Last week Dr. Liane Leedom wrote about the tragic case Dr. Amy Castillo, whose children were murdered by their psychopathic father after several judges issued rulings that failed to protect them. I hope this terrible and extreme case will be a wake-up call for family courts.
Lovefraud frequently receives e-mail from men and women involved in child custody disputes with sociopaths, who hopefully, are not murderers. Here is one of them:
I am involved in a custody case with a sociopath, however, my case is being fought in Europe where I recently relocated to (I am American, he is European). After being the sole caregiver of my children for five years, I had no choice but to leave them with their father and return to the States. When we separated he took their passports and left the country for a year. It was NOT possible to obtain new passports for children without BOTH parents’ signatures.
By the end of that year my financial situation was desperate and I had no choice. I came back to the States, got myself back on my feet and recently I started my own company as a Virtual Assistant, allowing me to work anywhere in the world. While in the States I came back to Europe every six to eight weeks to visit my children. Well one month ago, I relocated back to Europe to live and continue my fight for custody of my children.
The court case had already been ongoing since January and in typical sociopath style he has lied and forged documents. Even so, my ex was recently given sole custody (temporarily while custody is decided) and that I must pay him 900 euros (around $1,300 USD a month!). As if that could not be bad enough, he sends me on a regular basis (the most recent being today) faxes full of lies and accusations that he then turns around and uses as evidence in his court case!!! Furthermore, I do NOT have 900 euros a month to give him. I just relocated and started my own business and this is a real slap in the face with all of the financial damage he has done to me as well as my credit in the U.S.
I have fired my attorneys and hired the best Custody/Family attorney where I live. He has been in practice for 30 years and not lost a case! Also he is known to be a very strong and tough attorney. I wish I would have had him in the beginning. So with this I feel confidence.
The reason I am writing is because although I have a very positive outlook and feel that I am a strong person, as I know that most of you can agree, it is very difficult dealing with a sociopath. When I receive these horrible faxes my stomach just drops and it can make me feel very anxious for hours after. So now I have stopped reading them at all. I do not know what I am looking for by sending this email. I think I just need the support of knowing there are others out there going through the same things as me and that this is manageable and that I will make it through. I would greatly appreciate hearing what others have done in a situation like this. Thank you.
Like most parents fighting a custody battle with a sociopath, this woman faces a difficult times. Below are some general suggestions about child custody and sociopaths.
Get him or her to walk away
If your ex is a sociopath, at best, he or she will be a lousy parent. At worst, he or she will intentionally try to damage your children. Therefore, if at all possible, it may be best to cut the sociopath out of your children’s lives.
You may want to consider offering the sociopath an incentive to walk away. Tell the sociopath to give up parental rights, and he or she won’t have to pay any child support. You may feel that you need the child support payments, but chances are that you’ll never get the money, or it will always be a struggle to get it. The money isn’t worth having the predator in your family’s life. Figure out a way to support your children without it.
Sometimes this works—there are sociopaths who care more about money than kids. But many times it doesn’t, because the sociopath considers children to be possessions. Or, the sociopath just wants to win the battle with you, and destroy you in the process. In those cases, you’ll end up in court.
Tactics in custody battles
I am forever grateful that I never had children with my sociopathic ex-husband. I avoided the most tragic of circumstances involving these predators—a child custody battle. Therefore, the suggestions I make below come from my research and what Lovefraud readers have told me.
If you’re fighting a custody battle with a sociopath, here are some tactics to follow:
1. Document, document, document.
Keep a journal of everything that happens. Often, the craziness is so intense that you don’t want to remember what happens. Your journal will be important when you need to tell a cohesive story of what has been going on with the sociopath, especially if you need to tell it long after events have transpired. Save every scrap of paper, every e-mail, every fax, every receipt. Develop a way of organizing the information, whether chronological, or by topic. Keep copies in a safe place.
2. Have witnesses
It is best not to deal with the sociopath alone; every interaction then becomes he said/she said. Have a trusted friend or relative present during child exchanges or other interactions as much as you can. You may even want to consider tape recording and videotaping some of what goes on.
3. Get your own information
Do not allow the sociopathic parent to control information about your children. Make sure you get information directly from schools, doctors and others.
