A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
Whoopi Goldberg on The View today continued to support Bill Cosby saying “in America, someone is innocent until proven guilty”. Well, Whoopi, that’s why I longer watch The View and haven’t since your first comment about rape when Cosby’s evilness was exposed. That’s a legal platitude you’re hiding behind because you don’t want to piss off the Cosby machine and lose future gigs and standing in the comedian community. This psychopath admitted under oath, in a deposition 10 years ago, of obtaining drugs for the purpose of giving to women in order to have sex. Because of widespread abuse Reagan made Quaaludes (a barbiturate) illegal in the 80’s which means he gave the woman illegal drugs in 2005. Wake up Whoopi! What if he’d done this to your daughter while claiming to be your trusted friend and fellow comedian, showing her how the entertainment business “worked.” The View needs to be overhauled and all hosts canned if it’s to survive.
Also Cosby claimed he purchased Quaaludes with a “prescription” in the 70’s. So supposedly he kept these drugs for 25 years and doled them out over 3 decades to prospective victims? Get real. He was using them in the 70’s with the intent of drugging women and sexually assaulting them, then claimed they were the very same drugs he purchased (with a prescription) and used in 2004/05? I doubt after 25 years they were still effective and most likely expired. More likely he used a variety of drugs over the years but in 2005 used Rohypnol (ruffies, the date rape drug) as the then, and still, drug of choice for drugging women for the purpose of rape.
And so how did he obtain these drugs, “prescriptions”? Obviously he didn’t meet with the drug dealer himself. No, he had a very well paid and paid off “go to” guy. So there are a lot of people ” staff, assistants, bookkeepers, lawyers, minions who know all about Cosby’s criminal history and activity. Now is the time for Gloria Allred to file suits against his machine for enabling his continuing criminal sexual assaults.
Tonight on Anderson Cooper CNN Leslie Morgan Steiner author of Crazy Love was on discussing why Camille Cosby stays with a man like Cosby. Ms Steiner discussed the trappings of being Gas Lighted by an emotional abuser & suspects that Mrs Cosby is being emotionally abused by her husband and this being one of the many reasons why she stays with him.
Glad Ms Steiner was on discussing Gas Lighting Abuse & very glad that CNN has been a front runner for all of these victims having a platform to speak their truth.
The LAPD still has an active case open against Cosby: This article was on the Dailymail site
“Detectives have contacted alleged Bill Cosby victim Chloe Goins as they renew efforts to secure a prosecution against the shamed comic, Daily Mail Online can reveal.
It comes after shocking court documents reveal that the star admitted under oath drugging a woman for sex.
In an exclusive interview with Daily Mail Online Goins, 25, has welcomed the release of the latest documents – in which Cosby confessed to obtaining Quaalades to give to young women he wanted to have sex with – and said she wants to obtain justice on behalf of all the ‘predator’ comedian’s alleged victims.
The model, who claims Cosby spiked her drink before launching a sex attack on her at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy mansion six years ago, is the only one of Cosby’s accusers who can press criminal or civil claims against the Cosby Show star because she is within California’s statute of limitations.
new moves: Chloe Goins is expected to be questioned by Los Angeles police officers about her account of being drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby
new moves: Chloe Goins is expected to be questioned by Los Angeles police officers about her account of being drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby
Friendship: Bill Cosby and Hugh Hefner’s association goes back decades. Goins told Daily Mail Online she went to party hosted by Hefner when he introduced her to Cosby, who then drugged her
Friendship: Bill Cosby and Hugh Hefner’s association goes back decades. Goins told Daily Mail Online she went to party hosted by Hefner when he introduced her to Cosby, who then drugged her
She told Daily Mail Online: ‘I’m so thankful that this deposition came out for me and all the other victims of this sexual predator.
‘I’m very relieved that everyone now knows that I’ve spoken the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
‘The latest revelations hopefully now will lead to the fullest criminal prosecution of Mr Cosby for his sexual crimes against myself and all the other victims.
‘The only reason I came forward was to make sure justice is done.’
Goins’ lawyer Spencer Kuvin said the court documents, obtained on Monday, prove that Cosby is an ‘admitted criminal’ and will surely bolster his client’s case.
He is confident a prosecution against Cosby, 77, is imminent and believes the case against him is ‘alive and well’.
‘This is a great revelation for everyone who is a victim,’ he said.
