If you’ve been visiting Lovefraud for awhile, you probably know that Lovefraud author and member Joyce Alexander, who comments as “Ox Drover,” is protesting the parole of her son, Patrick Alexander.
Patrick Alexander was convicted of murdering 17-year-old Jessica Witt in January, 1992. Then, in 2007, while still in prison, Patrick sent a man to kill his mother, Joyce. She believes that if Patrick were paroled, he would come after her again.
Joyce has expressed the sorrow that she feels for the family of Jessica Witt, whose life her son ended. Now we can understand what that family endured. Jessica Witt’s aunt, MaryHellen Cuellar, has posted about the experience on a website called “Story of My Life.” It is truly heartbreaking.
On behalf of Lovefraud, I send our sincere condolences to the family of Jessica Witt. No one should have to experience such a tragedy.
“Jessica’s Story” by MaryHelen Cuellar, on StoryOfMyLife.com.
Donna, thank you for posting this terrible recollection.
I had a difficult time reading this for a couple of reasons. The post, itself, had no paragraphs and it was probably due to the server-host parameters.
Then, the realization that this poor aunt was speaking about her loss and the loss of a human being because of the actions of another human being. It wasn’t some random natural disaster that took this young woman’s life, but a premeditated and deliberate act.
Then, I associated Joyce’s experiences to how this article might cause her to feel even more pain – she has experienced what NO parent ever should, and she’s worked tirelessly and feverishly to accept and recover from her experiences.
I just really don’t know how to respond to this article, on any level – I’m feeling a rush of emotions that I’m unable to sort out, right now.
Truthspeak, I agree. I have read many postings from OxDrover which have helped me immensely. she has had to and has overcome so many hardships. The continual pain and betray is heartbreaking-
I was just on another site looking for help and guidance into psychopathy and was HORRIFIED!!! It was a forum of psychopaths! They have their own “support” groups and I have to say that I felt even more upset after reading their own words. In this particular blog they were referring to the test by Hare and how each rated themselves. Reading their own rankings using the assessment and the reasonings behind giving themselves the numbers they earned- OMG FRIGHTENING.
Discovering, if you would like to HELP KEEP PATRICK IN JAIL, you can still send a letter to the parole board…. here is the link to the article Donna put up with the instructions on how to address the letter and where to send it (my attorney) ANY letter will be a help, the more the better.
I had in the past Googled Jessica’s name and nothing came up. I DID find one article from the Dallas Morning News archives which I had to pay to get to see, and then on the 20th anniversary of Jessica’s death there was a paid memorial notice in the obits section of DMN saying how her mother still cried for her every day. Then the other night I decided to google it again and this story came up and I about shiat when I read it. I cried and I cried. I had imagined the pain the family must have felt, and God knows I felt my own pain that MY SON had by his own CHOICE “lost” his own life too. This article brought the family’s pain–not only her parents’ pain, but the pain of the rest of the family as well. I had heard rumors that her grandfather had died not long after Jessica, but this article told me WHY he died.
There IS a real syndrome known as the “broken heart syndrome” where people ACTUALLY DIE of a “broken heart” I just read a medical research article the other day explaining how this happens medically, and after reading her aunt’s story I honestly believe that is how Jessica’s grandfather died
Jessica was “rebellious” and did quit school and move out on her own to have some “fun” that staying in school and living at home would not have provided her, but she had NO IDEAL what she was dealing with where Patrick was concerned. That attraction so many young people have for the “bad boy/girl” and the “fast lane” life style lures so many young people into big trouble. But Jessica did NOT deserve to die for being naive.
God knows I was a rebellious teenager in the 1960s after excitement and ran with some “bad boys” and could easily have been found dead somewhere, but some how I survived, returned to sanity and lived what most folks would say is a “normal” life trying to raise my kids, work productively and contribute to society. Jessica didn’t get the chance to grow up.
I didn’t know until I read her aunt’s story that Jessica was an only child.
Her aunt’s story did answer me one question though….as his trial approached, Patriick requested we send him a suit and tie to wear to the triial instead of jail clothes. We did.
