A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
Woopie Goldberg makes a new comment about Cosby, rape & his victims recourse: From CNN
“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg has been outspoken in her support of comedian Bill Cosby.
On Tuesday, she said on the show that she can no longer say “innocent until proven guilty.”
“If this is to be tried in the court of public opinion, I got to say all of the information that’s out there kind of points to guilt,” she said during a conversation with ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams.
More than 25 women have publicly accused Cosby of raping or assaulting them over the past 40 years. The comedian has never been criminally charged and has vehemently denied wrongdoing.
Goldberg recently said she had received threats for staunchly standing by Cosby.
Whoopi Goldberg talks threats for supporting Bill Cosby
On Tuesday, she invited Abrams to explain the legalities behind the accusations.
“I always thought that rape cases were open-ended,” Goldberg said. “What we have learned is, there’s no recourse for these women except what they’re doing.”
From TV dad to accused sexual predator
Goldberg joined Abrams in encouraging viewers to contact their legislators to have statute of limitation laws changed for rape cases so that women who allege such instances are not held to a time frame of when they can come forward with their claims.
What legal consequences could Bill Cosby face now?
At the end of the interview, Goldberg had a message for Cosby, who has remained mostly silent about the accusations.
“It looks bad, Bill,” she said. “Either speak up or shut up.”
Whoopi Goldberg… my faith in you has been restored ”somewhat. On Tuesday, she said on THE VIEW that she can no longer say “innocent until proven guilty.”
“I always thought that rape cases were open-ended,” Goldberg said. “What we have learned is, there’s no recourse for these women except what they’re doing.”
“Goldberg joined Abrams in encouraging viewers to contact their legislators to have statute of limitation laws changed for rape cases so that women who allege such instances are not held to a time frame of when they can come forward with their claims.”
I say “somewhat” because now it’s up to you, Whoopi, to use what you’ve learned, use your voice, your fame, and celebrity status and advocate for women, and for all victims (male and female) of sexual assault , and take a proactive and visible stance/role in changing outdated legislation regarding the “statute of limitations” involving sexual assault and rape cases.
The good part ” because of just one of Cosby’s brave victim’s testimony (Lisa-Lotte Lublin), championed by Gloria Allred, Nevada changed its archaic statute of limitations regarding rape recently from 4 years to 20 years. That is progress; however, there should be NO statute of limitations, NO retroactivity, period. Open ended.
So Whoopi, thank you for seeing the light. What about you Phylicia Rashad?
I agree with your “somewhat.” I wonder if Whoopi had a true change of heart or spoke up to save her reputation. I’m not convinced she’s learned. It will be interesting to see if she continues to advocte.
Despite her motivations it is helpful that she’d spreading the word for people to fight for statue of limitation laws to change. This is long overdo.
Victims deserve rights. The gov’t needs to stop predators in their tracks before more lives are damaged.
Finally the pressure of Cosby has reached the White House…this was on the Daily Mail site:
“President Barack Obama delivered a stinging rebuke to comedian Bill Cosby on Wednesday during a White House press conference that was otherwise focused on his Iran nuclear deal, saying of the date-rape drugging allegations dozens of women have lobbed at him: ‘That’s rape.’
He was asked whether the Presidential Medal of Freedom Cosby was awarded in 2002 would be taken away, and launched into a heartfelt but damning criticism.
‘If you give a woman, or a man for that matter, without his or her knowledge, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that’s rape,’ the president said.
‘And I think this country, any civilized country, should have no tolerance for rape.’
KEEPING HIS MEDAL? Bill Cosby can’t lose his Presidential Medal of Freedom, Barack Obama suggested on Wednesday, before terming as ‘rape’ what the entertained is accused of doing on dozens of occasions
‘If you give a woman, or a man for that matter, without his or her knowledge, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that’s rape,’ the president said
FILE – In this Nov. 6, 2014, file photo, quilts from the Bill and Camille Cosby collection hang at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art in Washington. The Smithsonian Institution stands firmly behind an exhibition showcasing Bill Cosby’s private art collection, even as many other major institutions have distanced themselves from the comedian following unfolding sexual assault allegations against him. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)
Smithsonian posts sign telling visitors exhibit featuring…
‘Of Course Bill Cosby is guilty’: Former ’Cosby Show’ cast…
Obama punted on the Medal of Freedom question, saying that ‘there’s no precedent for revoking a medal. We don’t have that mechanism.’
