A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
For any doubters in this world who do not think Cosby is a sociopaths/psychopath here is proof that he has no conscience. Ms Valentino 6 yeas old son had just recently died when Bill Cosby gave her pills & her friend then raped both. This article is part of this weeks issue of New York Magazine. Please take the time to check out the cover it’s extremely powerful. Ms Valentino is incredibly bravo to share her story with the world alone with all the other victims.
“Victoria Valentino, 72, a former Playboy bunny, was allegedly assaulted by Bill Cosby in 1969. Valentino was dining with her roommate at their usual joint, Café Figaro, where Cosby happened to be part owner. He knew that Valentino’s 6-year-old son had recently died, and he told Valentino’s friend that he thought she could use some cheering up. “He took my roommate and me out to dinner. It was this new hip steak restaurant on the strip near the Whiskey a Go Go called Sneaky Pete’s.
He was chatting her up and trying to charm her. And he reached across and put a pill next to my wine glass and said, ’Here, this will make you feel better,’ and he gave her one. I wasn’t really thinking. I thought, Great, me feel better? You bet. So I took the pill and washed it down with some red wine. And then he reached across and put another pill in my mouth and gave her one.
Just after I took the second pill, my face was, like, face-in-plate syndrome, and I just said, ’I wanna go home.’ He said he would drive us home. We went up this elevator. I sat down, and lay my head back, just fighting nausea. I looked around and he was sitting next to my roommate on the loveseat with this very predatory look on his face. She was completely unconscious. I could hear the words in my head, but I couldn’t form words with my mouth, because I was so drugged out.”
Jan7 ” Yes, that cover is extremely creative, powerful and very timely in fighting back against Cosby’s new PR moves. The magazine article and photo delivers to those that don’t follow the Cosby scandal online but reaches to the general public in a way that tabloids don’t. A very classy visual and written summary of the women brave enough to come forward, that they’re no longer afraid to tell their truth and let their faces be seen to all that Cosby is a liar, a master manipulator, a serial sexual predator and an evil psychopath, the likes of which we’ve never known or could comprehend until now.
Ms. Valentino’s experience is repeated over and over again in these women’s experiences with Cosby. How depraved he is to prey on women who are vulnerable and recently had tragedies in their life, gain their confidence, manipulate and use it as a despicable and sick opportunity to drug (“here, this will make you feel better”) and sexually assault them.
Cosby, do you remember when your son Ennis was murdered and how distraught you were? Let’s say someone you trusted gave you 2 pills and said while grieving “here, this will make you feel better” then took advantage of you (either physically, sexualy or financially) in an incapacitated state. What if a trusted family friend had done that to Camille in her grief?
This cover photo with one vacant chair symbolizing the women still out there yet to come forward is a poignant exclamation mark to the photo. And they will come forward.
Jan7 and Know now
You give Bill Cosby more credit for his humanity than I do. I believe he is a sociopath, and as such I follow the nature of such evil. A hallmark of sociopath is NO conscience. Therefore, I don’t think Bill Cosby was grieved for the murder of his son in the way that normal people are. I believe he was angry, that someone took away a possession of his.
For your admonition that Bill Cosby think “what if someone did this your wife”, I remind you that Bill Cosby sold his own daughter’s drug struggles to a tabloid in exchange to squashing a story about dear sweet Bill.
Furthermore, an example from my ex, a sociopath, didn’t care what happened to me, his wife. Rather, if someone made my ex feel anger, my ex vented revenge for that anger onto me. One of his vengeance on me was to go “F” some simpering horndogs (there were many waiting for him to be free) and then he’d come home acting so pleased with himself and cruel and snide to me, enjoying the secret of what he did with another woman, his vengeance and superiority over me, smiling that disgusting smirk.
I’d imagine Bill Cosby did a variation to his wife, venting his anger at Camille by doing these rapes to other women, and lording it over his wife when he came home from his crimes, it was his favorite form of venting his anger against his wife… just like boys vent their anger against their mother by raping women. Just my theory.
