One of the issues raging through the political landscape these days, stirring up passions on the left and the right, is the Equality Act, passed by the United States House of Representatives on May 17, 2019. Proponents of the law generally say that everyone should be treated the same, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Objections to provisions of the law are often based on opponents' views on biology or religious convictions. But this law should also be evaluated in the context of the millions of psychopaths living among us, who I believe will have a great time exploiting it. And that's what Lovefraud's research — highlighted below — indicates. What the Equality Act s …
Superhero creator Stan Lee allegedly a victim of elder abuse
In real life, superheroes need to watch out for sociopathic predators, just like the rest of us. Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel Comics characters, including all the Avengers, like Iron Man, Spider Man and the Black Panther, was allegedly subjected to elder abuse by the man who was supposed to be his business manager. Keya Morgan was arrested in Arizona on Saturday, May 25, 2019, for elder abuse. He was charged with theft, embezzlement, forgery or fraud against an elder adult, and false imprisonment of an elder adult. Police say Morgan stole more than $262,000 from autograph sessions Lee did a year ago. Police also say Morgan took Lee from his home to a condo where "Morgan had more …
Superhero creator Stan Lee allegedly a victim of elder abuseRead More
Australian love fraud victim released after 6 years in Cambodian prison
Yoshe Ann Taylor, a mother of two and former kindergarten teacher from Australia, thought she found love on the Internet. She communicated throughout 2013 with "Precious Max," who said he was a successful South African businessman selling Cambodian arts and crafts. Actually, Precious Max was a con man and drug dealer. When he invited Yoshe to visit him in Cambodia, he sent her home with a knapsack full of arts and crafts "samples" — and two kilos of heroin sewn into the lining. Yoshe was arrested at the Phnom Penh airport and charged with drug trafficking. Despite protesting that she was a victim of love fraud, she was convicted and sentenced to 23 years in prison. Precious Max, who w …
Australian love fraud victim released after 6 years in Cambodian prisonRead More
Book Review: Why humans are both virtuous and violent
The Goodness Paradox: The strange relationship between virtue and violence in human evolution, by Richard Wrangham Review by Donna Andersen The central premise of this fascinating book is that humans — Homo sapiens — are domesticated primates, and this accounts for our ability to be both incredibly altruistic and incredibly brutal. The author, Richard Wrangham, is a professor of biological anthropology at Harvard. In making his argument, he reviews thousands of years of evolution of both humans and other species. This book is a fascinating look at where we came from and how our evolution affects our behavior. Philosophers, religious leaders and ordinary people have debated the nat …
Book Review: Why humans are both virtuous and violentRead More
Vietnam veteran sends nearly $30,000 to woman he met online
 It's a scam. His family knows it's a scam. But they cannot convince a 70-year-old Iowa man, a Vietnam veteran, that the woman he fell in love with does not exist. The man sent nearly $30,000 to the woman, draining his bank account. Elderly love scam, on kdsm17.c9m. This sad story plays out often — thousands of people have lost millions of dollars. But why does everyone fall for it? Because involvements with sociopaths are highly addictive. And make no mistake — con artists claiming love to swindle people are sociopaths. How can you protect yourself — or hopefully someone you love? Educate yourself about sociopaths, their typical ploys, and how you can be affected. It's all expla …
Vietnam veteran sends nearly $30,000 to woman he met onlineRead More
Sociopaths get worse after age 50, say 91% of Lovefraud survey respondents
The common wisdom in the mental health field is that sociopaths "burn out" in middle age. If only it were true. According to Lovefraud's research, after age 50, the behavior of sociopaths is just as bad — or worse. In Lovefraud's online survey, 2,120 romantic partners, family members, friends and associates of suspected sociopaths answered questions about their experiences. Here were the key questions of the survey: Did you know the individual both before age 50 and after age 50? A total of 1,276 people answered the question, and 65% said yes, they did know the individual before and after age 50. Did the individual "mellow out" or "burn out" after age 50? Did the individual e …
Sociopaths get worse after age 50, say 91% of Lovefraud survey respondentsRead More
Man charged with killing his wife hours after a nonprofit posted his bail
On April 4, 2019, Samuel Scott, of St. Louis, Missouri, was arrested on a misdemeanor assault charge. In January, he had hit his wife, Marcia Johnson, and threatened to kill her. The judge set his bail at $5000. On April 9, 2019, the St. Louis Bail Project, part of a national nonprofit that bails people out of jail, posted Scott's bail. Also on April 9, 2019, Scott was served with a restraining order, prohibiting him from entering his wife's home or coming within 300 feet of her. But on April 9, 2019 around 7:45 pm, Scott went to his wife's home and beat her. A friend found her unconscious, with a broken eye socket and several broken ribs. Police say she was nearly dead with severe …
Man charged with killing his wife hours after a nonprofit posted his bailRead More
Will emotional abuse become physical abuse?
If you are targeted by a sociopath, you will endure emotional abuse. Sociopaths — meaning people with antisocial, narcissistic, borderline, histrionic or psychopathic personality disorders — live their lives by manipulating and exploiting others. So if you have any kind of extensive or ongoing involvement with a sociopath, you will be manipulated, deceived and betrayed. It's just a matter of how badly. Manipulation, deceit and betrayal are all forms of emotional abuse. Why? Because society runs on trust, and sociopaths violate trust. When the trust you place in someone is violated, you suffer an emotional wound. But will emotional abuse become physical abuse? The answer is, may …
Signs of a sociopath: Belgian woman allegedly scams 7 men
Semia B., a Belgian woman who was not fully identified, is on trial for pretending to love seven men and scamming them. Her story includes signs of a sociopath. Nele Poelmans, the public prosecutor, claimed Semia B took a total of 385,000 euros over three years, although one of the victims put the total at 550,000 euros. According to a news report in The Brussels Times: The men were questioned and all gave similar statements. The woman promised a longterm relationship, but it never came to that. According to public prosecutor Poelmans, there also weren't any sexual relations. "The victims had to undergo an std-test first, or she would find another excuse." According to the …
Signs of a sociopath: Belgian woman allegedly scams 7 menRead More
Signs of a female sociopath: Outrageous lies and manipulative behavior
Most people who tell their stories on Lovefraud were targeted and abused by sociopathic men. It's important to remember that women can also be sociopaths. The signs of a female sociopath are pretty much the same as those for men. They lie, manipulate and exploit. They are self-centered and feel entitled to anything they want. They use other people without shame or guilt. Here are some recent examples from the media: Anna Sorokin, fake German heiress, on trial for scamming $275,000 Anna Sorokin, now 28, called herself Anna Delvey. She infiltrated New York City's artsy-chic-cool social scene, telling all her new friends that she was a German heiress worth about $25 million. She had big …
Signs of a female sociopath: Outrageous lies and manipulative behaviorRead More