I don't remember the number of times that my friends warned me not to shut down after it all happened. How many times they'd ask me not to lose myself. To avoid becoming bitter and lonely. To stay open, despite my pain. “With what you've been through you have every right to never trust anyone again” they'd say “but please don't let this experience change you from being the loving bubbly person that you are — time will heal. Stay open” Yes, I am very lucky indeed to have such wise and loving friends. I count my blessings and am grateful for such levels of support — particularly during the early days after discovering the truth. At the time I thought they were referring to my ability to …
Many shades of bad behavior
Last month I was in a law firm. Not because of a legal issue—I was there to discuss writing the content for their new websites. Two lawyers, who had been part of one firm, were setting up independent practices. One lawyer hired me. The other wasn't sure, so he wanted to meet me. A week later I learned that the second lawyer decided he would write his website himself. On Saturday, I was shocked to see a story in the local newspaper: The second lawyer, Seth A. Fuscellaro, who was also a public defender in Lower Township, New Jersey, was charged in a $15 million mortgage fraud scheme. The FBI actually arrested him in municipal court and escorted him out in handcuffs. The lawyer was one of …
Never too young to learn about sociopaths
A Lovefraud reader found the recent article about me and my new book, Red Flags of Love Fraud, in a Michigan newspaper. This was a surprise to me, because the article was originally published by a New Jersey newspaper, the Camden Courier Post. It turns out that the story was picked up around the country, which is good—it means word about these disordered individuals is getting out. This particular Lovefraud reader had her own run-in with a sociopath. She is teaching her children about them, which she related to me in a postscript of her email: P.S. My 12-year-old daughter and I were just discussing the article being in the paper she is very aware of sociopaths having been on the r …
How to get a degree in psychopathy
Sara Strudwick, author of Dark Souls, lays out a step-by-step plan for learning about psychopaths. Read: How to get a degree in psychology and psychopaths (the hard way!), on Darksouls-TheBook.com. …
Why Counseling Therapy?
Editor's Note: The following article was written by the Lovefraud reader who posts as "Adelade." My first encounter with counseling was when I was a “troubled” teenager. I've seen several counselors since then for various reasons. At no time was I completely honest or truthful and certain issues were “addressed,” but they were never “managed.” This was mainly due to my own shame in admitting that I had issues at all, but also due to the chosen counselors merely hearing words out of my mouth and nodding, writing, and asking, “Well, how do you feel about that?” Personally, I felt that they each should have been able to see through my fears and pinpoint where I needed to start. But, counselor …
Lovefraud Lesson #4 – Sensationalism and sociopaths
In the latest video of the Lovefraud Lessons series, Donna Andersen explains that what you learn about sociopaths on television is, at best, incomplete, and at worst, dangerous. Watch it here: Videos …
Lovefraud Lesson #4 – Sensationalism and sociopathsRead More
UK law enables people to learn if their new partners are violent
It's called "Clare's Law," named for a woman who was murdered by her boyfriend, a man that she met on Facebook. Both men and woman in the UK will be able to ask police if their new intimate partners have a history of domestic violence. Read: Women will get right to ask for new boyfriends' police files under controversial Clare's Law initiative, on DailyMail.co.uk. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
UK law enables people to learn if their new partners are violentRead More
Me-Muscles… It’s All About The Questions
I've had an extraordinarily busy and amazing week working with a fantastic group — which is why I simply didn't have the time to post anything last week. My apologies. The workshop sessions were intensive, running through from early morning to late evening, and yes, it's tiring work — both for me as well as for the delegates and, of course, my training team. But goodness me it's worth it. How do I know? The room filled with smiling faces tells me so, and it makes me feel glad. So this week I've decided to share some of the techniques we were exploring over the course of the workshops — because there are many that, in my experience, also apply to dealing with the sociopaths among us. The f …
“Personality disorder” as an excuse for criminal behavior
One of the good things about the conviction of Jerry Sandusky on almost all counts related to molesting 10 boys was that his lame personality disorder defense did not fly. Histrionic personality disorder? Huh? That was the prevailing reaction when defense attorneys claimed that the former Penn State assistant football coach wrote those "creepy" letters because he suffers from histrionic personality disorder. Read the creepy letters Several experts in personality disorders were quoted in news reports stating that even if Sandusky does have histrionic personality disorder, it would not be an excuse for the molestation. Why not? It's quite simple: Most people with personality …
“Personality disorder” as an excuse for criminal behaviorRead More
Sociopaths as aliens
Perhaps the hardest thing to comprehend, and accept, about sociopaths is just how different they are from the rest of us. I've spoken to hundreds of people who have tangled with sociopaths. Even when the mask has not only slipped, but shattered, even when they know the truth about what the sociopath has been doing all along, they still ask, "But how could he do it?" "He kept telling me how much he loved me; how could he cheat like that?" "He said we were soul mates; how can he just up and leave?" "How can he be so cold and calculating?" "How can he look me right in the eye and lie?" (Substitute "she" for "he" as necessary.) Then, the people I talk to start making statements like …