And my experience. NO sociopath feels distraught or grief, they feel something but not remorse or regret or loss of a child that they loved more than themselves. Nope. They USE other peoples assumption of that pain, USE other peoples empathy, but nope, they don’t have the conscience necessary to feel that kind of pain.
Notwhathesaidofme, If you read my post above I specifically state in the first line: “For any doubters in this world who do not think Cosby is a sociopaths/psychopath here is proof that he has no conscience.”
I think Cosby ABSOLUTELY a psychopath. I also think that his wife & children are victims of Cosby because he is a psychopath.
I think you must have misread my post just above.
For someone who tends to be very wordy and drone on, I sure could have edited my post to both of you better; I intended to validate you and disagree with knownow but disagree with her only in the paragraph she wrote imagining Bill with empathy… starting with “Cosby, do you remember…”
Apologies for my clumsiness, I was actually trying to be concise and then as usual, I got wordy, got carried away with trying to explain my examples of how Cosby would never understand the “what if it happened to you” scenario, and worse, I didn’t edit. I got emotional and … mea culpa.
Notwhathesaidofme, No worries…I could have posted my post back to you much better with less directness too, so sorry…please accept my apologies. Wish there was an edit mode because after I posted it I read it and thought that I needed to “tone” it some so that you didn’t miss understand my point and take it too personally.
I get wordy too 🙂 I think what we all have been through so much with a sociopath that there are so many thoughts in our minds it’s easy to have long post. But I also think the long post (which everyone post) are good because they cover so much & we all learn so much from each other.
I agree with you about Cosby never understand the true loss of his son…I was thinking that he was probably only crying for public attention & because he lost someone that he controlled.
Furthermore, Jan7
You might notice I should have been direct rather than imply… that Bill Cosby doesn’t give a fig about hurting Camille. She is his BEARD, his manager, not his sweetheart, dear love, and wife.
I think about what it took for her to find a way to rationalize his behavior when thought the women were affairs… how does she find a way to rationalize that he’s so cold and calloused to rape underaged girls, newly bereaved mothers, and in my OPINION her own daughters. Like US, and the sociopaths we found in our lives, we don’t want money, we just wanted the abuse to STOP. Camille says she doesn’t read what’s printed about Bill, but the thing is… EVERYONE around does read, they KNOW the truth now. So what’s Camille to do… become a recluse and shut out the world? I would wish better for her than that.
ps Thanks for giving grace about my poorly edited post. I sure did use that edit button a lot when it was available.
LOL & smiling..I used the edit button a lot too 🙂
I think that we all have to reflect back to when we were in hell….Camille is living in hell and as my counselor stated I was just trying to survive during my marriage and could not open the door to leave and so is she.
Camille is in a tornado of hell and has been for 50 years. It’s easy for everyone watching this tornado (Bill) from a safe distance and say “why doesn’t she leave” but she is in the tornado everyday being brain washing, mind controlled, gas lighted, I am sure he uses intimations, isolates her from anyone that tells her the truth, pity me, plus I strongly believe that he has been most likely feeding her pills their whole married to control her…look how he easily handed out pills to strangers…I also wonder if it was he (cosby) that hooked his own daughter on drugs. He is evil all around.
NWHSOM”.When I said “Cosby, do you remember— what I meant was that would be a normal grieving response by a normal, empathic human being. I meant it more as a hypothetical statement to validate Ms. Valentino’s experience and in no way did I mean to imply that BC was actually distraught over the death of his son and, no I don’t give him any credit for his humanity because he has none.
I agree with you in that BC didn’t grieve for his son but instead grieved for the loss of a personal possession. Also, I believe BC was directly responsible for the death of his son. I won’t go into details, but in my opinion and my opinion only, because he sexually assaulted so many young women one very angry FATHER of a victim was going to let Cosby know “you don’t rape my daughter and not lose something in return”. And he did. Ennis was murdered and I think BC knows why he was murdered but it was never thoroughly investigated by the police, media or made public because that would blow the lid on his serial rapes. Again, just my opinion.