‘I was contacted by the police and they do want to continue and follow up with the investigation. They wanted to reassure me that the investigation was still a pending one – that it was still open.
‘We’re working now to get the police additional information so that they can continue on and bring charges.
‘They want to talk to a number of people and it’s my understanding that they would like to speak to Chloe.’
Goins came forward last year and told Daily Mail Online in an exclusive interview how she passed out at the Playboy mansion after Cosby gave her a drink – before waking up to find him licking her feet and pleasuring himself.
She is one of more than 40 women who have claimed the star drugged and sexually attacked them, although Cosby has always vehemently denied any wrongdoing and has never faced any criminal charges.
Lawyers for Goins say the newly released documents prove that Cosby has lied and he could now end up behind bars.
Kuvin, who represented four victims of the notorious billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, said: ‘My guess is that the police probably knew this was going come out but it only just recently came out.
Hard times: Camille Cosby looks on as her husband speaks at a news conference last November about an art exhibit the two put on at the Smithsonian as rape allegations began pouring in. Goins is the only one not barred for prosecution by the statute of limitations
Hard times: Camille Cosby looks on as her husband speaks at a news conference last November about an art exhibit the two put on at the Smithsonian as rape allegations began pouring in. Goins is the only one not barred for prosecution by the statute of limitations
Background: The comedian was testifying under oath in a lawsuit filed by a former Temple University employee Andrea Constand (above)
‘We’ve thought all along that the police have had further information regarding other allegations – including Chloe’s – that they have been investigating but they’re just not at liberty to discuss.
‘So my guess is that all of this is parts to a very large puzzle in prosecuting Mr Cosby.
‘I believe this is the beginning of the end for Mr Cosby – particularly in terms of his public image.
Lap-dancer Goins was just 18 when she claims Cosby handed her a spiked alcoholic drink before luring her to a bedroom at a Playboy mansion party, before launching a depraved sexual attack on her.
The model and lapdancer, originally from San Diego, said after being introduced to Cosby he started lavishing her and a friend with attention before slipping off and bringing back two alcoholic drinks for the girls.
Speaking to Daily Mail Online when we broke the story, she said, ‘I remember the drink being kind of strong but it didn’t taste funny or anything like that.
‘Everything kind of went a little foggy, I started feeling sick to my stomach, and just dizzy.’
At that point Hefner, realizing Goins was unwell, said she could go and lie down and rest in one of his many spare bedrooms in the plush mansion.
‘Then Bill offered to show me the room, he said he knew the way. He seemed nice and I don’t remember feeling nervous or that it was weird.,’ Goins continued.
‘He had his arm around me to show me the way and I did notice he had been paying me a little more attention than my friend, but never thought anything of it.’
It was at that point Goins blacked out – remembering nothing until she woke up completely ‘butt naked’ on a strange bed.
‘I came to and remember seeing this big man crouched over me. It was Bill Cosby and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe as that’s what woke me up.
‘I was shocked, I said, ‘hey, what’s going on’, he didn’t really say anything, didn’t explain anything or give a reason.
‘He jumped up, pulled his pants back up quickly and left. He had seen that I was alert and bolted out of there, I was left in the room by myself.’
Goins said she is sure Cosby had been licking her breasts and groping her body as well.
The attack left her feeling ’embarrassed, violated and humiliated,’ she said.
Goins filed a criminal report with the LAPD in January this year and the force confirmed yesterday that the investigation was ‘open and active’.
If convicted of a sexual assault, Cosby could face up to 48 months in jail as well as a possible $10,000 fine.
Goins’ lawyer Spencer Kuvin said his client was determined to seek justice on behalf of all the other alleged victims, despite being ‘very afraid of a powerful, influential man who clearly took advantage of her in a situation.’
He added, ‘Her goal right now is to see that Cosby is jailed for what he’s done – not just to her but to all the other girls.’
Cosby has been hit with dozens of historic accusations of sexual assault or rape by women including Beverley Johnson, the first black supermodel.
Beverly Johnson accuses Bill Cosby of drugging her”
Jan7 … you beat me to it but it’s definitely going from bad to worse for serial sexual predator Bill Cosby. These are the latest developments:
– Andrea Constand is asking for the release of a full transcript of the deposition Cosby gave in her case. The former Temple University employee, who lodged sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby in a 2005 lawsuit, now says she wants to publicly tell her story.
