I wrote an article not long ago about settling on a name for the personality disorder that we spend our time here talking about. I suggested using “sociopath” as a general term for exploitative people. Many of us have taken to shortening this term to “spath.”
Well, a Lovefraud reader “Justdreamin” informs us that “spath” is taken. She saw it on a flower pot, and sent us the photos.
It turns out that “spath” is a shortened version of “spathiphyllum,” which is the botanical name for the peace lilly, a common houseplant.
We might have to come up with a new name. If I were a beautiful peace lily, I wouldn’t want to share a name with the nasty predators.
Hens we got rains yesterday (which we needed!) but it got cold and windy, and some part of th state got 70+ M PH striahgt line winds that blew down trees and barns and houses…
I VOTE FOR SUPER CHICK….I never have liked that self-knocking shabby chic it denotes to me someone who is poor trying to appear uppity by wearing torn or old things, but even still, looks good in them.
Well you know I pretty much refused to call you Shabby, but mostly CHIC. So I vote for getting rid of the SHABBY part of the name and SUPER CHIC OR CHICK either one is fine with me!
I think the “shabby” part of your name is a downer and that you labled yourself DOWN so toss the down part and keep the up part! I don’t even like people changing their names, but yours NEEDS CHANGING IN MY NOT SO HUMBLE OPINION!!!!! ((((HUGS))))
You said you boyfriend is into investigating the spaths on the political/global level. So is my husband. But I’m doing it here on the more personal level. The point I’m getting at is: When my husband starts talking about all the shit he is uncovering, sometimes it’s too much for me to hear as I’m doing my own stuff. It can really get to me and get me depressed/down about the world.
I told him I will ask for your bf email so he can discuss this with him cause I can’t take no more! If he tries to discuss it with his brothers or others they think he is NUTS. But, I have to tell him I can’t listen to this right now, it just gets toooooo much attention on spaths all over. Do you know what I mean?
oh my
Are you a troublemaker?:) Here goes…
Smitty (as in smith & wesson)
Gracie(Grace for us on LF)
As she puts her gun on the counter and says: Whadcha say?
Ox, if I had any doubts… you have erased them!!
I sure don’t want to be a downer, I’m trying to stay away from that!
There is already someone on here who has the name “carriesguns” and that is the only one I would have besides Ox Drover….because you know it takes a HALE OF A WOMAN to take a switch the size of a number two pencil and take over control of 4,000 pounds of steers and boss’em around or raise an ADHD child and get him to adulthood alive.
So I think I’ll just keep my name, as far as I know I’m the only female ox drover in the state of Arkansas and probably in the south US.
oh my
good morning,
No Hens, she’s not shabby any more. BTW, she never was, she was just feeling shabby.
She is Super Chic. You can call her Super, or you can call her Chic, Chicky or Chick or SC, but she’s not shabby!
Hens – I like the name Ox. It’s a big/strong name and signifies a mighty staying power.
I picture Ox on her horse riding out on a ranch in some outback, hair blowing in the wind, dust on her brow, lasso swishing above her head, shouting yeeeeehaaaaaa to a load of cattle ((((((laughing))))))
oh my