A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
Hi Knownow, WOW that is fantastic news about Canada not having statutory limitations on rape! People are always putting Gloria Alred down for her news conferences but she is a fighter & a protector of women. Amber Frey was raked over the coals by the press because psychopath Scott Peterson sucked her into his evil murderous game, it was Gloria Alred that ultimately protected Amber Frey in public view & on the witness stand. Glad most of Cosby’s victims went to her. Gloria Alred is a savvy lawyer so no doubt she/her office staff have checked out all possibilities of putting Cosby behind bars. Hopefully Canada has opened a investigation into his rape case.
As for Camille, dont turn your back on her yet…she IS a victim of a extremely evil cunning sociopath (maybe psychopath). If he was drugging & raping all these woman for 50 years there is a great possibility he has been drugging his own wife too for 50 years so that she does not leave him & he could get away with his cheating. I know for myself I was just so mentally, emotionally & physically exhausted by my ex h that I did not have the strength to crawl out of the hell he put me into. I think the same for Camille. There is something about her smile that seems to be fake, not fake like she is a fake person but fake that she is attempting to keep peace with her crazy husband when they get into the car alone or go home alone after being out in public. It seems like her surviver mode response has kicked in to high gear. I put on a fake smile everyday just to survive as I lived in fear without fully understanding the depth of the fear.
Cosby is not just abusive to outsiders no way, a sociopath is abusive behind closed doors to his own family first.
Thanks Knownow for posting these updates.
Jan7” Gloria Allred would not waste her time representing clients without credible accounts of sexual abuse.
Regarding Camille, I understand she was probably victimized for decades by Cosby, the sociopath/psychopath. I also understand her reasons for not dumping him way back when (ie his public persona, children, money, lifestyle, status). I agree with you, there is something about her smile that’s not quite right. Body language experts have weighed in that her smile hides her true anger. At this point in her life she’s taking the path of least resistance ensuring her remaining years to be as comfortable as possible. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen as she’s being taken down with him. As I said before, his legacy is her legacy and it’s TANKING.
I don’t believe I was ever in a relationship with a sociopath but my last one, 15 years ago and thanks to Lovefraud, now leaves me wondering. However, I know I was a victim of a sociopathic bully employer/boss and have what I believe to be PTSD as a result. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be romantically involved with an evil sociopath. If you’re in any way trusting emotionally, physically (and perhaps financially) upon someone you thought decent and worthy who turns out to be a con artist is the greatest deceit of all. So, I do understand how Camille can be as much a victim as the women he raped.
Jan7 .. I’m sorry and truly understand what you endured with your sociopath. Just know that you are the better person and a greater soul because of him.
Knownow, thank you for your kind words, just to let you know I am a “better person and a greater soul” because of my family foundation & wanting to be a good person not because “of him” (my ex). My ex like all sociopaths wanted to destroy my soul & every fiber in my being. This is what every sociopath wants with anyone that enters their hellish world to destroy them. They hate people the feel deeply because they can not feel anything.
I think Camille got trapped quickly in Cosby’s web of deception after first meeting him….her parents did not like Cosby, did not want her to marry him as a young teenager & Cosby loved bombed Camille extremely quickly into his life & his ways. He left him several times but always went back no doubt because he is masterful with his manipulative words. I think by now she just wants some peace in the time she has left on this planet. Divorcing Cosby would be a nightmare & public smear campaign by Cosby. He is ruthless to women in public imagine how it is like with him behind closed doors. Very scary to think about.
Here is part of the NY Post article. Camilee had a Catholic background sociopaths love people that are connected to religion because they are easily brain washing & mind control as the victim wants to be a good person who will turn their cheek.
“…. The priest who married the Cosbys, the Rev. Carl Dianda, remembers well the soft-spoken and intelligent girl named Camille Hanks who attended St. Cyprian Elementary-Middle School in southeast Washington, DC, and a threadbare Catholic church a few miles away in Olney, Md.
The just-retired priest recalls Camille and her three siblings, Guy Jr., Rene and Eric, were nothing short of adorable and devout…..“The only time she missed Mass was when she married Bill Cosby,” says Father Dianda, who presided over the couple’s wedding…..She was just 18 when she met Bill Cosby, then 25 and an aspiring comic. Although he grew up in Philadelphia, he had family in Maryland he would visit often. He had dropped out of Temple University, and no one, not even Dianda, thought at first that he was a serious suitor.