‘And as you know, I tend to make it a policy not to comment on the specifics of cases where therre might still be, if not criminal, then civil issues involved.’
Court documents obtained by The Associated Press have revealed that Cosby admitted under oath that he obtained quaaludes to give to women with whom he wanted to have sex.
A sexual assault awareness group has petitioned the White House to revoke Cosby’s medal.
On July 9 White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that ‘it’s never been done before.’
‘No tolerance for rape’: Obama makes first comments on Cosby
The president’s condemnation of Cosby’s conduct was welcomed by the group calling for the Presidential Medal of Freedom – but its executive director said it was time to set a precedent of revoking it.
Angela Rose, executive director of Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment, said: ‘By President Obama’s own definition, Bill Cosby is a rapist.
‘The Medal of Freedom embodies our nation’s values. Allowing Cosby to maintain this coveted symbol suggests that we as a society support coercive sexual behavior.
‘The President said there is no precedent for revoking the Medal of Freedom, but there’s also no precedent for the nation giving its highest honor to a man accused by dozens of women and admitting to obtaining drugs to people he wanted to have sex with.
That this an unprecedented action is the point – we need to show zero tolerance for sexual assault.’
Obama, you’re the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! ” Make it a precedent and revoke Cosby’s Presidential Medal of Freedom award! Here’s how you do it. “Mr. Cosby, in the interest of national pride and in support of rape victims everywhere, please return your medal to me.” If he doesn’t, then do it as a matter of record. Let it be on national record that, for the first time in history, the Presidential Medal of Freedom was rescinded from an honoree because it was unknowingly bestowed upon a violent sexual criminal.
He has dirtied every deserving recipient before and after him. He has cheapened the honor of the highest award in the United States. Obama, just do it!
Knownow….I thought the same thing when I read this article….Obama pretends to have no power when he in fact has all the power…so many people have posted that Obama is a narcissist and/or a sociopath all over the net…clearly Obama has zero empathy for the 47 victims that have stepped forward even though Obama himself has two daughters ruffly the same age as most of Cosby’s victims when they were raped by Cosby. You would think Obama would make some effort to deal with this because of his young daughters.
We also have to keep in mind past Presidents thoughout history have manipulated women in the WH i.e. Kennedy had sex with many many very young interns, Roosevelt moved his mistress into the WH even when his wife protested his actions…oh and lets not forget Bill sociopath Clinton and what he did not only in the WH with a very young nerve girl but he did it in the Oval Office while at work! So Obama’s male chauvinistic behavior over Cosby is what is expected. Also he does not want to “upset” Hollywood for the upcoming election. Power & Control of the “people”.
The good news is the pressure has reached the White House…at this point the petition that was send to the WH regarding Cosby’s victims is caused the WH to speak on the subject…that is good news…Cosby’s house of cards is slowly falling down.
Woopie is on a show that is predominately watched by women. So I think she only came out with her very carefully worded statement because she felt the pressure from the views & her bosses & for the fact that she did not want to get fired and loss her big fat pay check. This is from Radaronline:
“It was a startling turn of events on Tuesday’s The View, as Whoopi interviewed ABC legal analyst Dan Abrams about Cosby’s rape scandal.
In the segment, she finally admitted, “If this is to be tried in the court of public opinion, all the information that is out there kind of points to guilt”.It looks bad, Bill. Either speak up or shut up.”
An insider revealed, “ABC had pressured Whoopi into going on the air and backing off her support of Bill Cosby. Executive producers of The View had been all over Whoopi for her continued support of Bill.”
Tensions on set escalated “after one of Cosby’s accusers, supermodel Beverly Johnson appeared on the show,” the source said. “Whoopi dismissed her claims. But after Bill’s deposition was publicly released last week, ABC went to Whoopi and said, it’s time for this to stop.”
