If you’ve been visiting Lovefraud for awhile, you probably know that Lovefraud author and member Joyce Alexander, who comments as “Ox Drover,” is protesting the parole of her son, Patrick Alexander.
Patrick Alexander was convicted of murdering 17-year-old Jessica Witt in January, 1992. Then, in 2007, while still in prison, Patrick sent a man to kill his mother, Joyce. She believes that if Patrick were paroled, he would come after her again.
Joyce has expressed the sorrow that she feels for the family of Jessica Witt, whose life her son ended. Now we can understand what that family endured. Jessica Witt’s aunt, MaryHellen Cuellar, has posted about the experience on a website called “Story of My Life.” It is truly heartbreaking.
On behalf of Lovefraud, I send our sincere condolences to the family of Jessica Witt. No one should have to experience such a tragedy.
“Jessica’s Story” by MaryHelen Cuellar, on StoryOfMyLife.com.
Dear Ana,
At the low (almost pro bono) price this great attorney is charging me for handling my case, I doubt that he is going to be able to do that…this guy though is THE TOP Parole attorney in Texas and apparerntly he has received 100s of letters of protest from not only LF bloggers but from the Citizens Against Homicide group, Parents of Murdered Children and other groups that I have approached about writing letters so I am sure it would have been impossible for him to send individual thank you letters. This attorney GETS what a psychopath is and refuses to work FOR one’s parole.
I am THRILLED to know that Jessica’s family are fighting the paroles as they are the ONLY group allowed by law to SPEAK in person before the board.
I do VERY MUCH APPRECIATE every letter that has been sent by every person and though I do not at this point have the name and address of everyone who has sent a letter when the final parole packet is prepared I will have and II will personally thank every person who wrote.
For quite a while there I allowed myself to slip back into the TERROR mode….NC is so important but I felt and still feel that I had to break it in order to fight him possibly getting out for both my own safety and that f my other sons. But believe me, it TOOK A TOLL on me mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
The support that Donna and the LF community has given me has helped me survive.
It is “odd” but people I have known well, that knew patrick all his life and know my life may depend on him staying in prison, people I considered CLOSE friends refused to write letters. Out of fear? I don’t know why, but it got to the point I had to quit asking people because I could not stand the pain of being turned down by “friends.”
Some of the best and most heartfelt letters I have are written by hand on notebook paper. I pray for Jessica’s family and I pray thanks to God for my lovefraud friends and supporters.
My egg donor hired Patrick an attorney for his parole hearing. He had a public defender for his trial because I refused to spend the tens of thousands of dollars to hire him an attorney
for any of his crimes.
Please come to Boston, I swear I don’t have six fingers.
Ana, my step father was born with 6 fingers and his mother had 6 as well, but she had the doctor snip them off the day he was born. It is apparently a dominant gene. LOL
I would love to come to Boston and lots of other places as well, but unfortunately early retirement and the expenses of hiding from the man patrick sent to kill me have left me without the financial ability to travel like I had planned to do after I retired. I’m fortunate to have a paid for roof over my head and plenty to eat and wear, but travel is pretty well off the table. I tried to get Donna to have a LF convention here in Arkansas which is centrally located but she hasn’t taken me up on my offer. Maybe some day there will be a LF convention and we can all meet each other. Unfortunately I think there ate a lot of us who have been left poor by the Ps in our lives.
OxD, no parent wants to ever be in your shoes, or the shoes of others who have been convicted of terrible crimes. Taking the leap into the Land Where Denial Is Not Allowed is a courageous and, often, lonely place to go.
I’m grateful that the terror and the anxiety has somewhat abated for you. I’ve experienced my own anxiety, and I cannot imagine how it has been for you.
Brightest and most supportive blessings
I’m glad you are feeling a bit better.
I was refering to Boston Harbor Jones, the man with six fingers in the book you recommended!
I’ll keep praying for you. Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
i’m sorry about what you are going through. i sympathize but i am unable to attempt to process and internalize it quite yet. it’s just too much and i do other things and when i come back on to LF all the posts are too overwhelming. Most of the time i’m completely clueless as to what people are saying or how to respond. thankfully there are others that can say more supportive things and even relate to what you are going through, than i can begin to fathom… that in itself is sad as well. but it’s too much for me to internalize… little by little.
because of the bullying aspects that autistics in particular are having a great problem of, i can maybe ask one of the many groups i belong to in that arena to see if maybe folks can meet up at a autism convention/conference???
one great fear parents of autistics have is how to protect their loved ones. Autistics are even more naive than the regular population. speaking on maybe how to keep them safe?? a talk at one of our very many conventions maybe? there isn’t a state i don’t think that doesn’t hold an autism conference. and safety and the dangers of the world is something i know parents with autistic kids are worried about.
right now my wife got a job at Lowes watering plants at the garden center for 4 hours a day. And i’m a wreck about it. babysitting/stalking her outside the store worried to death about her out there in the world even though she is there at 6am when hardly anyone is there and gone by the time it gets busy.
i wish with everything i’ve got that they will let her go, Maybe find a person with down syndrome to hire to feel good about themselves and all that giving back to the community and looking for something inspirational somewhere/someone else and my wife be safe and sound at home. but nope. they gave her an employee of the month plaque and i’m like imploring at the store manager that he is killing me. but my problems are so mild by comparison i feel ashamed just voicing it. doesn’t make me anyless anxious though.
Anyhow in our next asperger group i’ll mention it. in many of these conferences travel is covered to speakers. but it will have to be more autistic centered though. how to keep children/adults with autism and other disabilites safe from the dangers of the world. Too many in our population are victims of bullying… it’s a big problem. autistic children and others amongst them down syndrome and more grow up to become adults and do suffer a lot of abuse…
A simply great song by Philip Philips Home:
and Making Our way Video
Ana, OMG,, I had forgotten about you reading those books! Those 3 books are my favorite books in the world! Every time I run across some in a used bk store I get them and when I have accumulated a set f all 3 I give them to some one I think will enjoy them.
They make me laugh and cry by turns.
Yea, I am feeling quite a bit better and am out of the TERROR zone again.
Just finding this article by Jessica’s aunt made me both sad at their pain, but also glad that they are heavily protesting his release.
Abelrising, anxiety and pain and worry about those we love is a natural feeling. VERY NORMAL. Okay? So your concern for your wife is perfectly normal, BUT..at the same time, you must allow HER TO GROW and accomplish things on her own. So I’m gonna tell you to “get over it” and quit hovering over her like an over-concerned mother. Allow her this wonderful opportunity to feel useful and able. Everyone of us worries about our kids being bullied or hurt when we send them off alone to school but if we kept them home “safe” all day they would never learn and grow. So calm down and quit worrying so much. (((hugs)))
Try not to be too anxious about your wife.I do understand your concern for her safety.At the same time,she does need to feel a sense of helping out with finances;even if it just means she doesn’t have to ask you for an allowance.But it’s good to know that you’re keeping a ‘close eye’ just to make sure she’s ok.
I was just thinking about your comment that you wish the store would ‘let your wife go’ and hire someone,say with Down’s syndrome.But what would that do to her self-esteem?!I’m sure management and other employees keep an eye on her.The job could increase her confidence!