving the anxiety. The anxiety is lifting as I come to except reality for the horror it has been for 22 years. Also, as I except it hasn’t been me like I thought it was.
Dear Oxy and all of you,
I can identify 100 per cent with everything Oxy has said in her latest post.I spent my whole childhood trying to placate and make my Mum happy, I thought it was MY job to do this. I was also brainwashed lke Oxy to believe I came last, and I had to be nice and kind to everyone, “keep the peace”, etc, so see now I was prime spath bait. Ive been in a very strange state of mind today re my younger spath Daughter,{now 44.} She is the control freak narcissist,-Ive never once been allowe d to meet any of her 3 children.The oldest boy is now 14, the girl 11, and the baby is 2 yrs.I thought the grief of not seeing my GKids would literally kill me, it was like having my entrails pulled out and twisted!
Im now more resigned re all this but now I am so ANGRY with her, but mostly with myself for allowing he r to pull all of this shiat for so long! I have to go easy on myself, after all I only found LF in May or June 2009, up till then I had no clue about gaslighting, projection, mirroring, Cluster B disorders, Narcs, Socios,the whole box and dice.
The anger and rage and sadness is overwhelming at times,
it comes over me in huge waves, a bit like waves of the sea breaking over my head, but I know I have to ride out the storm and keep moving, and keep learning!And forgive myself for my ignorance, and for being HUMAN!
As a small kid the second spath D. was cute, funny, smart, witty, but bossy, controlling, a liar, very manipulative,could twist her daddy round her pinky finger.
The other one was passive shy, no confidence, quiet, good grades at school, etc, but when she hit Puberty all hell broke loose! she turne into a foul mouthed, violent,drinking, boy crazy scary biatch, and neither I nor her dad could control her. her grades dropped from straight “A”s to zero in months.I blamed the punk group shed gotten into but I now see she was one of the WORST in the group!
Havent seen C in 17 years, or other spath in nearly 2 years. and I still have guilt,{misplaced, implanted by my Mum, “never ever give up on your kids”}Well, my dear dead Mum, I HAVE given up. they are sick, twisted, selfish
horrible lying, controlling, cruel,hard biatches.They have ZERO love for me, and prob havent had any love for me since Puberty if not before.I gave and gave and forgave and gave some more for years and years. I see now the more I gave the more they despised me.
Today is a hard day for me, but tomorrow will be better.
Love, Mama Gem.XX
Please help me, guys. Ive been crying off and on all day.
I dont usually have a pity party. Its like all these years of abuse, cruelty,disdain, callousness, lies, con tricks,yada yada from my spath daughters has FINALLY really hit home. Big time. The pain is unbelievable. I now realise that my denial for so many years was protection from this pain. I know I have to go thru it, not under it or around it.
And Im so MAD at myself for allowing it for years and years, allowing the false guilt of leaving their abusive alcoholic dad to let them turn me into a huma n pretzel. I cant escape this pain and anger and FURY and grief, its
TERRIBLE but I know I must and will get thru it, and get over it.Its like I really thought I knew how bitchy they were but kept on making excuses for them.NO MORE!
Im so mad that they are prob telling their kids what a horrible person I am and thats why they have to be protected from this Bad Granny. ALL LIES!! And I cant ever get to see these kids and let them see what Im really like!WHEN o when does their bad karma kick in?
This too shall pass.Mama gem.
Saying a prayer for you, Mama Gem. I’m sorry the sadness and grief has got ya. Wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. It isn’t fair, but we have to live with the cards we’re dealt.
I know it’s hard when your up to your neck in dispair, but it helps me to write a gratitude list, and then say thanks to God for my blessings. It kind of reorients your psyche…then maybe read some stuff on “letting go.”
Like I said, I’m holding you in my prayers, today.
Thank you so much, Kimmie. That means a lot to me. You, Oxy, EB and ALL of you are an inspiration.Just when you think your over it and you have it licked, another wave of grief, pain and sadness and anger engulf you.Will it ever end?I KNOW I have so much to be grateful for, but these were my CHILDREN! I feel like King Lear, who was betrayed by his children. “On sharper than a serpents tooth it ito have an ungrateful child.”I suppose all this pain must mean something, maybe Im starting to proces all of this.I think its in a way WORSE than a spath lover or husband or wife, to have 2 spath children!Thanks again, Im sure tomorrow will be better. Love, and HUGS, Mama gem.XXX
Darlen, I’m sorry your riding the wave of grief today.
Calm seas are coming…..I assure you.
It is a rollercoaster, but we need to take the sharp turns to get to the straight aways which are less ‘jerky’ of a journey.
I’m not so sure it’s ever ‘licked’……I think feelings will always remain, but ‘fade’ over time. As long as we do confront them head on.
Managing grief is a mystery. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and make certain you have an eye on where your going. Stay focused on the ‘good’ in your life, you have a lot to be grateful for.
Go give him a big love and hold him tight.
Pain does mean progress…..processing is important.
Write it out….uncensored….just write.
This helps me.
When done…..cried out……put it away and you can revisit it another time and see your growth. Each day offeres growth. We just don’t notice it.
Take care of yourself and dont own THEIR actions.
Dear Gem,
Darling, I think that TIDAL WAVE of grief and anger that finally hits us and rolls us over and over making us feel like we are drowning is the thing that ultimately WASHES US CLEAN.
It sweeps all the carp and bitterness and hurt away. Tears down all the stuff we have errected to keep us “safe” hiding behind it.
The thing I think is the greatest thing about the Bible is that no matter WHAT you are experiencing you know that there is a story there to tell you that GOD KNOWS how we feel.
It wasn’t just ANYONE of the psychopaths that betrayed Jesus, it was his FRIEND, the man who had been with him for three years, had shared everything with Him, who had SEEN with his own eyes Jesus feed the multitudes, seen Jesus heal the sick and the blind, SEEN all these wonderful things that Jesus did, HEARD HIS WORDS OF LOVE, and then the sorry joker SOLD Jesus for the price of a common slave. Knowing he was selling him not into slavery but into the THE MOST HORRIBLE DEATH by crucifiction.
I don’t know if Judus, Jesus’ beloved friend was a psychopath or not, but he sure wasn’t much of a friend. Toward the end at least, at the last supper we know Jesus knew what was going to happen, but still HOW SAD IT MUST HAVE MADE HIM to know that his “friend” was going to betray him.
Look at Sampson and Delilah and the story of his betrayal….boy was SHE a psychopath! a betrayer!
Darling, Gem, sure it HURTS when those we love betray us, and the MORE WE LOVE, THE MORE IT HURTS! But you are NOT alone, you are NOT destitute of love entirely, and this is NOT something you could have changed. No matter what you did it wasn’t somethin you could fix.
Go through that pain, feel it, grieve it, and then darling you don’t have to watch out for me with my skillet, cause you have our darling Angel New Lily up there and she will GET YOU if you don’t chirp up! (((Hugs)))) and my prayers for you darling. I am crying with you! ((((love Oxy))))
RE; Gaslighting
Sociopath 101 Example of Gaslighting
“but I DID apologize and still recieved hateful things said by this blog. For you all to be caring people, you can sure make a person feel bad.”