“It was becoming yet another distraction the show didn’t need,” the source explained.
Indeed, HBO’s John Oliver skewered the talk show host on his show, Last Week Tonight, during the weekly “And Now This” segment, in a video titled, “Whoopi Goldberg Defends Ten Surprising Things.”
The list included clips from The View, in which Whoopi claimed Mel Gibson was not racist, and defended domestic abuser, Chris Brown and rapist Roman Polanski.
Despite the pressure to make her statement, the insider said Goldberg did not go quietly. “This is a very smart lady. Whoopi isn’t stupid. She was forced into a corner by ABC, and she is very angry about it,” the source said.”
Yes, I figured as much. The View is tanking and when Whoopi stupidly came out with her BS regarding Cosby I thought “that’s it, she’s done and so is The View”. ABC did a PR CPR move and gave her an ultimatum. Actually, it made her out to be more stupid by her claiming not to know anything about “statute of limitations”. Do your homework Whoopi before pontificating.
Knownow, yes Woopies mindset is very screwed up when it comes to men abusing young women. She made a mention that she was sued for something similar not sure about her personal case but her projection is driving her to protect two rapist…Cosby & Roman Polazki (sp??). Makes you wonder more about her own case & her behavior.
In regards to Roman Polanski when he was charged, tried and clearly found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting an underage women, then fled the country, Whoopi, in his defense claimed it was not “rape, like not rape”.
Again, according to Whoopi, rape only occurs in an alley.
Knownow, that is the sick part of why I have major issues with Woopie…let alone all of these 47 victims of Cosby that have come forward and more to come forward still and Woopie discards their drug & rape abuse at the hands of Cosby likes it’s nothing.
The 13 year old GIRL that was raped by Roman Polanski which lead to his conviction Woopie states that she was “not raped” it was “consensual sex”…the GIRL was 13 years old and Polanski was a 43 year old MAN. SICK SICK SICK that Woopie still defends Polanski.
Woopie also defends Chris Brown for hitting the hell out of his gf (now ex) and Woopie defends Sandra Bullock’s ex husband serial cheating & con artist sociopathic ways by stating that “both are to blame” for his serial cheating!! How sick is this!!
The more I think of Woopies verbal behavior & sticking up for the abusers vs all of these victims, I think maybe she has narcissistic personality disorder or worse a sociopath because of her lack of EMPATHY which is a trait of both of these disorders.
People who don’t recognize that non-consensual sex is rape, and don’t recognize that force is not required for a rape conviction in most states across the country, are simply ignorant. Whoopi Goldberg is demonstrating her ignorance.
My book, “Carnal Abuse by Deceit,” clearly made the case that “Non-consensual sex is sexual assault.” My convictions were bolstered exponentially when the White House came out in support of the ItsOnUs Pledge just a few short months after my book was published. Guess what the first line of the ItsOnUs Pledge states……
“Non-consensual sex is sexual assault!!”
There are many tools a rapist can use to exploit a victim’s sex organs….
Force, duress, deception, drugs and other substances, manipulating people too young or mentally incapacitated to consent. ALL non-consensual sex is rape!
The laws in many states are catching up. You can help get a new law passed in NJ by signing the change.org petition to support the law. http://chn.ge/1t7FZJu
The Smithsonian received a $716,000 donation from the Cosby’s funding the exhibition of their personal collection of African/African American art. Their “donation” essentially paid for the entire cost of the exhibit and something that the Smithsonian has kept under wraps since the whole Cosby scandal unfolded.
Artnet.com reports:
“But another potential conflict of interest arises around the support of Mrs. Cosby, who sits on the museum’s board and initiated the loan of her and her husband’s artworks. While the Cosby’s reportedly do not intend to sell their collection, its display will surely raise its value.”
Anybody or institution, associated with the Cosby’s in any way, are sullied and seriously need to re-evaluate their support or association with the Cosby’s.
Money and power!! These courageous victims could never have truly exposed Cosby without join forces & hiring Ms Allred, Ms Bloom and the other lawyers who truly have pressure on the media & courts to expose this man fully. Not to mention the internet has helped tremendously for not only exposing this man to the masses but also connecting all his victims together.
