I wrote an article not long ago about settling on a name for the personality disorder that we spend our time here talking about. I suggested using “sociopath” as a general term for exploitative people. Many of us have taken to shortening this term to “spath.”
Well, a Lovefraud reader “Justdreamin” informs us that “spath” is taken. She saw it on a flower pot, and sent us the photos.
It turns out that “spath” is a shortened version of “spathiphyllum,” which is the botanical name for the peace lilly, a common houseplant.
We might have to come up with a new name. If I were a beautiful peace lily, I wouldn’t want to share a name with the nasty predators.
Eva, I see what you mean. It’s much harder to deal with the pedantic frauds than with the pedantic intellectuals. Because with the pedantic intellectuals at least you can offer intellectual content. With the pedantic frauds, you don’t really know what to offer. The intellectual fraud category is so broad, it can be almost anything. Plus, since what the frauds say doesn’t make sense, you don’t even know what you’re supposed to regurgitate back to them on the test. I feel for you!
Thanks Claudia. I’m done with pedantic people in general but those that are pedantic without knowledge are the limit of the lack of shame and of bad taste.
These pedantics are even worse than people with money, more unbearable.
Eva, I completely agree with you. That’s part of why I’m glad I left the academia (following the disaster with the psychopath) to become a full-time writer. To use a pedantic phrase (as a joke), I prefer to eschew obfuscation!
😀 yes, pure pedantry, Claudia. I’ve known these type of pedantics. But the bug is not exactly pedantic, because he lacks too much knowledge and too much talent. His case is shocking, not that there are no other arrogant intellectuals also quite unpleasant. He’s the limit but i’m going to avoid pure intellectual too from now on 🙂
At the end i’m going to avoid almost everybody…
Eva, don’t avoid everybody! You’re too humorous and sweet. Just stick to your own kind … which is to say, the humorous and sweet!
Thanks for the compliment, Claudia. Humorous rather ok, but also sweet?
You’re ironizing with that of sweet…aren’t you? 😀
Eva, not at all! Just because you’re a little spicy sometimes doesn’t mean that you’re not also sweet:)
Aha Claudia, you mean bittersweet. You’re probably right… 🙂
You’re nice and sweet, too. And you also have sense of humour, of course a bit less brute than mine.
Eva, I like your earthy sense of humor. Besides, I found that the most dangerous people–aside from psychopathic jokers who take NOTHING seriously–are those who take EVERYTHING seriously: especially themselves! I wouldn’t call you bitter though. More like sometimes sarcastic or ironic. Bitterness doesn’t bring smiles, but sarcasm, irony and humor, like yours, do!
Thanks, Claudia. But i’m not at all always joking, it’s just that it seems humour is necessary, a natural reaction in order to not become embittered. Without humour we would be lost because we could not recover from some hard knocks.
Talking about embittered people i obseve their number grows. Surely the economical crisis has its share but there’s something more that make them envious, predator, competitive and unhappy despite the false smiles and i don’t know exactly what it is.