“He wasn’t famous at all,” the priest said. “He was doing these comedy bits, but no one knew who he was.”
The pair met on a blind date at a bowling alley. Dianda says it was love at first sight for Cosby.
Camille was “the most beautiful girl and the nicest person,” Dianda remembers. “I baptized her brother and her sister, and she came from a really good family and, at the time they got married, I don’t think that Bill had any other girlfriends, ever.” The comedian would hold her hand, and he desperately tried to ingratiate himself with her parents, traveling from New York, where he lived, to Maryland to attend church and other functions, always schmoozing with ÂCamille’s father.
“[Camille’s mother] Catherine really didn’t want her to marry Bill, and her father just didn’t want to be aggravated anymore, so they gave their blessings,” says a family friend who attended St. Peter’s Church. “Bill is wonderful in a lot of ways, but you knew right away, when he first came to our church, Camille may have gotten more than what she bargained for.”
Camille’s dad, the late Guy Hanks, was convinced that if Bill ever cheated, “Camille’s first Âinstinct would be to bash him over the head with a frying pan,” she says. The long-distance relationship went on for just one year before they tied the knot in 1964.
After they married, Camille, then 19, pushed Cosby to go back to school. She wanted her husband to “have something he could fall back on in case show business didn’t work out,” a friend says.
With a background in education and business management, Camille handled the family’s Âfinances. Beginning in 1966, she began having children, and the couple eventually had five.
Bill and Camille Cosby with their children.
Photo: Zumapress.com
Meanwhile, Cosby’s stand-up career soared, and he landed his first big television role in the 1965 NBC TV series “I Spy,” a show Dianda says he still watches religiously on weekends.
He went on to create the Fat ÂAlbert character and scored three hit movies opposite screen legend Sidney Poitier in the 1970s with “Uptown Saturday Night,” “Let’s Do It Again” and “A Piece of the Action.”…..”
The signs were all there from the beginning with this relationship and how Bill was ultimately going to treat her with disrespect. Her back ground was prime for a sociopath’s grooming and love bombing.
Camille was 18 years old….this is around the age of most his young victims too.
Another account of Cosby’s evil, told by Ruthie DiTucci, a young aid working in the Jello recording studios with Cosby. As a witness, she questions, on so may levels, why the legal system failed to address the collusion, coverups, illegal financial transactions, his accomplices, employees, attorneys and family.
She writes 2/15/2015:
“When I was a teenager, I was not one of Bill Cosby’s victims because his assistant recognized that I was a kid working in a recording studio most commonly frequented by adults.
Cosby’s assistant had mercy on me and told me emphatically that I should NEVER leave my tea, coffee or soft drink open on my desk if I knew Cosby was booked into our studio. At the time we worked for NYC Advertising Agencies whom at the time held the Food Accounts.
The JELLO account went from one agency to the next depending on which of the agencies got them the best promotion. At the time I remember the account being with two different agencies yet both agencies brought us their JELLO related production work. We were hired by those agencies to record, manufacture and distribute :30 and :60 national radio JELLO spots.
With certainty I can assure the world that what is being said about Bill Cosby by (now 33 different women) is not a myth. It is all true. It was true back then, and it continued for decades. To this day, I have always asked why Attorney Generals in all the states where Bill Cosby raped people (because they were not all women) have not applied the RICO Act to Bill Cosby as a business and his attorneys’ law firms as businesses.
If collusion and conspiracy take place in order to advance and protect a criminal enterprise, that’s all you need in order to apply the RICO Act. Who benefited from this criminal enterprise in addition to Cosby’s immediate family? All his law firms!
I can’t imagine that that all the law firms that worked on Bill Cosby cases have shredded all their documents. And what if they did? I’m sure that the law firms that represented Cosby’s victims have enough to file the RICO Act against them. I doubt that the innocent law firms that did not aid and abet Cosby’s criminal enterprise don’t want to be accused and tried for it and they will likely turn over their records rather than be charged with Cosby’s lawyers. Cosby’s lawyers may be having a huge shredding party but Cosby’s victim’s attorneys will likely give their case files and work product copies to a United States Attorney General.
I have always wondered why the authorities haven’t joined forces and gone after that criminal enterprise because the behavior engaged in although it was rape, resulted in the same result. The criminal conspiracy’s sole purpose was to protect the financial enterprise that fed them all. As in the RICO Act, collusion and conspiracy are required in order to protect and perpetuate a criminal enterprise from exposure and in order to protect the business further so that money continues to generate for those participants benefiting from said criminal enterprise.