As they say “money is the root of all evil”.
Thanks for posting Knownow.
Just an observation:
The quote is “for the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”
The bible I use quotes:
1 Timothy 6:10, “for the LOVE of money is the first step towards all kinds of sin. Some people have even turned away from GOD because of their love for it, and as a result have pierced themselves with many sorrows.”
Yep. That describes Camille Cosby.
I have a further observation:
Greed is just one of the deadly sins.
Viewers of the View put pressure on the network for Woopie to clarify her statements. This was on the dailymail. Even for Woopie it’s all about her paycheck money that’s it.
Whoopi Goldberg’s decision to stop defending Bill Cosby after accusations that he drugged and raped over 30 women may have been less a change of heart and more a network demand.
ABC reportedly asked the daytime host to stop defending Cosby and to admit that he was likely guilty.
The reason it seems was the overwhelming number of complaints the network was receiving from fans that were upset with Goldberg’s vocal support of the disgraced actor.
Change of heart: Whoopi Goldberg announced on The View Tuesday that she had changed her stance on allegations of rape against Bill Cosby (Goldberg and Cosby above at a 1990 event)
Change of heart: Whoopi Goldberg announced on The View Tuesday that she had changed her stance on allegations of rape against Bill Cosby (Goldberg and Cosby above at a 1990 event)
‘ABC put pressure on her to back down in a big way as they were inundated with anti-Whoopi [complaints]. Execs were putting hard pressure on her, that’s the reason she backed down,’ an insider told Fox 411.
It works out well for Golberg as well as the network according to one individual.
‘It provides cover for Whoopi Goldberg because she made those statements and she was passionate about them,’ says publicist Ryan McCormick.
‘It also provides cover for the greater good of the show and for the greater good of ABC – for them to orchestrate this – it was a really great strategy.
‘It worked out well because as the story gets progressively worse, you don’t want to be seen as somebody defending someone, especially when they’ve admitted on public record for doing something so horrific.’
Bonnie Fuller of HollywoodLife added; ‘This was a smart way by the show to explain to their viewers exactly why Bill Cosby can’t be prosecuted, despite all the accusations against him.’
President Obama meanwhile refused to weigh in on the specific accusations against Cosby on Wednesday, but did say; ‘If you give a woman, or a man, for that matter, a drug and then have sex with that person without consent? That’s rape. And I think this country, or any civilized country, should have no tolerance for rape.’
‘It looks bad, Bill’: Whoopi Goldberg changes her tune on Cosby
Obama berates Bill Cosby saying ‘if you give a woman a drug…
‘Of Course Bill Cosby is guilty’: Former ’Cosby Show’ cast…
FILE – In this Nov. 6, 2014, file photo, quilts from the Bill and Camille Cosby collection hang at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art in Washington. The Smithsonian Institution stands firmly behind an exhibition showcasing Bill Cosby’s private art collection, even as many other major institutions have distanced themselves from the comedian following unfolding sexual assault allegations against him. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)
Smithsonian posts sign telling visitors exhibit featuring…
Office jargon we hate the most
Goldberg, who has been the most vocal supporter of Cosby over the past few months, had legal expert Dan Abrams on The View, and began to voice a shift in opinion when she admitted that she was unaware that there is a statute of limitations on charges of rape.
At the end of the segment she said; ‘If this is to be tried in the court of public opinion, all the information that is out there kind of points to guilt.’
Goldberg had previously said to Abrams about rape cases on the program Tuesday; ‘Why is there a statute of limitations? I always thought that rape cases were open-ended.’
Abrams then explained the laws, and said that the women accusing Cosby only had the court of public opinion.
To this Goldberg replied; ‘I think you look at this case and you see the number of accusations and you say, “Wait a second””
‘I always thought if you take somebody to court, you can have the accuser say, “That’s who did it,” but you’re saying all that is left to these women is the court of public opinion?’
When Abrams confirmed this Goldberg made the aforementioned comment about Cosby’s possible guilt.