4. Hire an aggressive, competent attorney
Child custody cases with sociopaths are not normal cases. The sociopath will not play by the rules. Your attorney must understand this. The sociopath will lie in court, although his or her performance will appear heartfelt, like he or she is “just concerned with the welfare of the children.” The sociopath will make outrageous accusations. The sociopath is also likely to retain an attorney who is also sociopathic. Therefore, your attorney must be up for the challenge.
5. Do not allow lies to become part of the court record
Sociopaths lie. Sociopaths lie convincingly. You cannot allow unchallenged lies to become part of the court records. Once they are, they take on the aura of truth, and put you in a very bad position. Some lies, like accusations of child abuse, may haunt you forever.
6. Be cautious in stating that your ex is, in fact, a sociopath
Unfortunately, many judges really do not understand what this means to the welfare of a child. Like the general public, many judges equate “sociopath” with “serial killer,” and may consequently believe that you are overreacting. So it may not be in your best interest to prove that he or she is a sociopath. Focus on proving the behavior.
7. Stay calm in court
You must present a calm, professional image when you go to court, even as the sociopath lies. Do not allow the sociopath to make you emotional. The sociopath will accuse you of being unstable, and you will prove it by your behavior in court. Keep your emotions in check, at least in front of the judge.
8. Make sure court orders are explicit
Insist on detailed court orders. The order should not say, “parent has visitation every other weekend.” It should specify exactly which weekends, starting at what times, returning at what times, who is responsible for transporting children, who is responsible for bathing and feeding them—everything must be spelled out in detail. If there is any ambiguity, the sociopath will exploit it.
9. Make the sociopath abide by court orders
If the sociopath fails to honor the orders, do not cut him or her any slack. Record any violation. Call the police if necessary. Continue to document everything that happens, because you may need to go to court again. If you ever decide that you need to cut the sociopath out of the child’s life, you’ll need evidence to do it.
10. Take care of yourself
You will need all your resources to deal with the sociopath. Therefore, make healthy decisions in your own life. Eat right, avoid drugs and alcohol, get enough sleep, exercise and develop a support network. In order to care for your children, you must care for yourself.
Post your suggestions
I previously reviewed the book, Win Your Child Custody War, on the Lovefraud Blog. This book is full of information that may help you, from how to gather documentation to how to hire an attorney and private investigator.
If Lovefraud readers have any more suggestions that may be helpful to others involved in custody battles with sociopaths, please post it in comments below.
Hi! I am new here and a little hesitant in posting. But I am in desperate need of support and help. My ex-husband is without a doubt, a sociopath. We married almost thirteen years ago. During that time he has had multiple affairs, pretended to go to college, lied about money, sex, you name it, he has lied about it. He was a master at making me believe that everything he did was a result of something I caused. I never reaalized it until I confided in a friend about his last affair and suddenly found myself telling her everything. She couldn’t believe I had stayed with him as long as I had–to me, leaving, was never an option. She, and others that I finally confided in, gave me the strength to walk away.
We have two children together. I thought that his visitation with them would be fine. I knew I would be sad while they were gone, but knew the reality of divorce and that it was more than likely he would receive some visitation. However, the minute he found out I had filed for divorce, the games began ten-fold. And he decided to use the thing I care about most in the world, to destroy me–my children.
It began with small things–bringing them around the new girlfriend, subtle lies about me, and has grown huge–pornography, sex abuse, and more and more lies. My youngest daughter has disclosed sex abuse and has begun displaying aggressive sexual behavior. My older child has reported pornography and can even show me where on the internet to go to see exactly what their dad is showing them. However, child services refuses to believe my daughter or son. They claim that I am a mad ex-wife and that I am simply trying to get back at him. I have gone to court twice now and received two different protective orders. However, after child services meet with my ex, they always believe him and say that I am lying.
I am at a loss as to what to do. My kids have to again go back with him next week. Emotionally, I have been able to remain fairly stable and have found that I can separate myself from the pain when my children are with him by filling it with new friendships (mostly with men 🙂 ) and things like shopping and cleaning. However, I know that I cannot do this forever. My kids will not survive the pain. Especially my daughter who has been sexually and mentally abused so severely.
