Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, asks you to think carefully about who is really the most important person in your life. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Who is the most important person in your life? Your husband? Your girlfriend? Your best friend? Your mom or dad? Your child? A sports or celebrity hero? If you're like many people, there is probably an extensive list of possibilities and you'll have to think about the question very carefully, trying to weigh up which one comes out on top. And if you're like many people, you won't even have the correct answer on the list. That answer, my …
After the Sociopath, Honour, Respect and Love Yourself
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, advises that it's always important to honour, respect and love yourself, despite what you've endured from the sociopath. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest My last article, After the Sociopath, Honor Your Perfect Spirit, was about the ways in which you might be hurting yourself and neglecting your Spirit. Although it isn't essential, you might want to have a peek at that post before reading this one, as they fit together rather well. I ended it with these words: "Please. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to yourself. Honour, respect and love yourself. It is what …
After the Sociopath, Honour, Respect and Love YourselfRead More
After the Sociopath, Honor Your Perfect Spirit
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, reminds you that even if you feel crushed by a deceptive sociopath, you should still honor your perfect spirit. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Following on from last week's article, Who Do You See in the Mirror? I'm going to ask you another question. And again, please take a moment or two to consider your answer before continuing to read. Ready? Okay. When's the last time you hurt yourself? Please think about that for a moment... I'm really curious about what your answer was. It will depend, of course, on what the question meant to you. Chances are …
Who Do You See in the Mirror?
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, asks, who do you see in the mirror? Someone you've been conditioned to see — or your true essence? Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest I'm gonna ask you a question now. And I want you to be reeeeeally honest with your answer, okay? I don't want you to read beyond the question until you've taken a moment and answered it because I really want you to think about it. Ready? Okay, here goes: Who do you see when you look in a mirror? Stop for a moment and take in that question...This can be a revealing and powerful little exercise if you give yourself a moment to a …
How to Overcome Negative Messages and Improve YourSelf Worth
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains how to overcome negative messages from the past, even from your parents, and improve yourSelf worth. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Most of us have stories about the rotten things people have told us about ourselves. Or rather, what they believe to be the truth about us. And this is no more true than if you've been dealing with sociopaths. It's one of their tactics; they find any little chink in the armor, any small weakness or insecurity, and they pick away at it with demeaning, diminishing comments that you believe because you love them and trust their …
How to Overcome Negative Messages and Improve YourSelf WorthRead More
Small Joys Help You Heal from the Sociopath
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, encourages you to find small joys in your life that will help you heal from the sociopath. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Life after the devastation caused by a sociopath can leave you feeling like you don't have the time or energy for anything that feels good. Joy? Happiness? A little treat now and then? Forget it. Even worse, you might be feeling like you don't deserve any of that. Ouch. You could even feel guilty for any bits of happiness that show up. Extra big ouch. You're not alone. All of that is completely normal after a sociopath has torn through …
You Choose Your Actions — Even with Controlling People
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains an empowering concept — even when you feel like you're being pressured or forced to behave in a certain way, in truth, you choose your actions. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Although control issues can happen between people of any gender, let's just use the example of a husband ("Tom") who "won't let" his wife ("Jane") see certain people, wear certain clothing or go somewhere that doesn't meet with his approval. It is important to remember always that you choose your actions, and other people have only as much control over you as you give them. Therefore, T …
You Choose Your Actions — Even with Controlling PeopleRead More
Despite what the sociopath says, you are your most valuable asset
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains that you are your most valuable asset, so it's up to you to take care of yourself. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest I would imagine that if you've been dealing with a sociopath, self-care might have gone out the window. When you're doing your best just to get through the day, and often helping your children with their struggles, too, the last thing that's on your mind is making sure your own needs are met. On top of that, it could well be that during your time with the sociopath, you've become conditioned to believe that you don't matter. Your …
Despite what the sociopath says, you are your most valuable assetRead More
All Your Choices Come from Fear or Love
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains that all your choices come from fear or love, although sometimes you need to look beneath the surface of your thoughts to see it. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest It is said that everything we think and do comes from one of two places: Love or Fear. I used to dispute this. I figured it was rubbish. But in the 30 years or so since first hearing it, I've been putting this theory to the test and I have to admit, it is the truth. When I take an honest look at my words, my reactions, and my choices, everything is rooted in one of these two emotions. It's …
How I Stopped Letting Fear Stop Me
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, writes that for years, she went from one sociopath-induced catastrophe to another. It all changed when she decided, "I will stop letting fear stop me." Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest This picture? It's a self-portrait that I did at about 2 a.m. one awful night while I was in a toxic, messy relationship with a sociopath (who turned out to be a crack addict, which explained the violence, mood swings and general insanity, but how I didn't see it, I'll never know. Love is blind, deaf and incredibly stupid, I suppose). Anyway, that scribbled drawing gives you a …