She then sent a message to her friend, saying; ‘It looks bad, Bill. Either speak up or shut up.’
Coming around: After learning about the statute of limitations on rape cases Goldberg said that Cosby did appear to be guilty (above on The View last month)
Coming around: After learning about the statute of limitations on rape cases Goldberg said that Cosby did appear to be guilty (above on The View last month)
Forced: An insider is now revealing that ABC executives pressured her to stop defending Cosby (above in January)
Forced: An insider is now revealing that ABC executives pressured her to stop defending Cosby (above in January)
It is a huge shift for Goldberg, who had continued to defend Cosby on The View as recently as last week, lashing out at his accusers and those who support them in an angry rant on Wednesday.
She began by scolding those who criticized her support of Cosby, saying; ‘Not any of you threatening me or telling me you’re coming after me because you don’t like what I said is going to change the fact that no one has convicted him, he has not been arrested, and the bottom line is that’s the law”“innocent, until proven guilty.’
She then went a step further and compared the allegations against Cosby’s to the woman who falsely accused three players from the Duke lacrosse team of rape in 2006, despite the fact that Cosby now has over 30 women claiming they were raped and drugged by the actor.
This after last Monday saw the release of a 2005 deposition in which the disgraced actor admitted to buying Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to women before sex and even giving them to one woman in the past.
Despite accusing Cosby’s dozens of accusers of possibly lying, Goldberg did say; ‘We all have a very important role to play when it comes to abuse and rape.
‘If it’s true the person has to be taken to nth degree of the world and punished; no one here thinks rape is good, no one here thinks rapists are fun” so don’t come after me like that because I’m sick of this bull.’
Whoopi Goldberg loses cool with Bill Cosby accusers on The View
As for the example of the Duke lacrosse team, that incident involved an exotic dancer named Crystal Magnum who claimed she had been hired to perform at a team party and was later raped by Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligman.
The boys were dropped from the team and many accused the young men of committing a hate crime as they were white and the alleged victim black.
In the end, their were multiple problems with Magnum’s story and no conclusive DNA evidence so charges against the boys were dropped.
They later sued Duke for their treatment after the incident, and reportedly each received $20million.
Goldberg also defended Cosby on The View on Tuesday, saying; ‘This is my opinion and in America, still – I know it’s a shock – but you actually were innocent until proven guilty.
‘He has not been proven a rapist.’
Goldberg even seem to make light of Cosby’s revelation, joking; ‘As a former Quaalude user … The ’80s were…They weren’t fun for everybody, clearly.’
She then added; ‘We’ll see what happens as more information comes out. People will make judgments.
‘I don’t like snap judgments because I’ve had snap judgments made on me, so I’m very, very careful. Save your texts, save your nasty comments. I don’t care.’
That same day, some of the women who have come forward saying they were drugged and raped by Cosby – including models Janice Dickinson and Beverly Johnson – also spoke out.
As for Dicksinson, the former supermodel spoke to Entertainment Tonight saying that the release of Cosby’s formally sealed deposition makes it clear he owes all his accusers an apology, and to admit that the women had been telling the truth.
‘I don’t know how to feel. I don’t have the strength at the moment until – until each and every one of the women that have accused Bill Cosby along with myself and a few others that have personally reached out to me that will not come forward due to character victimization – I would like an apology for each and every one of us in order for my soul to feel, ‘ said Dickinson.
‘I don’t feel any hip-hip hoorays.’
She also blasted Goldberg after hearing what she said on The View earlier in the day.
‘What is wrong with you, Whoopi Goldberg? What more does it take? You need to be fired,’ said Dickinson.
‘How dare you sit there on The View? You need to be fired, you stupid woman. That is ridiculous.’
It’s kind of a moot point in the grand scheme of things what Ms. Goldberg’s opinion is. We all have opinions as to his guilt, and she’s entitled to hers, just like I’m entitled to mine. Her comments have kind of gotten into a rating generating big deal to which more meaning is attributed than it’s really worth; and she’s getting more attention than necessary. It’s good for ratings, but there are more interesting and salient issues, like how is this case going to impact women’s safety in the future and awareness of sexual predators and how society protects itself and deals with it. The opinions and feelings of the victims of Mr. Cosby, and all victims of sexual predators worldwide are real issues.