In court filings Wednesday, Constand asked a federal judge in Philadelphia to void a confidentiality agreement in her settlement deal with Cosby, saying he and his representatives had repeatedly violated its terms and had left her little recourse but to respond.
– Walt Disney World’s Hollywood Studios theme park near Orlando, Florida removed a statue of Bill Cosby after the park closed on Tuesday night.
– Just now reported Cosby’s high powered talent agency, the Creative Arts Agency, dropped him back in Dec. 2014 after news of his drugging and rape incidents involving more than 25 women continued to make headlines
– A petition posted on their website Wednesday by Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE), a sexual assault prevention and awareness group, is calling on the White House to revoke Cosby’s Presidential Medal of Freedom. The award, which is the highest civilian honor bestowed in the U.S., was given to him by President George W. Bush in 2002.
– Organizers for the Hollywood Walk of Fame are being pressured to remove his star.
– A mural in North Philadelphia showing Cosby alongside late South African leader Nelson Mandela, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, could be removed following the “recent headlines” surrounding the comedian, the city’s Mural Arts Program said Wednesday.
– Dailymail.com reports lawyers for Chloe Goins say the newly released documents prove that Cosby has lied and he could now end up behind bars. She says “I’m so thankful that this deposition came out for me and all the other victims of this sexual predator. I’m very relieved that everyone now knows that I’ve spoken the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The only reason I came forward was to make sure justice is done. The latest revelations hopefully now will lead to the fullest criminal prosecution of Mr. Cosby for his sexual crimes against me and all the other victims.”
Goins’ lawyer Spencer Kuvin said the court documents, obtained on Monday, prove that Cosby is an ‘admitted criminal’ and will surely bolster his client’s case. He is confident a prosecution against Cosby, 77, is imminent and believes the case against him is ‘alive and well’.
I will continue to update LF as the fallout continues to mount for sociopath Bill Cosby and I applaud Andrea Constand for breaking her silence and encouraging the release of all of the documents in his deposition.
Also, I urge LV readers to sign the petition calling for the White House to revoke Cosby’s Presidential Medal of Freedom. The hypocrite doesn’t deserve this honor.
Knownow….WOW!!!! “”“ Andrea Constand is asking for the release of a full transcript of the deposition Cosby gave in her case. The former Temple University employee, who lodged sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby in a 2005 lawsuit, now says she wants to publicly tell her story.” This is wonderful news.
These women are so empowering…I am thrilled & proud of each and everyone of them for joining forces to spread the truth about this evil predator serial rapist. So powerful when victims join forces to lift each other up!!!
I just wish he was 10 years younger so he would end up in jail as it is now he will get his lawyers to extend all the court law suits and if the police bring charges up & a grand jury finds him needing to stand trail for the young victim still with in the statutory limitations I bet his lawyers will drag it out to avoid the trial then say he is too “old” or too “sick” to stand trial.
Praying that he does end up in jail even if it’s only for one week then the world will know. Hopefully his wife will leave him or at least wake up to all his brain washing & gas lighting abuse to see him as the rest of us do = pure pure evil!
Jan7”.Yes, it is great news! and I agree with you that too bad he’s not 10 years younger so he could stand trial, be convicted and rot in prison! I wouldn’t be surprised if his evil attorneys aren’t already cooking up the “too old, too sick” defense and probably advising him to come up with some illness, then will find and bribe a crooked doctor to support it.
With all this fallout I’m hoping more recent victims (well within the statute of limitations for prosecution) will not be afraid and now come forward, supported by strength in numbers. If Cosby could drug and rape at 70 there’s no reason he would stop after that.
Spencer Kuvin, Goins’ lawyer stated he “is confident a prosecution against Cosby, 77, is IMMINENT and believes the case against him is ’alive and well’. That’s good news too! The LAPD is on him!
I agree, even if he’s only in jail a week the whole world will know that he’s an evil serial sexual predator and his staunch defenders can no longer claim “innocent until proven guilty” although they’d probably come back with something like “he didn’t get a fair trial” or “he was railroaded by public opinion”.
Lili Bernard, victim in 1992 and former Cosby Show actress graphically reacted to Whoopi Goldberg’s continuing defense of Cosby on CNN today:
“He surreptitiously, clandestinely slipped drugs into my blood and he raped me,” Bernard said. “It was very traumatic. ” Because he incapacitated me, I was not even able to push the pillow away from my face that he was using to silence my screams. He was suffocating me while he was raping me.”