Without exception, Bill Cosby’s attorneys (all of them) protected him in a fierce enough manner through bullying, blackmail and intimidation of witnesses that they literally enabled him to continue committing sexual assault for decades. I remember being present at the Brill Building in NYC when one of Bill Cosby’s attorneys was threatening the life of a publisher if Cosby’s name showed up in a book the publisher was handling for a NYC socialite.
Not only did the attorney threaten the publisher’s life, he also told him that he (the attorney) knew where his kids went to school.
Those of us standing in the waiting room who heard that attorney threaten the publisher and his children’s lives are still living and we are not the only witnesses to that event, there were several of us. Perhaps they are patiently waiting for all of us to die.
We actually thought, from the way that attorney spoke, that he was some kind of mobster. Imagine our surprise when we learned he was an attorney representing Bill Cosby. When the attorney came out of the office, he reached into his pocket and fearing he was a goon about to shoot us, we were visibly shaking. Instead, he pulled a small phone book out of his inside pocket and demanded that we all write down our names, where we worked, our home addresses and phone numbers in his book. To say we were trembling is an understatement.
Even today, I feel the RICO Act applies because Bill Cosby was a financial empire. His attorneys not only protected his financial empire but they drew from that trough daily and those law firms made millions by protecting Cosby’s business empire that was and is ’Bill Cosby’ still today.
Why haven’t Attorney Generals joined together and sued Bill Cosby and the numerous law firms that protected his ability to continue raping? And what about the NYPD desk sergeants that instead of handing up the rape reports and putting them through the system, instead exchanged them for 4 front row seats to a good Broadway show complete with dinner if they handed the reports to Cosby’s attorneys instead?
Why haven’t Attorneys General sued on behalf of the people he assaulted? I think it is time that as a society, we bring this discussion to the table. Consider that the many people Cosby sexually assaulted when he was in New York working at his Queens studio, still earn residuals from the Cosby show so they’re not about to talk and jeopardize their residuals.
There were many people like myself who had absolutely no power and no ability to fight the industry he was then and the powerhouse he became. He could actually use his influence to ruin people and he used it often.
Witnesses that worked where he did have waited for decades to see justice done in this case.”
Another piece DiTucci wrote 01/26/2015 is also revealing of her personal encounters with Cosby, his evil nature, and the Cosby cult cover-up. It’s too lengthy to post, but extremely revealing of Cosby’s empire. Here is the link:
FYI, the victim count is now at 38.
The widow of comedian Richard Pryor has slammed embattled Bill Cosby, describing him as a ‘piece of s***’ who ‘had sex with everything that moved’.
Jennifer Lee Pryor also branded the 77-year-old a hypocrite on the podcast ‘Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend’ in a scathing attack on the star following the resurfacing of historic sex abuse allegations against him.
The two comedians started their careers as bitter rivals, with Cosby accusing Pryor of copying his technique. However they are believed to have become friends when Pryor changed his act after two years away from the comedy scene.
‘Had sex with everything that moved’: Jennifer Lee Pryor branded the 77-year-old a hypocrite on the podcast ‘ Alison Rosen is Your New Best Friend’. She said: ‘Bill ” hated Richard because he “worked dirty”. Bill worked clean, so therefore, you know-Bill’s just a f*****g hypocrite and dirty on the inside.’
‘It was a well-kept secret that Bill f*****d everything that moved,’ she added. ‘This kind of s*** that we’re finding out about is beyond. ‘I wasn’t aware of this kind of business. There are people in the business who were aware of it and they’re coming out now.’
The pair married in 1981 but divorced just 14 months later. However they tied the knot again in 2001 and stayed together until Pyror’s death in 2009 at the age of 65.
During the damning interview, she also insisted Cosby’s wife Camille knew about his alleged lurid behavior all along. She said: ‘Of course she knew. Why is she going for the “okie-doke,” as Richard would say? That’s anybody’s guess.’
Finally, referring to the state of his career, he said: ‘He’s done. Yea. He’s done.’
‘Where there’s smoke, there’s fire’: Actor Samuel L. Jackson…
Relationship: Pryor died in 2005 at the age of 65. His widow (pictured with him in 2000) claims Cosby hated him because he ‘played dirty’
Tensions: Pryor walks into the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Century City, California, He and Cosby started their careers as bitter rivals, with Cosby accusing Pryor of copying his technique
Another courages victim of Cosby comes forward:
“Former model Heidi Thomas has come forward to accuse Bill Cosby of sexual assault, saying that she awoke to the comedian “forcing himself in my mouth” in Reno, Nevada in 1984. She was 24 at the time.