He told us the DATE the trial would start and we had all planned to go down for the trial, but then about a week BEFORE the date of the “planned” trial, he called and said it was OVER.
I called his attorney who told me the evidence presented at trial, and II knew then he was WITHOUT A DOUBT GUILTY and figured he didn’t want us to HEAR THE EVIDENCE (he was still claiming to us that he was INNOCENT) The aunt said his “defense” was his pitiful abused childhood…LOL ROTFLMAO Yea he was “abused”—I made him learn how to clean house, cook, wash clothes and fix cars, learn to fly an airplane, learn to work on an airplane, ride his horse, take care of his cats and dogs and other pets…yep, I was mean to him, and I spanked him twice that I can remember….once when he was four or so for trying to play with a gun, and then when he was 11 or stealing and lying about it after being presented with evidence that he had done it….and oh, yea, I forced him to go to a private school because he was bored in public school, and borrowed the money because I couldn’t afford the tuition, because he needed the extra education the public schools where we lived didn’t provide brighter than average kids.
And oh, I also made him travel the US in the summer times, living in a tent and fishing and going to museums and the grand canyon. Yep, he was really really abused, poor darling….
Actually, when he first started robbing on a felony level, I did turn him in to the police….Just like Jessica did. So I guess I DID abuse him and betray him, poor darling. And worst of all, I protested his parole and stopped sending commissary money. Gosh, I’m gonna have to reassess my parenting with this new information. No wonder he didn’t want his family there at the trial. I guess my biggest regret is I didn’t find out for myself the date of the trial instead of taking his word for it.
OxD, oh, god……..((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) I am so, so, so sorry for you, dear heart. Jessica’s family had support because she had been murdered – as they SHOULD have had support through that tragedy.
You, on the other hand, had no one to extend even a tenuous hand of support. You had to experience what NO parent ever, ever, EVER wants to.
Discovery, write a letter to keep Patrick in prison where he belongs. It wont’ take a minute.
Brightest and most supportive blessings
I think everyone on this site should write a letter-
I especially feel this since, as I mentioned earlier, I had been on a site that was definetly psycho friendly. These postings were the real deal- scared the %$#* out of me and sent me into a serious set back.
I’ve been reading and reaching out to all of my support people since that accidental encounter.
I am a level headed person,(unemployed) teacher and mother – always considered myself strong. But that spath blog, and yourstory and what you have gone through OxD have just about ruined my belief in human “kind”.
I also wanted to mention the other thread that has been posted that seemed to contain inappropriate content- please encourage it to be removed. It does not seem legit to me.
Oxy, I’m so sorry for what you’ve lived through. It would break many of us. Love to you, I’m writing a letter and hope your efforts result in his continuing incarceration.
TL, Truthy and Discovering, I appreciate your comments and your empathy, it has been a long hard road, and unfortunately I made it much harder for myself by staying “supportive” of my psychopathic son even though I “should have been wiser” as a mental health professional. When I came to LF and found Dr. Leedom’s story I knew I was in a place that would help me and that I was not stupid, just human.
I actually think the mothers and fathers here who are trying to co-parent with a P and wondering if their baby is going to turn out like the P parent. Having to let Jr. “visit” with the P, endless court battles…at least I know what mine is and have finally accepted it.
Discovering, WHAT other thread?
I was referring to the comments by Rov77 on the thread titled; relationships after the sociopath
Discovering, when Joyce first put the word out asking for support to protest Patrick’s parole, my feeling was this: how many times have we, as survivors of spaths/ppaths, felt and believed that we were POWERLESS and HELPLESS to affect some type of accountability or consequence?
For me, writing a letter of protest was my personal opportunity to actually “DO” something. I still believe this, with my heart of hearts. Supporting Joyce’s efforts only takes a few moments and the cost of a stamp. But, it’s the opportunity to actually become involved in something when, before, any protests fell onto deaf ears (custody/visitation hearings).
So, yeah…….it’s a chance to actually do something.
Brightest blessings
Truthspeak- Yup, letter’s getting sent tomorrow-
Best to you OxDrover- You’re a strong woman who has inspired many here. It’s our turn to support you-let’s get those letters out!