It think the aspect of discussing Goldberg’s opinion is important because it highlights just how a victim (or in this case 47 victims that have come forward and countless others that are afraid to come forward) is abused first by a predator and then by society not believing them when they finally have the courage to speak about their abuse.
In this case Goldberg IS protecting a serial rapist and for that reason alone she should be called out as she is further victimizing these courageous women who finally feel safe to tell their horrific stories.
Thanks for your thoughts. In general rape victims are revictimized in the justice process. The media reports these cases in detail because the defendant is ‘famous’ and people are interested.
I’m not sure that Ms. Goldberg’s off the cuff comments provide protection for Mr. Cosby. There is a balance between freedom to speak one’s opinion and protecting the victims. The best place to try the case is in a court of law, not on a talk show, but sadly ratings are a driving force. I don’t own a tv, but I’d be more interested in something more substantial than someone’s opinion that’s not provable – discussion about the laws, the courage it took the victims to come forward, who the victims are and how the rapes affected their lives, the pervasiveness of the problem in society, how the notoriety of the perpetrator affects things, etc.
Overall, I think the attention her opinion generated is counter productive. And no matter how unpopular or misguided, she has the right to speak her opinion. But the reality is that it’s all about ratings and media and extraneous things, and the more important issues are given a back seat. Viewers are being used and taken advantage of.
In the end, her comments generated such an outcry that the end result is probably overall helpful to society’s empathy for the victims.
“Gloria Allred: Create Mechanism to Revoke Bill Cosby’s Medal of Freedom.” The washingtontimes.com reports:
“Famed sexual harassment and employment lawyer Gloria Allred, who represents a number of women accusing Bill Cosby of rape, wants President Obama to revoke the actor’s Presidential Medal of Freedom and believes that the White House or Congress should create a mechanism to do just that.
Mr. Obama addressed the issue Wednesday of whether or not Mr. Cosby’s medal could be revoked, saying, “There’s no precedent for revoking a medal. We don’t have that mechanism.”
But Ms. Allred told The Washington Times on Thursday that Mr. Cosby’s circumstances he is accused by more than 40 women of sexual assault makes it clear that such a mechanism for revocation of the award is necessary, and that either the executive or legislative branch should get to work on the issue.
“I am very glad that the president decided to address this important issue, rather than avoiding it. His statement about drugging and sexual assault was clear and powerful,” Ms. Allred told The Times. “It is important, however, that a mechanism be created to revoke the Medal of Freedom if the recipient brings dishonor upon our nation’s highest honor. Bill Cosby has tarnished not only his own legacy, but also the medal itself.
“Either the executive branch or the Congress should now formulate guidelines to address the revocation of this high honor when the individual who receives it, disgraces both himself and the Medal of Freedom,” she said.
Ms. Allred isn’t the only one who believes Mr. Cosby should part ways with the medal.
Florida based criminal defense attorney Mark O’Mara, who successfully represented George Zimmerman in the 2013 Trayvon Martin murder trial, said Mr. Cosby should voluntarily return the medal.
“[It] seems there is no process for revoking it, but it’s apparent, from his admission 10 years ago, that most of the women accusing him are speaking the truth. While it can’t be revoked, he can and should return it voluntarily,” Mr. O’Mara said. “His actions demean the basis for and honor of the medal. If he faked an injury in wartime and received a Purple Heart it should be returned. [The] same principle applies here a small step towards regaining some respect of a nation that revered him.”
The Presidential Medal of Freedom is an award bestowed by the president and is the highest civilian award, comparable to the Congressional Gold Medal. It recognizes citizens that have made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.”
It has been given to activists and scientists such as Mother Teresa and Stephen Hawking, foreign leaders such as Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair and entertainers such as Audrey Hepburn and Frank Sinatra.
George W. Bush presented Mr. Cosby with his medal in 2002 for his contribution to television. Mr. Bush has awarded the medal to 81 people during his two terms in office, and Mr. Obama has presented the medal to 80 recipients to date.”
