Unless your abusive partner can feel shame for his violating behaviors, he will make no gains. That's why I say, no shame, no gain. By “gain” I mean, of course, the permanent ceasing of his abuse. This rules-out sociopaths who, by definition, will lack the capacity for shame necessary for personal reform. This is worth repeating, as basic as it is: the sociopath is beyond help, beyond reform. Only his victims can help themselves by escaping, and healing, from him. And yet shame alone isn't enough to produce gain. It's what the abuser does with his shame that's critical. If he projects his shame defensively into, say, “blame,” then he is going nowhere fast. And unfortunately, all too ofte …
Dr. Donald G. Dutton explains that personality disorder is the cause of domestic violence
For the past several years Donna and I have attended the Battered Mothers Custody Conference and so we have been able to interact with domestic violence experts. Both of us were surprised to discover that although most of the worst spousal assault perpetrators have personality profiles indicative of sociopathy/psychopathy this fact is not recognized by many experts. I have worked to become well acquainted with the scientific literature regarding intimate partner violence because I teach psychology of gender and because I very much want to understand why people who should know better often fail to diagnose sociopathy in perpetrators. This failure to diagnose has lead to intimate partner …
Dr. Donald G. Dutton explains that personality disorder is the cause of domestic violenceRead More
The Lovefraud Version of the “Emperor’s New Clothes”
By Ox Drover When we were kids most of us have heard the story of the Emperor's new clothes, in which a very narcissistic emperor who wanted the most beautiful and wonderful clothes in his kingdom. Here is just a little bit of a different version. Once upon a time there was a very narcissistic emperor who was very dumpy, unattractive, and had a very large nose, but he thought that if he had the most beautiful clothes in the kingdom that he would be very attractive to the ladies of the court. Even though he was a married man, he loved to have the ladies of the court admire his new clothes and tell him how handsome he was. One day a couple of psychopathic con men were in a tavern …
The Lovefraud Version of the “Emperor’s New Clothes”Read More
The Narcissiopath
What do you call someone you've been describing alternately as a narcissist and sociopath? Someone for whom neither diagnosis alone quite suffices as a complete description of the individual, but rather in whom both disorders seem as if wrapped up in one menacing individual? Pardoning my grandiosity for daring to expand the already crowded psychiatric nomeclature, I propose to call these hybrid personalities“narcissiopaths.” While I don't expect the DSM folks to take me very seriously (or anyone else for that matter), I'm thinking (unfacetiously) that there's a case to be made here. The narcissiopath, as I envision him (using “him” for convenience's sake) will meet many of the essenti …
Spotting the Covert Psychopath “In the Wild”
By Ox Drover Something occurred recently that set my mind to thinking. My best friend who lives another state came to visit me for a couple of weeks. This friend has known me about 30 years, so has known both of my biological sons, including the psychopathic one, since they were kids. She has “been there” for me through all the trauma, the disappointments and the pain. She was there for me when my husband died in the aircraft crash and my adopted son was burned. She was there for me and for my oldest son when his wife tried to kill him. So she has seen many of the psychopaths I have dealt with “up close and personal” and she has seen the toxic enabling my mother has done and is doing with …
Enabling a sociopath is unpatriotic
Sociopaths/psychopaths commit a disproportionate amount of both violent and non-violent crime in all Western countries. Today is July 4th or American Independence Day, so I am going to take this opportunity to ask that friends and family members of sociopaths stop enabling them. According to Webster's Online Dictionary the word enable means: 1 a: to provide with the means or opportunity b: to make possible, practical, or easy c: to cause to operate In her book A Dance With the Devil, (which I highly recommend) Barbara Bentley gives many poignant examples of enabling as she describes how her psychopathic husband accomplished his antisocial goals. The most shocking of many examples is …
The Narcissist’s Commandments
You must not disappoint me. You must not inconvenience me. You must recognize all of my expectations as reasonable. You must, at all times, accommodate me. You must recognize my “special needs” (special in an important, not disabled, sense); and must always satisfy them. You must be glad for my good moods, and understand and tolerate my bad, nasty ones. You must see my anger, rage and contempt as always arising for justifiable reasons. You must make tireless efforts to placate me when you've upset me. You must appreciate that my comfort supercedes yours and everyone else's. You must find what interests me, interesting; and you must convey your interest. You willingly assume res …
New research says sharks hunt like serial killers
A paper recently published in the Journal of Zoology says that great white sharks hunt in a highly focused fashion, just like serial killers. According to a report on ScienceDaily.com, the researchers used geographic profiling—a criminal investigation tool used to find serial killers based on the locations of their crimes—to examine how the hunting patters of great white sharks off the coast of South Africa. Sharks establish well-defined hunting bases in strategic locations. The researchers noticed that smaller sharks searched further, and had less success, than larger sharks. They surmised that great white sharks refined their search patterns with experience, and concentrated their hun …
A society where everyone is a sociopath
This week I want to reach out to all of you who feel that you can no longer trust people. Imagine a world where your worst fears have come true, a world where everyone over the age of 15 is a sociopath. What would it be like to live in that world? If you only read one book this summer, I strongly urge you to read Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex Among Apes by Frans de Waal. I have said before that I think the social-brain of sociopaths is similar to that of chimps. Now having read that book I am even more convinced. Chimpanzee Politics is the true life story of the relationships between individuals of the Arnhem Chimp Colony. Scientists carefully observed, photographed, filmed and …
Boredom and the sociopath
What's the relationship, if any, between boredom and sociopathy? Can we can agree, for starters, that boredom does not cause sociopathy? Otherwise most of us would be sociopaths. Can we also agree that a low tolerance for boredom, alone, does not cause sociopathy. Otherwise again, many of us with low tolerances for boredom (not that I include myself, but God, am I bored) would be sociopaths; and this isn't the case, either. That is, even most of us with low tolerances for boredom aren't sociopaths. However, research suggests that sociopaths may require higher levels of arousal to escape conditions of boredom. So apart from being prone to boredom and finding it extremely oppressive, it …