“And then when he finally lifted the pillow and I could finally gasp for air,” she went on, “I could not even wipe away the tears trickling down my temples that were welling in my ears. This is no bull. This is what I experienced and highly invasive. After having been drugged by Bill Cosby I fell on a table, it bruised and cut me. It was painful and very violent.”
Her charges against Cosby were recently dropped and the investigation by the Atlantic County Prosecutor closed its files citing it was far beyond the applicable statute of limitations.
This woman survived a violent, horrific and traumatic attack by evil Bill Cosby. Hope you saw her interview, Whoopi!
Lili’s story triggered me. Thank you for sharing. I made a connection that I’ve never been able to understand. I don’t mean to intrude on Cosby’s victims, it’s just that I can symathize.
As a child I was molested. He would cover my head with a pillow. To stifle the screams? I’m not sure I would’ve screamed at that time anyway. I was too conditined. I would later as a small child try and kill myself that way. Suffocation by a pillow. After reading your post I now understand that connection. Thank you. It’s painful but I needed that.
How many people have suffocated anf suffered by such a man as Cosby? We know of many. I’m sure there are more than we know.
What is wrong with our justice system? I went to social services after a decade of my abuse and they said it was past the statues of limitation. It had been over 10 years of my last recall when I contacted them.
He went on to getting married, having kids and then he killed himself. Justice. Justice that saddened me tremendously.
I feel so sorry for his wife. Yes, she’s stuck up for him. But what would we do when in the hold of our spats if we were still with them?
Prayers to his wife, his victims and especially his children.
I’m typing on my phone so spell check isn’t great. When I said I feel sorry for his wife and every word after…that was meant for Cosby.
KeepingOn”.I am so sorry you experienced AS A CHILD what Bernard went through as a young adult. Nobody, no woman, no child, boy or girl, should ever have to go through that! I’m hoping that, in light of all this coming out about Cosby, laws will change. Already in several states there’s a movement to eradicate all statutes of limitations when it comes to rape and sexual assault. There’s no time limitations when it comes to murder, kidnapping and other violent crimes so why not when it comes to rape.
For every Cosby victim, of which now stands at 45, there are 10 who haven’t come forward. 450 victims over 50 years! That’s staggering! Some may already be dead from old age and I wouldn’t be surprised, when Cosby drugged these women, some OD’d and he had his goonies cover up their death.
I’m hoping the wheels of justice are now turning faster and Cosby’s victims will soon have their day in court.
Thank you! Your words bring me tears. Our system needs a rehaul! Unfortunately many changes in our legal system come because of media awareness, then survivors pain and finally long over deserved dues of the predators.
It amazes me that when I was a woman in my early 20s I finally reached out to the gov’t and was discounted. To think of what he did to his children…I found other victims along the way. Yet our legal system blocked the abuse.
This is a turning point. I’m so happy for Cosby’s victims coming forward. And so sad it’s taken this long…
Society would like to think it’s taken this long because he’s famous. My story is proof that famous or not, it doesn’t matter. Why should it ever be too late for a survivor to report?
Our society needs to change. Education. Prosecution. Change.
I saw this parallel story online yesterday:
There are probably hundreds of women out there with similar stories from the Hollywood rat race.
This article will make you sick…sociopaths always put out a little bit of the truth with their lies & manipulation if you listen very closely. Here is a perfect example of Cosby’s sick mind & how it played out in his tv show. Also makes you wonder if he was drugging his own wife & children in real life:
From the dailymail. com
“A 1990 episode of Bill Cosby’s eponymous show saw his character ‘drugging’ family members with his mystery barbecue sauce, causing them to immediately want to have sex.
In the episode, Dr. Huxtable (Cosby) is making his famous barbecue sauce as his daughters Sondra and Denise (Sabrina Le Beauf and Lisa Bonet) are fighting with their respective spouses Elvin and Martin (Geoffrey Owens and Joseph C. Phillips).
After having the sauce however, they stop fighting and begin getting amorous with one another at the dinner table.
This episode was filmed years after Cosby had given a woman Quaaludes before sex, and after he bought Quaaludes to possibly give women before sex, as he admitted to in a 2005 deposition.
