Editor's note: This article refers to spiritual concepts. For more information, read Lovefraud's statement on spiritual recovery. By Waleuska Lazo So here I was grieving, crying and feeling sorry for myself. I had stayed in a situation that was not healthy for my life. Yet I stayed because avoiding that pain was a stronger emotion than facing it. The truth is I was too scared to feel pain. I was too scared to feel the absence of not having ‘that someone’ next to me. What I did not realize was that I was already facing the pain that came as a daily dose of poison. At first, you are unaware of it. It comes camouflaged with little lies and lack of affection. The doses increased with indi …
Making meaning of your betrayal by a sociopath
When we realize that we've been involved with a sociopath, and that person has callously betrayed us, we inevitably ask, “Why? Why did this happen to me?” To help find the answer, one of the books that Lovefraud recommends is The Betrayal Bond—Breaking Free of Exploitive Relationships, by Patrick J. Carnes, Ph.D. The book explains the deep psychological wounds caused by trauma, and offers a way for us to identify and overcome abusive relationships that we may have experienced. When I read the book, I was struck by what Carnes wrote on page 68: My experience with survivors of trauma is that every journey of recovery depends on the survivor coming to a point where all that person has gon …
Radical Acceptance – a path to true emotional healing after the devastation of a sociopath
Book Review: Radical Acceptance Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha, by Tara Brach.Review by Donna AndersenYou realize, or at least suspect, that you have a sociopath in your life — that's why you're reading Lovefraud. You may still be in a state of shock — you never really understood that people like this actually existed. But they do; now what do you do?Lovefraud is full of information and advice about escaping a sociopath and dealing with the fallout. Generally, recovery means moving forward along two paths. You can pursue both paths at the same time, and progress on one path helps you with the other one.The first path is solving the practical problems the sociopath has caused, …
Radical Acceptance – a path to true emotional healing after the devastation of a sociopathRead More
In the wake of a sociopath, feel better with Energy Medicine
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/Di5Ua44iuXc"] Involvements with sociopaths are often called "toxic." This is totally appropriate, because whether these predators engage in subtle manipulation and deceit that leaves you wondering what is "off," or whether they inflict outright emotional, physical, financial and sexual abuse, your body, mind and spirit are flooded with toxins. Sustained sociopathic exploitation drains you. Eventually, you can become so physically, emotionally and psychologically depleted that it becomes difficult to handle day-to-day life, let alone the drama of the sociopath. But to escape and recover from the sociopath, you need your strength. How can you rebuild it? …
In the wake of a sociopath, feel better with Energy MedicineRead More
Jacqueline Kraft Bruno: 6 Ways to Heal the Feminine Spirit after Abuse
By Jacqueline Kraft Bruno You may have identified you have been in a relationship with a narcissist, or a sociopath or a sociopathic-narcissist. You may have read and re-read the signs and symptoms. Maybe you have compared your stories with those of others who have walked the same road. Perhaps you have felt shock, anger and grief, at the realizations of who you were really with. Maybe you're wondering why. Why did I choose this person, or why did I let this person choose me? Maybe you're ready to start moving past it but find yourself reliving the past or the feelings of the past. Now what? For me, there wasn't a one stop solution for healing from the complex-trauma left behind when the …
Jacqueline Kraft Bruno: 6 Ways to Heal the Feminine Spirit after AbuseRead More
How can a run-in with a sociopath be a spiritual journey?
This post refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. My first book is entitled, Love Fraud how marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan. I imagine that for many of you, your reaction to this title is, "Huh?" God is good, right? The Universe is supposed to support us, right? So how can there possibly be anything spiritual about having your life trampled by a sociopath? Believe me, as I was in the midst of the struggle, I asked those questions. Except in my pleadings with my Higher Power, I wasn't so polite. As you can see from my wedding video, I was well and truly duped into marrying James Montgomery. He presented …
How can a run-in with a sociopath be a spiritual journey?Read More
Suffering PTSD from a Sociopath and asking God for help
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. The Downward Spiral to the Bottom A year and a half after the downward spiral of a 10 year relationship came to the ground, I started noticing new behaviors of mine surface. New thoughts, new spikes in anger, outward and physical expressions of fear, anxiety, being paranoid, scared. I'm not sure why in my case it took longer to surface. It could be because I was dealing internally with so many other facets of breaking free like the divorce, custody battles, financial wars and deep betrayal and confusion over the last year. Episodes I started to have these "episodes" t …
Suffering PTSD from a Sociopath and asking God for helpRead More
The Maria Story and My Dog’s Stress – Sociopaths Doing What They Do Best
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. Maria #1 Let's start with the wonderful fact that this story is about Maria...number one. Yes there were two Maria stories in my marriage to a sociopath. This is the first one. I first found out about Maria on a secondary phone the sociopath had. There's another story that brings me to finding the secondary phone, but I will start with when I first found out about Maria. It was a Saturday night and of course spath "had to go and check the jobs." I had given birth to my little one about a month prior and was at home with her. I put her to sleep and then went for th …
The Maria Story and My Dog’s Stress – Sociopaths Doing What They Do BestRead More
How to tell wicked sociopaths from ordinary sinners
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. Quite a few people have been sending Lovefraud information lately on the religious and spiritual aspects of an experience with a sociopath. Here's another link suggested by a Lovefraud reader. 5 Indicators of an evil and wicked heart, on Crosswalk.com. The article is directed towards Christian counselors, to help them discern between people who have a truly evil heart, rather than an ordinary sinful heart. Read the article, and you'll see that those with evil hearts are clearly sociopaths. The author also identifies one of the key reasons why we don't "see" evil: " …
How to tell wicked sociopaths from ordinary sinnersRead More
The Universe Wants You To Be With Your Psychopath – Is It True?
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/4w42k3cg1W8" title="9%20Toxic%20Soulmate%20signs"] Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. By Jade Joddle For those of us who are spiritually awakening or who have a well-developed third eye chakra, the experience of falling in love is a catalyst for peak spiritual experiences. This means that when falling in love, incredible, magical experiences may occur between oneself and one's lover. Since such experiences are so out of this world, a person experiencing the strange phenomena may then search for meaning in them and conclude that the universe has united them with their …
The Universe Wants You To Be With Your Psychopath – Is It True?Read More