I’ll say it again … YOU GO GLORIA!!
So I turned on the Dr Drew show today just to get a glimpse into the freak show that is society in 2015. Wow. Cosby’s name caught my attention so I abandoned my dirty dishes to listen in. Interesting to see the president weigh in the issue of Cosby’s Presedential Medal of Freedom. He said something to the effect of there is no mechanism in place to remove it ( the medal ). I’m Sure Jan7 & others will clarify more on the president’s statements. What was amazing was hearing the comments of 2 audience members. 1 woman, 1 man. Both spewed forth the evidence that they have succumbed to the sick propaganda that permeates this once beautiful planet that we all share. They both blamed the victims. Please tell me that the producers pre screened and picked these 2 Dinner for Schmucks style for us to all stare in amazement at. I fear not. I’m sickened and tormented by the horrors of our daily lives. It’s not just the relatively few sociopathic individuals either. It’s the cumulative effect of millennia of their domination and having to wade through the vile propoganda that the masses embrace. I’m constantly triggered. It might be whether I will encounter one of the minions of one of my spaths, or a false spath inspired teaching, or a horrific event in the news. Don’t drink the cool aid !
Yes, the man who said “if congress doesn’t act, I have the power of the pen”. But seems that pen doesn’t work to write a mechanism to remove the medal. Let’s hope congress does act to give him that mechanism.
Bill Cosby isn’t just a serial rapist. He used his cultivated image as bait to entice his victims into a situation they would never have submitted to if he was just a Hollywood director with a casting couch.
Cosby was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002. Andrea Constand was sexually assaulted by Cosby in 2004. Chloe Goins was assaulted by Cosby in 2008. Who knows how many women were assaulted after 2008 and haven’t come forward? Most of these women who have come forward were assaulted by Cosby prior to 2002. Yet, the Medal of Freedom was awarded to a recipient who was not thoroughly investigated, vetted, however you want to say it, and did he ever dupe everybody including the President of the United States! I bet George W. Bush cringes when he sees the video of him bestowing the award!
The positive outcome of all this, although not enough for his victims unfortunately, is that our laws pertaining to rape and sexual assault need to change (specifically statute of limitations), our culture needs to view rape as a violent crime, just like murder, that The White House is just as impacted by a growing rape culture, and Hollywood can no longer hide behind paper media because of the internet and social media.
The support for and against Bill Cosby’s victims highlights an important issue. Our interpretation of information is unique to every individual. It’s fueled by our DNA which provides the neuropeptides and hormones by which our brains function. And the codes of conduct that take shape through early development further mold how our opinions form.
Our brain chemistry either causes us to be caring, trusting, considerate and honest, or not. And it fashions how we see the world.
It’s this combination of nature and nurture that forms our views and our roles in society. It determines whether we identify with victims or perpetrators, whether we stand for appropriate treatment for everyone, or whether we justify harm to another human soul.
Beliefs are not random. They’re the impact of brain processes and information. They tell us about how harmful or helpful a person is, if we listen. Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if you pay attention to what they say, you’ll know just how they interpret their world and their role in it, and gain insight about how they’ll treat you.
Everyone with half of a brain, including Whoopi Goldberg, knows that prosecution for crimes is not about truth, it’s about proof. The reason for statutes of limitation is because proof dries up or becomes tainted over time. Cases become difficult to prosecute and difficult to defend. Even in the best of circumstances, people who are not found guilty are not necessarily innocent. The weight of evidence against them is simply not sufficient for a guilty verdict. And people who are found guilty can be as innocent as newly fallen snow.
Whoopi Goldberg’s defense of Bill Cosby had nothing to do with her perception of his guilt or innocence. That’s simply the smoke screen she hid her perspective behind. It had to do with her own experience defending allegations which were brought against her in her past, and her personal interest in protecting her entitlement to defend herself.
We all project based on our personal experiences. We come up with silly, lame excuses that cover up our real motivation like “innocent until proven guilty,” even knowing it simply cannot apply in the face of 47 similar accusations.