An episode of The Cosby Show from 1990 features Bill Cosby’s character making his special barbecue sauce, which makes people want to have sex (still from episode above)
An episode of The Cosby Show from 1990 features Bill Cosby’s character making his special barbecue sauce, which makes people want to have sex (still from episode above)
This episode was filmed years after Cosby (above in September) gave a woman a Quuaalude before sex, and bought Quaaludes to possibly give to women
This episode was filmed years after Cosby (above in September) gave a woman a Quuaalude before sex, and bought Quaaludes to possibly give to women
Philly.com pointed out the eerie similarities between the plot and recent revelations made by the actor, though is should be noted the episode was not written by Cosby.
‘He never drugged me’: Bill Cosby’s ‘mistress’ DEFENDS him…
After Dr. Huxtable’s wife Clair (Phylicia Rashad) sees that everyone has stopped fighting, he tells her it is because of his sauce.
‘Haven’t you ever noticed after people have some of my barbecue sauce, after a while, when it kicks in, they get all buggy-buggy?’ says Dr. Huxtable.
‘Haven’t you ever noticed that after one of my barbecues and they have the sauce people want to get right now?’
He then tells his wife; ‘I’ve got a cup of it up on the night table in our bedroom.’
Soon after the pair head upstairs, but not before Dr. Huxtable makes sure that daughter Rudy (Keshia Knight Pulliam) and her young boyfriend stop eating the sauce.
Cosby admitted obtaining quaaludes to give to women in 2005
Cosby fessed up to having and distributing Quaaludes while under oath in a 2005 deposition.
The woman who Cosby admitted giving Quaaludes to is an unnamed Jane Doe who he met in Las Vegas in 1976.
Cosby said under oath; ‘I met Ms (Redacted) in Las Vegas. She meets me back stage. I give her Quaaludes. We then have sex.’
Cosby also admitted under oath that in the 1970s he had obtained seven prescriptions for Quaaludes.
Here, have a nice cold quaalude drink and my special BBQ sauce will be yummy in your tummy. If he could have that’s what he might have said. Yes Dr. Huxtable, DOCTOR mind you, even drugging his TV family! So, he goes from Spanish Fly to BBQ sauce. Isn’t it hilarious all you faithful Cosby fans?
“Haven’t you ever noticed after people have some of my barbecue sauce, after a while, when it kicks in, they get all huggy-buggy?” he asks his TV wife. “I’m dead serious. Haven’t you ever noticed that after one of my barbecues—and they have the sauce—people want to get right home?” He then informs her he has a cup of it on their night table and suggests they “go on up and have some sauce.”
Death and Taxes’ Maggie Serota notes that writing credits for the episode belong to Bernie Kukoff and Janet Leahy, “but we’d be remiss if we didn’t assume that Bill Cosby popped into the writer’s room with this idea?”
Jan7 ” All of it makes me sick. It makes me sick that after the truth was finally staring everybody in the face, including his lawyers and family, he continued to get away with violent criminal sexual acts against women. In 2005, under oath, he admitted to procuring quaaludes with the intent to have sex with women. In 2008 he sexually assaults Chloe Goins in the Playboy Mansion. That civil suit didn’t deter him one bit from continuing his evil despicable assaults. I pray this one suit, and it only takes one, goes to trial and he goes to prison. So Cosby, go on up and have some sauce with Camille!
Knownow, it’s so mind boggling that there is not a huge uproar over this evil man. If this was just a regular guy with a regular job the citizens of LA would pressure the DA & Police to get him off the streets so that he did not abuser more victims. Yet here a rich powerful guy who is able to pay for cunning lawyers & PR people to protect & insulate him from prosecution is walking freely & still doing his stand up gigs with a shirt that says “Hello Friend”. Sick Sick Sick!
I bet every other tv show he dropped hints to his evil ways…and if these cases ever goes to court more shows will be shown in court showing that he is evil and not the “good tv doctor” like everyone thinks. The fact that his TV Show persona was a GYN/OBN doctor just shows the level of his sick twisted mind and that he was constantly thinking about females & what he wanted to do sexually to them.
I am with you I truly hope that Chloe Goins case goes to trail but I am sure there are more young woman that were abused and are within the statue of limitation dates. A sexual predator does not just quite assaulting victims because of age…I bet also he is addicted to hard core porn too (like most sociopaths).
I know in my heart of heart his wife is being drugged too and that is why she just smiles and laughs plus she probably lives in fear of him. Subconsciously she knows how evil he is but he has her brain washed to not think about her deep thoughts of him. He might have started his own daughter on drugs dependence too.
I am just so proud of all of these victims to join forces to go after Cosby (again). Smart & courage women!!