Someone took away a possession of his, his son and his “grief” was a massive pity play to the public to further enhance his image as “America’s Dad” and he milked the public sympathy and attention for all it was worth.
spelling error…should be Brave not bravo and “share her story with the world along with” not alone. Sorry auto spell check inserted the wrong wording. 🙁
BC could buy off the paper media of the 70’s, 80′, 90’s and even 2000’s at the time. But guess what, he and his attorneys never predicted the power of the internet, social media and instant information available to the world back then. Yes, the world!
The world is becoming to know who Bill Cosby really is, a psychopathic serial rapist, who is likely to go down in entertainment history books as an ultimately disgraced, hypocrite, and criminal comedian along with Woody Allen. Let’s not forget Roman Polanski. I hate to say this but their crimes pale next to Cosby’s.
But then again, who know what they paid to keep the truth under wraps.
Wow, Monique Pressley, attorney for Cosby, is now bringing the race card into the defense of Bill Cosby. She claimed it was a “lynch mob” out to get him. Really? What a low blow in her defense strategy!
OK, so, tell me, what do Monique Pressley (so-called esteemed female feminist African American attorney), Leroy Amar (MD pill doctor to Cosby) and Rachel Dolezal (wannabe “African American”) have in common? Howard University, a prominent African American university, of which they all attended and/or received degrees.
Cosby can’t fall back on Temple Univ so now he’s appealing to Howard Univ.
Howard University, it’s time for you to speak out.
Ms Allred has scheduled Bill Cosby deposition for October 9, 2015….lets hope he shows up and answers her questions.
From Radar Online:
“In a statement, Allred said, “In court, the honorable Judge Craig D. Karlan ordered that the parties meet and confer and agree on dates for each client’s deposition and then submit those dates to the court. The judge stated that he would then decide the order of the depositions and the dates on which they should take place.”
“Today we received a copy of the court’s order. The court granted our application requiring Mr. Cosby to submit to his deposition before the deposition of our client, Judy Huth,” she said.
“Mr. Cosby’s deposition will take place on October 9, 2015 and our client’s deposition will take place on October 15, 2015. We are pleased that we will now be able to move ahead without further delay on Ms. Huth’s case and we look forward to taking Mr. Cosby’s deposition on October 9, 2015.”
Jan7 ” The deposition moving forward is a good thing”.too bad it’s 2 months away. Plenty of time for him to cook up a reason not to appear (although Gloria said she would depose him at his home. Camille you should sit in on that). Plenty of time for his lawyers to coach Cosby on how to answer questions yet evade and muddy the truth. Wouldn’t put it past him to answer “I don’t remember or I don’t recall or it was So long ago”. Or, he could fake an illness, but guess what; they’ll take his deposition from his sick bed. At least Allred has the advantage of going first (Cosby on 10/9, Judy Huth on 10/15).
I expect Judy Huth will be completely transparent in her answers because she’s telling the truth and has nothing to lose or gain. Meanwhile he’ll resort to the word salad defense or blame the victim like all sociopaths do when cornered.
Judy Huth doesn’t want money”.she wants her day in court with Cosby on the stand and under oath. It’s also expected, based on past Cosby legal representation that he’ll try to settle before it goes to court. Allred and Huth will not let it happen.
Cosby must be hiring and firing lawyers like popping Skittles!
Knownow, I think the same. Cosby’s lawyer were all giving high five’s to each other when they heard that they have an extra two months to run up even more billing hours. Yes, I think he will soon be getting sick to avoid this deposition and he he has his PR people on ready standby to send out the sympathy pity me story just in time to make the 5 o’clock news.
I think Ms Huth will do wonderful…so incredibly brave of her to stand up against this EVIL sociopath!!
I wonder if there is a grand jury hearing any of his victims story…sure hope so!!
