This Youtube video is a satirical and cringe-worthy look at women with skewed ideas of what's appealing about men. Unfortunately, some of the behaviors look familiar. The video has gone viral. …
Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide: Patricia Jackson, B.A., CAC III
Lovefraud presents a series of Q&A articles with members of the Professional Resources Guide. Patricia Jackson is a Psychiatrist, psychologist and therapist, who specializes in depression, women's issues, parenting, legal abuse, anxiety, eating disorders, substance abuse, victim of injustice, isolation, and special needs of intuitives and artists. She also offers expert evaluation and court testimony on issues of abuse and psychological torture, victimization assessments, treatment recommendations and provision and substance abuse. Q. What experience have you had dealing with sociopaths or other disordered personalities—personally, professionally, or both? A. I have been personally an …
Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide: Patricia Jackson, B.A., CAC IIIRead More
What’s in Alec Baldwin’s wallet? Not pledge support from WNYC member
Editor's note: The following post was written by the Lovefraud reader who posts as "Jennifer." "Alec Baldwin can always be counted on to give a good performance, whether on television or on the witness stand, and his testimony in State Supreme Court in Manhattan on Tuesday was no exception." That's a quote from the New York Times article about Alec Baldwin's stalking case entitled, In Court, Baldwin Tells of a Stalker 'Out of Hitchcock.' According to the article, Mr. Baldwin alleges that he has been "harassed" and "stalked" by a woman he "painted" as "...both delusional and dangerous." And, while it appears that the woman's behavior has certainly been extreme since their "meeting" …
What’s in Alec Baldwin’s wallet? Not pledge support from WNYC memberRead More
Recovery From A Sociopath: Next Steps
Some of our greatest life lessons are learned after we think we already passed the test. I believed that ending my marriage to a sociopath would be the defining step to my recovery and healing. I committed myself to a healthy lifestyle, and practiced the long-forgotten skill of believing in myself and trusting my instincts. So, it came as quite a surprise that there was much more work to be done if I wanted to rid my life of the residual effects of a toxic fifteen year relationship. Starting Over By the time I met the man who would turn out to be the real love of my life, I thought I had grown and healed much more than I actually had. Not eager to start a new relationship, I spent …
Narcissists at work
A Lovefraud reader sent me a link to a free e-book. The reader's only comment was, "ugh." Here's the book: The Upside of Narcissism in the Workplace The book was created by Hogan Assessment Systems. On its website, this company says, "Hogan uses the powerful science of personality assessment to help you hire the right people, develop talented employees, build great leaders, and impact the bottom line." I downloaded the e-book. It's very short only nine pages. It points out that young people in general exhibit more narcissism than in the past, but in "controlled doses," narcissism may be good for an employee's career. The e-book points out the potential pitfalls of narcissism. …
Three-part series on the criminal brain of sociopaths
NPR radio explores the criminal brain in this three-part series of reports. Part One: A Neuroscientist Uncovers A Dark Secret James Fallon, a neuroscientist at the University of California-Irvine, believes that psychopathic tendencies may be passed through the DNA of family members and that upbringing can determine if the tendencies get triggered. Part Two: Inside A Psychopath's Brain: The Sentencing Debate Kent Kiehl, a professor at the University of New Mexico, reports that some psychopaths are born with certain parts of their brain not working like the brains of non-psychopaths. For example, their emotional circuit does not engage in the same way as non-psychopaths and therefore wha …
Three-part series on the criminal brain of sociopathsRead More
Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide: Barbara Monett, LCSW
Lovefraud presents a series of Q&A articles with members of the Professional Resources Guide. Barbara Monett is a clinical social worker in California specializing in therapy for individuals facing problems of addiction and/or codependency. Q. What experience have you had dealing with sociopaths or other disordered personalities—personally, professionally, or both? A. Professionally—I am trained as a clinical social worker and have also completed the Hendricks Coaching Program for Couples and Individuals in Ojai, CA., as well as numerous other related trainings on mindfulness, codependency recovery, substance abuse recovery. I have personally been involved with Alanon, Coda, AA for over …
Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide: Barbara Monett, LCSWRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: I loved my first wife; I was played by my second wife
Editor's note: The following letter was sent by the Lovefraud reader “Philip.” Names have been changed. My very long story starts in December of 2004. My first wife, Lee, was terminally ill, and I was the only one that took care of her. I also had two teens, and they were not any help at all. My mother in-law had moved from out of state in order to give me some help. She was more trouble at the time than help. None of Lee's family other than her biological mother came to help. As a matter of fact, they all pretty much kept their distance since she got sick. So, I took care of Lee, by myself, for about five years or more. I ended up having a breakdown. I was told that this was "Care giver b …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: I loved my first wife; I was played by my second wifeRead More
Divorced From a Sociopath: The Imperfect Stranger
by Quinn Pierce Have you ever looked at someone that you've known for much of your life and thought, “Who are you?” I had that moment today, standing outside my son's doctor's office listening to my ex-husband threaten to bring the police to my house to enforce his visitation rights. I watched his face contort and strain, his eyes hardened to match his tone, and his entire body tense as if for a fight. I looked to his right to see my younger son frozen in place, thrown into a state of post traumatic stress, and I thought: who is this maniac standing here yelling at me? A Moment of Clarity But then, I snapped back into the moment and realized I was about to get sucked into arguing wi …
Brains and bad behavior
Many research studies show that the brains of sociopaths are different from the brains of non-disordered people. Does this mean they are responsible for their bad behavior, or not? Adrian Raine, a neuroscientist at the University of Pennsylvania, and Sally Satel, a psychiatrist and American Enterprise Institute scholar, debate the issue. Can brain scans explain crime? on …