Editor's note: Following is Part 3 of a series of letters sent by a Lovefraud reader, whom we'll call "Grace18." Other names are also changed. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4. Maybe my story will help a mother....a daughter.....a sister. I have become a parking lot preacher, when young people take out my grocery cart. Holding onto them for five min. or so and asking them if they are going onto college.....what they are studying...if they plan on leaving this small "no hope" county? I talk to myself w/in all day long....then, when I can no longer bear the silence, I try to write to my oldest, Juliann, on a msg....or my youngest on email. I never hear from Juliann of course....and …
My heart breaks for my three beautiful daughters who are no longer part of my life – Part 3Read More