Came across this informative website that conveniently tracks all things COSBY RAPE such as BC rape survivor reports, BC rape tracker stats, survivor’s names (ages and dates), BC news and more. The rape tracker stats were especially excellent and well compiled. I hope this site continues to report relevant Cosby doings, especially his legal maneuvers to evade answering to his evilness. Check it out:
I wouldn’t be surprised if Cosby pulls a Roman Polanski by fleeing the country before anymore depositions, litigation or settlements. See:
I can imagine Cosby’s sociopathic attorneys have a 24/7 war room strategizing his latest court motions. Would sure like to know how many attorneys he has on the Cosby payroll.
On Wednesday morning, Gloria Allred revealed that three women she represents would come forward with accusations against Bill Cosby. In reference to the NY Magazine photo of Cosby’s victims “Today that empty chair is filled by three new women, who alleged that they were victimized by Mr. Cosby,”
Today’s Huffington Post reports:
“Before giving the podium to the women, Allred mentioned the comments made by Cosby’s lawyer Monique Pressley, who stopped by HuffPost Live in July. During her interview, Pressley said that the women who came forward “waited too long” to report their experience. “I don’t think that 10, 20, 30, 40 years later, people get to decide to come forward,” Pressley said on HuffPost Live.”
“Allred called Pressley’s comments a “pathetic attempt to defend Mr. Cosby,” adding that “enough is enough.” Allred then challenged Pressley to a public debate. “Instead of trying to change the subject from specific allegations to vague truisms about the criminal justice system, I challenge you to debate me,” Allred said. “Stand up like a woman and do it and please do not give some ridiculous excuse as to why you will not accept the challenge.”
“After Allred’s message to Cosby’s attorney, Whitedeer then told her story, alleging she was sexually assaulted by Cosby during an audition. In her statement, Whitedeer said, “When Cosby was done, there was a horrible mess of semen all over my face. I bordered on vomiting.” After the alleged attack, Whitedeer said, “He was mumbling that I had been blessed with his semen as if it was holy water.”
Everything about BILL COSBY THE SOCIOPATH makes me want to vomit!
I’m wondering if all of these victims can sue this well known hospital for malpractice?
This is from Radar Online (this is a video of Hufnagel discussing what she witnessed.
“Vicki Hufnagel tells Radar that the comedian even enlisted the help of his unknowing wife and his lover in the sick scheme to obtain the drugs.
According to Hufnagel, 65, she watched Beverly Hills gynecologist Dr. Maclyn Wade, the former head of obstetrics and gynecology at L.A.’s prestigious Cedars-Sinai Hospital, write Cosby a prescription for Quaaludes while Camille Cosby and his mistress were both in for an appointment at the exact same time unbeknownst to either woman.
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“A nurse came and took Mrs. Cosby to an examination room down the hall. As soon as she left, Bill began thanking Dr. Wade for making the arrangements for him. I was a little confused what was going on,” Hufnagel tells Radar.
“Dr. Wade told Bill that it wasn’t any problem, seeing both his wife and girlfriend at the same time! He said, ’Our building is big enough for both of them.’ And then they both laughed.”
Later that day, Hufnagel, who was a resident at Cedars-Sinai from 1976 through 1980, witnessed a more serious conversation between Cosby and Dr. Wade. The physician asked Cosby if he needed anything since he was already at the hospital. Cosby mentioned that he was traveling constantly between L.A. and New York and not getting much sleep.
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“So Dr. Wade takes out his prescription pad and he starts writing on it,” claims Hufnagel. “And he writes a prescription.”
The doctor handed the sheet of paper to Hufnagel, who glanced down at it while handing it off to Cosby. “And it’s a prescription for Quaaludes,” notes Hufnagel. “This was a prescription being given to Mr. Cosby because of the relationship between Dr. Wade as the chairman at a famous hospital and a famous man.”
Hufnagel then reveals that there was no record kept of the transaction between the two men.
When Hufnagel asked Dr. Wade why he didn’t follow protocol, she claims he told her: “That’s what we’re about we’re the hospital for the stars.”
“It shattered the image of being Mr. Nice Guy and caring about everybody”no exam, no opening your shirt, there was no nothing,” says Hufnagel, who brought suit against Dr. Wade in 1985, alleging he fired her after she ended an affair.