I need a new lawyer, I know that, but I am not sure where to find one who will believe me. I am also thinking about a private investigator, but again, I am not sure about it. I am really just going in circles; I am sure he is enjoying it. Right before I asked him to leave our house for good, he told me, “I married you because I met you and you were successful and had a great family, and I wanted to do everything I could to destroy you.” He continues on his quest and I cannot let my children fall as a result of it.
If anyone has any advice or practical suggestions, please let me know. I, and my children, are in counseling for domestic violence and sex abuse. While it has helped, I need more. I need to know that I can triumph over such evil.
The one bright side in all of this, is that my children who are quite young, are already recognizing who he is. They both know he lies and that he can’t be trusted. The downside to this is that they are court ordered to spend time with him. I just don’t know how to get justice for my kids. Please, any suggestion will be appreciated.
Mkar, I want to welcome you to LF and to offer my support and encouragement to you to keep on fighting to prevent the ongoing abuse of your children. Heartbreaking to read your post. I have no experience of the US family courts or of coparenting with a sociopath but MANY members of the community do, you’ll find many articles in the archive and hundreds of relevant comments; keep reading and posting Mkar glad to have you with us ; stay strong,and take care x
Tea Light:
Are you still going on your Easter trip to see your friend?
Lou I’m meant to leave Monday for a week but how can I am crying nonstop since the call can’t eat wrote 3 letters to his wife asking her to make him stop took valium went to bed at 2pm woke up at 7pm an hour ago I’m so ill and weak and unhappy how can I inflict myself on my friend in this state ((hug))
Welcome to lovefraud!I wish none of us needed to be here,but I’m so thankful for the understanding and support I’ve found!
I’m confused about something.If you and your children are in counseling for domestic violence and sex abuse,then WHY won’t child services BELIEVE YOU and the CHILDREN?!The very fact that you’re there for that reason should be proof that the matter needs to atleast be investigated!Are you being counseled at a domestic violence shelter?That’s where I got my counseling.They seem to care more and do their best to help you get through the courts and ‘get on your feet’.In the meantime,read as much as possible here,as well as post~because the validation will strengthen you!
Tea Light,
I’m so sorry you’re going through this nightmare!Is there a friend there where you live that you can be with?!I just don’t think you need to be alone at a time like this!!!That monster!
I understand you don’t want to be like this when you leave Monday.Have you been able to change your number?Is there ANYTHING that you could do that would make you feel better?Perhaps put on some of your favorite music,watch some good movies or go for a walk.Sometimes sleeping or crying too much only makes you feel worse.Maybe you need to go to the gym and work your feelings out on a punching bag! ((( hugs )))
Tea Light:
I’m so sorry. You need to go on your trip. You will feel better once you go and get out of there. It helped me a lot when I went on my trip even though that is where I found out he was still connected to her. If I was at home when that happened, it would have been way worse. So go. You will feel better…you will. Plus, you said your friend needs you so go and support him. Much love to you. x
Blossom ((hug)) I am using the new sim now that my provider sent me for free when I told them I was being harassed. So the thing cannot call me.It’s late here now, past 10pm, it is hard being alone tonight I admit. I won’t see anyone tonight I’m exhausted and most of my friends have young children and will be asleep now. But I have my friends here and i’m deeply grateful for you. I’m feeling so ashamed Blossom,so contaminated by that thing. He frightens me. Love to you, you’re such a kind and positive presence for us x
Tea light,
Thank you for feeling that way about me.No need to feel ashamed.You’ve been through trauma.Remember,IT WANTS you to feel contaminated.So treat yourself like a princess and feel good about yourself.Let IT dwell in the swamp while you build yourself up.Think good thoughts.Think about your vacation and about getting away!
Tea, I second that comment about Blossom. But you are a positive presence also. Your posts are always thoughtful and measured. Sorry to read you are suffering. My heart goes out to you. Don’t give up. Don’t let him win. Spaths want to slime us, to quote a well loved friend. You can’t allow this. Fight, fight, fight.
Bam! Sock his vile memory right in the gut. Sending you strong, fiercely protective hugs. You are a good person. He is a spineless amoeba