Editor's Note: This letter to lovefraud was submitted by a woman who was born in Germany of Turkish heritage, who now lives in London, England. We'll call her "Ozgur Ruh." She calls her ex-husband "Evil". I met my ex -- "Evil" -- on the internet back in 2012. He was a captain and was working in Liverpool, UK. My first thoughts was this guy can be only a friend I was not attracted to him at all. Then he started to call me very often and things just took off. I am 42 now, had one failed marriage when I was very young. I was not looking for love, I was only talking to guys. Big mistake. Anyway he proposed on 1st of April -- what a joke! I thought I was falling in love. He lived in Turkey an …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 3 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." Read Part 1 and Part 2. One day he told me that I was crazy and that I had to see a psychiatrist. So I went. When I told him what my life was like and what had been happening the man said: “You don't have to be a psychiatrist to see what is happening. You have to leave this man. People in concentration camps were depressed. You are living in a concentration camp. If you don't leave him, you will become chronically depressed and then what will happen to your children?” At that time I started to think about leaving. Before, I didn't want my children to come from a broken home. Now I rea …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 3 of 3Read More
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath: Part 1 of 4
This is going to be a 1 of 3 or 4 type post, maybe for the month of June. Yea, June is financial month. Just as a sneak peak, I think I will go ahead and give the run down of events. Week 1: Running a Business with a Sociopath Week 2: The Downfall of a Business with a Sociopath Week 3: Preparing for Divorce Week 4: Divorce and Aftermath Running a Business with a Sociopath My parents taught me really good money handling skills. Ya know, the basics that we don't learn in school: Make money, like work, and then tithe 10%, save 10% and then don't spend more than what your bills are. Seems PRETTY easy. I got a job when I was 16 and have had one ever since, well until now, but we'll save th …
Let’s Talk Financials with a Sociopath: Part 1 of 4Read More
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 2 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." Read Part 1. Starting the business was very expensive. We went to the bank for a loan, but he wasn't able to get one, as he was blacklisted by every bank in the country. I had to cosign a loan so that he was able to pay for his debts to the bank. Now that problem was dealt with, we were able to start a business being equal shareholders and equally responsible for everything. I told him that this was something that we would work for until our retirement and that in a year, he couldn't change his mind or be fed up with it. He agreed, but he kept expressing his doubts about me. He felt that …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 2 of 3Read More
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 1 of 3
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader in Belgium, whom we'll call "Enora." I had always considered myself to be an intelligent and confident woman. I had the college degrees and the high profile job to prove that. I was making very good money and people looked up to me. I was working in Brussels, at the top of the Belgian political establishment and in my hometown, I was elected as the president of the social welfare department, which was the second most important job in the city, next to the mayor. I had been single for a year, after leaving a bad relationship with an alcoholic. Working was my way of trying to forget my loneliness and the fact that, at age 31, …
The sociopath has changed me and I will never be the same: Part 1 of 3Read More
Poem artfully describes sociopathic manipulation
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following poem from a reader whom we'll call "Chandra." She says, "My poem is an expression of how it feels to discover all the lies, remembering the well-applied pressure, and sometimes the fear of of living with a sociopath." Origami They start with the basic material. Find the right size and shape. With the right texture and resistance. Then, the adjustments start. The first folds, as important as any others to follow, carefully considered and made. A few more folds. Both large and small, then turn it around. Pressing those folds in firmly, so they take. Adjustments made, worked into the piece, rather than wrong folds taken back. Turn it around. Fold …
The Opposite of the Sociopath is the Libertarian
By John Hunt, MD All who read Lovefraud.com know that sociopaths lie, cheat and steal, manipulate, control, defraud. Sociopaths seek out positions of power over others. The low functioning sociopath does this on a small scale—just ruining the life of an unsuspecting spouse, perhaps. The high functioning sociopath does this on a much grander scale, perhaps through the political system—ruining a country. Sociopaths seek power. What better way to accomplish this than through politics? Think how much politicians have to lie to get elected. It is hard for a good person to get elected, in part because they don't lie well. Sociopaths lie with practiced ease and no guilt. They concentrate themselves …
Going Back to My Roots
My divorce papers finalized recently and my name was changed back to my maiden name. I found myself signing my maiden name a couple times today and smiled. I smiled because for some reason my maiden name means something to me. It symbolizes who I really am. Not because a name makes someone who they are, but because of who I was when I was that name. Being with a sociopath for more than 10 years made me into a person that I was not; a person that I did not want to be. I lost myself. Every time I sign my maiden name or someone asks me my name, I feel relieved to respond because I feel like I am stating over and over again who I really am, not who I became. There is much to talk about and …
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!
Lovefraud has followed the story of Mischele Lewis, of Florence Township, N.J., who fought back against William Allen Jordan, an bigamist and international con man. Jordan is now serving time for fraud. After reading media coverage about her plight (the original story was written by Donna Andersen for the Daily Mail), New Jersey Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, wrote a bill to make "sex by deception" illegal. Yesterday, Mischele was on the cover of the Philadelphia Daily News, interviewed for a story about the bill. Here it is: Watch out, lovers who lie! Sexual assault by deception could become a criminal offense, on Philly.com. Will Allen Jordan, aka Will Allen, on L …
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!Read More
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usual
Last week five big international banks were found guilty of rigging international currency markets and fined $5.5 billion. The very next day, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued the banks waivers from automatic punishment so they could continue business as usual. SEC Commissioner Kara M. Stein did not agree with letting the banks off the hook and issued a scathing dissent. The banks UBS, Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and the Royal Bank of Scotland had already been granted a total of 23 waivers after previous wrongdoing. Bank traders actually met in an online chat room called "The Cartel" or "The Mafia" and conspired to rig rates. The scheme ran for years. According …
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usualRead More