Dr. Wade passed away in 2001. The Medical Board of California revoked Hufnagel’s medical license twice for unprofessional conduct and improper billing and she is no longer practicing medicine.
“I’m coming forward to alert the public that Bill Cosby is a predator,” Hufnagel says of the now-78-year-old disgraced comedian. “I’m sickened by the possibility that he may have used the Quaaludes given to him by Dr. Wade to sexually assault women.””
This is the perfect place to post a dream I had the other night…about Bill Cosby. I dreamt that he and I had become friends – acquaintances – and we were discussing doing a trade of some sort. I was aware of his history drugging and raping women, but in the dream I thought he wouldn’t try that with me. We were both older – I’m in my mid-fifties. I was about to get into his car. He was opening the door. We were near some place of business, like a hotel. But as I was about to get into his car, he grabbed my wrist with one hand. With the other he pulled out a white pill. I tried to scream, but my voice was muffled. Then I woke up.
The dream was a message to me never to be too complacent with dangerous people. He absolutely could have been the kindest, nicest guy in 80% of his life, but go around raping women in the other 20%. I experienced that – the one I dated being the nicest guy you’d ever want to meet. Everyone loved him. Except that he was a pathological liar and a cheat. Even after all these years, it still boggles my mind that there are people like this.
“The list of women accusing Bill Cosby of sexual assault grew Thursday, with two new women publicly coming forward in New York City with their stories.
The two accusers join a group of more than 40 women who allege they were drugged and sexually assaulted by the comedian.
Charlotte Fox and “Elizabeth” ”“ who asked that her real name not be used ”“ detailed their allegations against the 78-year-old comedian in a press conference held by civil rights attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing the alleged victims. The women were also joined in support by another alleged Cosby victim, Sarita Butterfield, who came forward with her story last November.
Elizabeth claimed she was barely 20 years old when she met Cosby while working as a flight attendant in the summer of 1976. Cosby allegedly invited her to the Playboy Mansion, but she declined. She said that a persistent Cosby later called her hotel and invited her once again. After an afternoon at the mansion, Elizabeth accepted the comedian’s invitation to dinner since, she said, “Mr. Cosby had been a gentleman.”
The two allegedly dined at Tokyo KaiKan, where Elizabeth revealed she did not drink or use drugs. Cosby, she claimed, insisted she drink sake to “loosen” her up. After drinking the sake, Elizabeth recalled feeling light-headed.
“I was completely in a trancelike state, like I was dreaming,” she read in a statement. “I don’t remember how we got to his hotel room. He went to the bathroom and undressed and came out in a robe.
Because of how sick she felt, Elizabeth said she could barely stand up. “He made me kneel down,” she read from her statement before breaking down in tears. “All I know is that it was the most horrifying thing that could happen to an innocent woman.”
The second alleged victim, Charlotte Fox, said she was 23 years old when she met Cosby while working as an extra on the set of Uptown Saturday Night in ’70s. One day, the comedian invited Fox and a few others to a late-night jam session at a local jazz club. After dinner and drinks, Cosby purportedly invited the group to continue the night at the Playboy Mansion, where she allegedly fell ill after eating and drinking some more at the mansion.
I vaguely remember coming back from the bathroom,” Fox read in a statement. “The next thing I remember was that I was sort of awake, in a bed, with no clothes on and there was Mr. Cosby, in a robe, crawling from the bottom of the bed.”
Fox added, “I was incapacitated and couldn’t say no. He engaged in sexual activity with me. It was not consensual.”
I’d like to add that so many reports of the number of Cosby’s victims coming forward are quoted at “more than two dozen” or “dozens”. Let’s not minimize the number and say it for what it is”.this brings the number of women drugged, raped and or sexually assaulted Bill Cosby and who have come forward to 52. More brave and courageous women will be empowered to speak their truth and before we know it will be 100. That doesn’t take into consideration the silent hundred’s of women who wish not to be re-traumatized, the ones that have passed away, and the ones that have worked hard to overcome a nightmare experience at the hands of evil Bill Cosby.