Known as Heidi Johnson at the time, Thomas was living in Denver and attempting to kickstart her budding modeling career with JF Images, founded by industry legend Jo “Barricuda” Farrell. In 1984, that break came in the form of Cosby, who was “looking for young talent that he can mentor” at the time.
Via CNN:
She says Maloney [an agent at JF Images] told her that she needed to go to Reno, Nevada, because Bill Cosby wanted to work with her — to coach her and help her act. Maloney died in 1997. Cosby was performing at Harrah’s Hotel and Casino. Thomas says her agent told her she would be staying there and Cosby would probably be doing the coaching in his hotel suite. Despite some protest from her mother, Greta Lee Johnson, Thomas ended up flying to Reno for the gig with Cosby. A limousine reportedly picked her up at the airport for a ride to a house outside of town owned by a friend of Cosby’s “so he doesn’t have to deal with the paparazzi” in Reno. And, from there, Cosby greeted her at the door before giving her a drink:
Thomas says Cosby greeted her at the door of the sprawling house, and later, the coaching began. She says she performed a monologue, and when she finished, Cosby asked her to do a cold read of a person who was intoxicated. According to Thomas, Cosby wasn’t impressed. Thomas wasn’t much of a drinker.
“How are you ever going play an intoxicated person … if you’ve never been drunk?” she says he told her.
She says Cosby wanted her to relax, and he gave her a glass of Chablis. Following that, Thomas says the next few hours were “foggy,” but ultimately she allegedly woke up to Cosby sexually assaulting her: Thomas says that when she woke up, Cosby was next to her in bed, naked and “forcing himself in my mouth.” She says she remembers feeling like she wanted to throw up.
Soon after, Thomas says, Cosby was getting on top of her again and referring to himself in the third person.
“I’m your friend … your friend is gonna [ejaculate] again,” Thomas remembers him saying.
Thomas also said that she was in such shock that she ended up apologizing to Cosby:
Thomas says she remembers eventually storming out of the room and slamming the door, and then apologizing for being “rude.” The next thing she can remember is riding with Cosby to his show. She says the rest of her memory is spotty: She recalls a cook offering her strawberries and having wine with Cosby before his show. But, she says, she doesn’t remember much more from the four-day trip.
Later, Thomas’ mother, Johnson, claims that her daughter called her shaken up following the alleged incident: “I remember standing in the kitchen thrilled to hear from my daughter. She was excited.” Johnson remembers making some small talk when she said Thomas said something very disturbing.
“I did something wrong and … I got away and slammed the door,” Johnson remembers her daughter telling her. Johnson says she continued trying to get more information from her daughter on the phone.
“‘Did he rape you?’ She said, ‘No, I got away.’ ”
Now, more than 30 years after the alleged incident, Thomas says that she wants to “empower people” with her story: “I was beginning to think though … that whole keeping-your-silence is a form of acceptance. It’s not supporting the women who are coming forward. It’s not helping … and if enough people make enough of a fuss, maybe we can get a culture that starts to listen,” Thomas says.
To date, more than 30 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault. He has denied the claims through his reps, and has never faced criminal charges in connection with any of the accusations.
Just yesterday, Jennifer Lee Pryor, widow of comedian Richard Pryor, blasted Bill Cosby for being dirty and called him “a piece of $@.......#& and a ’hypocrite’ who “had sex with everything that moved”. Pryor also suggested Camille was not blind to his actions and has known more about his sexual crimes than she has let on. “Of course she knew,” Pryor said. “Why is she going for the ’okie-doke,’ as Richard would say? That’s anybody’s guess. I can guess why ka-ching (sound of cash register).”
Last week Samuel L. Jackson joined the growing number of celebrities speaking out about the sexual assault allegations against Cosby. Eddie Murphy declined to play Bill Cosby on the SNL 40 Anniversary Special claiming “he didn’t want to kick him when he’s down”. That’s a kind thing to say about a good and caring person but we’re talking about a sociopathic sexual predator and serial rapist. My guess is that Eddie Murphy wants no further alliance or connection to him which might muddy up his own legacy. As for “kicking him when he’s down”? Cosby doesn’t know what it’s like to be down. Sociopaths don’t feel and they have no remorse. Do sociopaths get depressed? I don’t know but he’s sitting on $400 million and I’m sure he’s not depressed! If anybody should be depressed I would think Camille, his four daughters and any other family members would be depressed, and humiliated, but then they stand to inherit his hundreds of millions so maybe not.
