Editor's note: This article was submitted by Steve Becker, LCSW, CH.T, who has a private psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and clinical consulting practice in New Jersey, USA. For more information, visit his website, powercommunicating.com. It is not unusual in my clinical experience to see, sometimes, some quite chilling sociopathic activity from my “borderline personality-disordered” clients. When someone has a “borderline personality,” it's quite likely, among other things, that he or she will present with a history of emotional instability; a pattern of chaotic interpersonal relationships; and poor coping skills under stress, reflected in self-destructive/ destructive acting-out and a tendenc …
“He is the lie, from hello to good-bye”
Donna Anderson's important latest post reminds me that one topic which will never be worn out is that of the psychopath's lies and their impact on others. This week I want to very briefly introduce yet another take on this inexhaustible topic. Everyone lies, but there's something else at stake in the case of the psychopath's lies. To illustrate: you might say about any regular (non-psychopathic) person, "Things would be better if s/he was to lie less often. Her/his soul or psyche would be healthier as would her relationships." That's true. Now try this on for size and notice how wrong it seems: "Things would be better if the psychopath was to lie less often. His soul or psyche would be …
Humans are lousy lie detectors
An article in last week's New York Times magazine contained the following amazing statement: "Repeating a claim, even if only to refute it, increases its apparent truthfulness." Although the article had nothing to do with sociopaths, the statement made me think of my ex-husband, James Montgomery. Among his many lies, Montgomery claimed to be a member of the Australian military, a decorated Vietnam War hero, and a member of the Special Forces. None of this was true, but from what I can tell, he'd been making the claims since at least 1980 (we met in 1996). They'd been repeated many times, for many years—which apparently enhanced their believability. Like most of us here on Lovefraud, I f …
After the Sociopath is gone: The gift of unconditional love
A couple of months ago I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. I'd been feeling discomfort for some time, but put it down to what I was eating, or simply the fact there was a lot of flu going around. And then, one Saturday morning I awoke to excruciating pain in my abdomen. I'd been having little mini-attacks off and on since Christmas, but they had only lasted a few minutes and once gone, could be ignored and even forgotten. But that last attack simply would not stop. My daughter called an ambulance and once in the hospital they told me I needed to have my gallbladder removed immediately. After the surgery, I still wasn't feeling up to par. I was constantly nauseous and tired. …
After the Sociopath is gone: The gift of unconditional loveRead More
Psychopathy versus sociopathy again…
I plan to review for you a very recent paper: Psychopathy as a disorder of the moral brain. Dr. Robert Hare is one of the authors. But, before I can get to explaining the moral brain part, I have to get past the first paragraph, so the moral brain will be have to be discussed more next week. As I sat down to translate this paper into plain English, I got stuck at the fourth sentence: “Antisocial behavior by itself is a nonspecific symptom common to many conditions, so psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD, American Psychiatric Association, 1994) are not analogous constructs while most cases of ASPD (sociopathy) do not fulfill the interpersonal and affective criteria for p …
Discrimination and sociopaths
"Discrimination" has come to be a dirty word. It brings to mind unfair treatment of individuals because of race, religion, gender, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or some other broad categorization. People have been killed, beaten, denied jobs, denied housing, prosecuted, persecuted and denigrated because of some demographic category to which they belonged. All of this applies to one meaning of the word "discrimination." But there is another meaning that is vitally important when it comes to sociopaths. Here are the two meanings according to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Discrimination Treatment or consideration based on class or …
Eliot Spitzer and unrestricted sociosexual orientation
Knowing that I study human motivation, this week a friend of mine asked me to explain the motivations of Eliot Spitzer. To those of you who have avoided TV, and have not read Donna Andersen's blog, Eliot Spitzer is Governor of the State of New York, but he is set to leave office on Monday. He was forced to resign after he was caught hiring prostitutes from a firm likely linked to organized crime. CNN reported that he may have spent $80,000 on prostitutes, but this is not a large sum if you consider that one encounter costs about $5,000. Now back to my friend, he stated, “I don't get Spitzer, his wife is an attractive woman.” No matter how you cut it, Spitzer's wife is a victim of love f …
Eliot Spitzer and unrestricted sociosexual orientationRead More
Signs of a sociopath in Eliot Spitzer
In 2002, Time Magazine named Eliot Spitzer, when he was New York State Attorney General, "Crusader of the Year," due to his relentless pursuit of corporate crime. He went after the giants of Wall Street, extracting large fines for illegal and unethical behavior. That's why his very public downfall has drawn so much interest. And that's why, now he's resigned as governor of New York in disgrace, the stories of his aggressiveness, his bullying, and his apparent belief that the rules did not apply to him, are so widespread. When I first heard that Spitzer was implicated in a prostitution ring, I figured that if anyone had the dirt, it would be the New York Post. How right I was. Frederic …
I’m sorry, but that’s no apology
Gov. Eliot Spitzer, a beacon of probity, has been caught allegedly hiring a prostitute. He has appeared on TV to apologise - see it here. And what an inadequate job he did. I was reminded of a previous apology he made in the New York Times last July for his administration's involvement in ordering the State Police to record the whereabouts of State Senate majority leader Joseph L. Bruno - read it here. In neither case does he even do the first thing that any apology worth anything should do - he does not state what he did. If you'd missed news broadcasts you'd have no idea what he was apologising for. According to Perfect Apology the key steps in any good apology are: 1. a detailed …
New Jersey’s bogus Internet Dating Safety law
The Internet Dating Safety Act became law in the state of New Jersey, the home of Lovefraud, on January 13, 2008. It is supposed to take effect next month. The law applies only to New Jersey, USA, residents. It mandates that any Internet dating site must disclose to New Jersey members, clearly and conspicuously, whether it conducts criminal background checks. "The disclosure shall be provided when an electronic mail message is sent or received by a New Jersey member, on the profile describing a member to a New Jersey member, and on the website pages of the Internet dating service used when a New Jersey member signs up," the law states. "A disclosure shall be in bold, capital letters in at …