I’ve had trouble sleeping the past few nights. I feel a general sense of horror and fear after the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. The stories and images are heinous beyond words. Hamas terrorists have killed more than 1,200 Israelis — men, women and children — and kidnapped more than a hundred civilians and soldiers.
The level of brutality is truly shocking. Atrocities include:
- Hamas massacred 260 young people attending the Tribe of Nova music festival, who were dancing and partying for “unity and love.”
- Hamas broke into homes in kibbutzim near the Gaza border and murdered entire families in their beds.
- Hamas abducted about 150 people, including men, women, children and the elderly. They are being used as human shields, under threat of public execution.
- Yes, Hamas beheaded babies. When Israeli soldiers entered Kfar Aza, they discovered 40 dead babies and toddlers, some decapitated.
This isn’t “resistance.” It isn’t even war. It’s barbarism.
Psychopathic killers
What kind of person can chop off a baby’s head? The first answer is a psychopath. Robert Hare said that psychopaths kill with about the same level of stress that we might have when carving a Thanksgiving turkey. In his classic book, Without Conscience — The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, he wrote:
While most of us have strong inhibitions about physically injuring others, psychopaths typically do not. For them, violence and threats are handy tools to be used when they are angered, defied, or frustrated, and they give little thought to the pain and humiliation experienced by the victims. Their violence is callous and instrumental — used to satisfy a simple need, such as sex, or to obtain something he or she wants — and the psychopath’s reactions to the event are much more likely to be indifference, a sense of power, pleasure, or smug satisfaction than regret at the damage done. Certainly nothing to lose any sleep over.
The Hamas terrorists were proud of their killing. They smiled and laughed in photos and videos of their handiwork. Then they uploaded the horrifying images to the Internet for all to see.
Brainwashed killers
Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005. They gave the region to the Palestinians. A few years later, Hamas gained control of Gaza, and ever since then, it has been brainwashing the citizens to hate Jews. Here’s a quote from an article by Jonathan A. Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.
From the pulpits of mosques to the pages of op-eds to the stands of bookstores across the Arab world, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Hitler’s Mein Kampf and other timeless fictions and hateful works were peddled, updated, and perfected to the point that large swathes of the public stopped seeing Zionists or Israelis or Jews as human long ago. School children are taught to hate Israel, Jews are demonized as part of official curriculum, and “summer camps” involve learning how to fire automatic weapons and kidnap Israelis.
I recommend that you read the entire article:
Let’s be honest about the hate that drove the Hamas attack, on Time.com.
So the Palestinians living in Gaza have been brainwashed for years. This is the behavior of cult leaders, and in my opinion, cult leaders are psychopaths on steroids. In fact, multiple media commentators have described Hamas as a death cult, and that sounds about right to me.
The looters
According to a survivor of the attack on Kibbutz Nirim, some of the terrorists came just to steal Israeli property. Here’s what she said in the Epoch Times:
“Some of them came just to loot and plunder,” Ms. Raemer said. “They went into people’s houses. They went into one woman’s house. She’s over 90, and she had a foreign worker who’s her caregiver. They demanded money.
“She gave them money, and they took things and left.
“Other houses, they went in and they smashed things up. They stole whatever they could. They shot up cars. They slashed tires. Anything, just to destroy.”
In a story from Radio Free Europe, another survivor in Kibbutz Nahal Oz said that as soon as they heard the sirens, she, her husband and infant daughter hid in their safe room. They stayed silent as terrorists entered their house and ransacked it.
Maybe those Hamas invaders weren’t complete psychopaths. But they certainly had antisocial traits. A million Palestinians didn’t join the attacks. How do we explain the ones who did? They’re likely either disordered or brainwashed.
Evil exists
If you’re reading Lovefraud, you’ve probably already learned the hard way that evil exists. Psychopaths are the embodiment of evil.
Psychopaths do not have the ability to love. They do not have the ability to care about the wellbeing of other people. And once psychopaths are adults, there is no rehabilitation. They do not change. They cannot transform themselves into normal, loving human beings.
Still, psychopaths aren’t all the same, and they engage in different levels of harm. Some are brutal murderers. Some are financial con artists. Some just enjoy being puppet masters — pulling relationship strings and watching the people around them jump.
Lovefraud podcast
Our most recent podcast, Fast and Deceptive — a Marriage Scam, is about a Muslim man who took advantage of the cultural tradition of arranged marriage to steal from his unsuspecting bride.
In our follow-up expert interview, a Muslim mental health counselor describes how this behavior is thoroughly condemned by their faith. The episode has nothing to do with terrorism or political conflict. Still, out of respect for the tragedy in Israel, I am delaying the broadcast of this episode until next week.
In the meantime, I send my prayers and sympathy to all the victims, survivors and heartbroken loved ones.
Thank you for this article and for your moral clarity.
I also wanted to add that HAMAS and their supporters use typical manipulation tactics of sociopaths and narcissists: they do something egregious and then play the victim and blame the victim. Their narrative has been this is a legitimate response to occupation. Like a sociopath, the entire thing is a lie. There has never been an occupation, there is no regime in Israel and there is no humiliation that the Israelis subjected them too. Their true goal is to murder and torture Jews and to destroy Israel. They used to be open about this goal in the ’48 War, but since then, figured out, they had to hide their true objectives and thus made a phony narrative that this was about “liberating Palestine”.
These are all of the same manipulation tactics that narcissists and sociopaths use. They are proverbial wolves in sheep’s clothing: pretending to be a victim, when they really want to kill you. Also, the way they blame Israel for everything and take no responsibility for their heinous actions and their internal failures is another sign of a very narcissistic (or sociopathic) manipulator. Israel is always accused of being the aggressor when they stand up for themselves. This is also a favorite tactic of a sociopath: trying to make you look like the bad guy and instigating you and then making you look like an aggressor when you take the bait,.
Furthermore, it is parasitic anti-social behavior to demand so much money from world agencies when you produce absolutely nothing. The Palestinians have obtained billions of dollars out of guilt and then do nothing to provide goods and services and use the funds they were given to build more terror bases and plot more evil against Israel. It is the con artistry that comes out of sociopaths who want to use your finances for their own selfish purposes.
Excellent points, Leah. I agree. Thank you for your comment.