Jan7….Reading the account of these victims horrific experiences is so sickening and disturbing on so many levels. Jennifer Lee Pryor describing Cosby as “dirty” doesn’t even begin to paint the real picture of this hideous evil monster!
Knownow, I cant even imagine the hell his victims went through at the moment & then to carry their story for so many years without telling someone…I hope he ends up in court, then jail where he belongs.
Jan7 ” I too greatly want to see him in prison as I’m sure thousands of other people do. Even if he does, I can just imagine him building a Cosby cult in jail and buying off other inmates to “protect him”. I would like to see him raped in prison as many times as he’s raped these women. Now that would be true justice! Can’t wait to see what the LAPD comes up with!
Sadly even if he must stand trail because of a Grand Jury indictment, I think all of a sudden he will be to “ill because of his age” to stand trail….he is a sociopath and he will do anything & everything to not go to trial including faking a illness. But still I hope he does go to jail!
Faking illness is a distinct possibility”.wouldn’t be surprised if his evil attorneys even suggest it. They will drag the legal process out as long as possible to the point of his death. Thanks to social media the ugly truth about Cosby has been revealed BEFORE his death. You can bet a REAL tell-all book or movie is in the works.
True about “what actor would want to play him” & also true about who will show up at his funeral.
as the bible states “Truth will always prevail”….the truth is out about Bill Cosby…thank goodness.
I can also see his evil attorneys writing a legal tell-all book about Cosby disclosing everything they covered up about their sociopath client. That would be a best-seller for sure! I was married to an attorney years ago and I know, professionally and personally, he would never stoop so low as to defend someone like Cosby, but then he wasn’t a sociopath. You would think his attorneys long ago would’ve counseled him to “put it in his pants, keep it there, and keep his hands to himself” but no, he’s made them billions of dollars. Also, they KNOW he’s committed these crimes and that he’s guilty as all get out!
Knownow, his attorney is as evil as him. I was thinking the same thing there is good & bad with social media but the good is all of these victims were able to connect, join forces, get Gloria Allred involved and continue to have press conferences to tell the truth = Cosby is a serial child molester & rapist. A tell all book or movie I think in this case is appropriate to prevent him from being put on a pedestal after his death.
I can’t imagine Bill Cosby on a pedestal ” not now anyway! As far as a movie, what self-respecting actor would want to play him? I think now the number of people attending his funeral in the future has dwindled to just his family and money-mongering evil attorneys!
In order to protect his ugly legacy I wouldn’t put it past his evil attorneys to try and block a tell-all book or movie after his death. I hope Gloria Allred files a class action lawsuit against his attorneys and anybody else who colluded to cover-up his evilness thus enabling him to continue raping victims over the years.
Yes, I can see his children blocking a tv movie but also I can see them writing a book on how horrible & manipulative Cosby was behind closed doors.
I was also thinking the victims that his lawyer called “liars” etc to should sue the lawyer for deformation of character.
What a nightmare to have been connected to evil Cosby. Classic Sociopath behavior on both Cosby’s part & his lawyer. Any self reflecting lawyer would just walk away from Cosby and his checkbook but a sociopath/narcissistic lawyer would stick around for the money side and smear victim for fun.
Hi Knownow….you are correct…he “does not Know what it’s like to be down”….no otherwise he would have stopped drugging & raping woman years ago, he would have felt guilt, shame & remorse…and he would not be going up on stage now to feed his ego, he would be to embarrassed to do his comedy act. He would be hiding at home, he is not hiding he walks around like nothing happened and he/his evil lawyer are waging a smear campaign against the good people (his victims).
It makes you wonder how many men in Hollywood are getting away with raping woman in this day. It’s very sad that soooo many by standers did nothing to stop this man…all the rumors were there for the past 50 years but know one stepped in to help these victims or to stop an evil evil man from continuing his drugging & raping.
All of these modeling agency handed over young victims to this evil man (knowingly??)….that is the sickest part.
Add Heidi Thomas to the current list of 38 victims. Visit: Complete list of women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault (Updated 2/22) http://starcasm.net/archives/306591