A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
I can’t believe this sociopath has the audacity to continue his performances! “Far From Finished” means he’s far from finished with his sexual assaults and raping! I believe he’s thoroughly enjoying his newfound notoriety, ugly as it is. But that’s what sociopaths relish”.attention and an audience. People that continue to buy tickets and attend his performances support rape and sexual assaults against women, pure and simple.
Frankly I am not surprised at all. He has NO conscience. What gets to me is his audience. Minions? or so weak in character that they wear blinders because to SEE would require something of them.
Cosby performed unimpeded last night in Lafayette without any protesters. Not even a handful of women could manage to show up and protest. What is the matter with those people! He even had the balls to pontificate on such topics as the Bible’s story of Adam and Eve, and of all things, MARRIAGE! Yeah, he’s a real expert on marriage alright, and how to get away with brainwashing, infidelity, sexual assault, and rape. Why would any intelligent person pay $60 or whatever to listen to the garbage spewing from the mouth of this evil sociopath? They must all be idiots!
Knownow, He is a classic sociopath cult leader. The people who are going to his show have no idea he is brain washing THEM!!
The more he speaks at his performances the more it is clear he IS a sociopath!!
Not only is he brain washing his audience but he is also brain washing his own wife! Just like I suspected all along…she is a victim of a evil sociopath who is constantly brain washing & mind controlling her. His discussion about Adam & Eve is shifting the blame to his wife & his victims… story of Adam & Eve = Eve is the one that temps Adam to go into the secret garden to eat an apple. He is blame shifting his abuse to his wife & victims.
I wish the national news would keep pressure on him and report each account when everyone of his victims comes forward. And have some counselor on there telling the truth about his behavior traits. This is what needs to happen for people to see what he is = an very sick & twisted evil sociopath.
This is why I keep posting each victims story here & I am glad you do to…as all of his victims needs to know that society truly cares what happened to them. I dont know if his victims have found Lovefraud but one day one of them will and they will know that they are fully supported here.
All of Cosby’s 50 years of abusing women is a perfect example of why our school systems need to teach about sociopathic/psychopathic abuse in schools. How in the world do people not stand up and say enough of this evil guy he needs to be in jail? If this was just the average joe in their town there would be an up roar but since he is a “actor” “famous” they turn their backs on these brave victims. So So sad!!
Thanks for posting your post Knownow.
Jan7 ”Unfortunately, the American public is now becoming numb to the numerous victims coming forward with similar accounts of his evil, vile ways. This must not happen! We are the VOICE, the OUTRAGE, and the FORCE that will keep alive public knowledge of his evil and dirty ways regardless of his fame, status, power and wealth. I will continue to SCREAM AGAINST BILL COSBY, the dirty sociopath that he is. Thank you Donna and Lovefraud for exposing the sociopaths amongst us veiled as “good and normal”.
Cosby ask judge to dismiss 3 accusers defamation suit against him…Cosby called his accusers “liars” in the press so they sued him of this. Hopefully the judge will not throw out their case and he goes to trail or at least has to video tape a deposition on this evil behavior.
Another woman has come forward today detailing her horrible assault by Bill Cosby in 1978. Patricia (first name only), one of the original Jane Doe witnesses in the 2005 sexual assault lawsuit is finally adding her voice to the continued growing number of Cosby victims. It’s the usual Cosby sociopath MO ”. Assess, groom, idolize, devalue, and discard. Still trusting him, he threw money at her for the next 2 years in the form of gym memberships (he told her she needed to lose weight!) etc.and other means of keeping her brainwashed.
Patricia says the second assault occurred in 1980 after Cosby took her to a live taping of the “Dinah Shore Show.” She says the Hollywood star refused to speak to her unless she agreed to take some pills he said would “relax her.” When she awoke in Cosby’s suite the next morning, she was once again naked.
“I was very sick and knew that someone had penetrated me,” Patricia said. “Finally, I realized what was happening.” She confronted Cosby that morning, but says he grew furious and threw her out of the hotel room for being “ungrateful.” She kept the incidents secret until joining Constand’s lawsuit at the advice of her therapist.
“I internalized the events with tremendous shame and far too much responsibility,” she said. “I didn’t think that anyone would believe me.” As usual, this woman blames herself (at 22?) for trusting “America’s Dad”?
As much as I hate to hear of more women coming forward for having been assaulted by this demon, they give voice to the reality of sexual assault by “good” people ” famous, political, professional and liturgical. They are only “good” at being sociopaths.
Why is it the American public is greater offended by a story of a young college male student accused of drugging and date raping a co-ed then by 40 women coming forward telling their truth of Cosby’s sexual assaults? RAPE IS RAPE AND ONE RAPE IS TOO MANY. That is what this ugly man did”.he drugged these women and played out his twisted sexual fantasies over hours, including rape, while they were unconscious and incapacitated! As of yesterday, the number of women coming forward with sexual assaults by Bill Cosby was at 39. http://starcasm.net/archives/306591 Well, make that 40. Jane Doe #2 is now speaking out.
Bill Cosby says “You know I’ll be hilarious” in a creepy video clip desperately touting his upcoming performance. There’s nothing hilarious about seeing this 77 year old serial rapist in fuchsia pajamas (ala Hugh Hefner) promoting himself. This just proves how arrogant and disconnected this sociopath is. Talk about a PR disaster! He’s a pathetic old man who appears to be losing his mind.
Gloria Allred speaks out about Bill Cosby: A video in which comedian Bill Cosby is wearing silk pajamas and chatting on the phone about an upcoming gig is “disgusting,”.
“Given that the allegations are ” having to do with his bed and sometimes his home, to have him sitting there in his pajamas trying to look like Hugh Hefner [in the video] is really trying to insult the women,” said Allred.
You go girl!!
This is just another example of how sick they really are and that they will never have any remorse for the abuse they have inflicted on their victims.
The fact that the one victim who has a current investigation case opened with the prosecutors office (and it’s with in the statutory limits) was abused at the Playboy mansion makes it clear he is messing with her & the Prosecutors minds, classic sociopathic behavior. Even though I think Hugh Hefner must have high levels of narcissism, I still wonder what he thinks about Cosby’s behavior and abuse.
Good for you Ms Allred!!! Keep the pressure on this crazy sociopath!!
I read or heard somewhere that Hefner had distanced himself. I thought that was HUGE.
Gloria Allred gets a bad rap a lot of the time, but I’d sure want her to be representing me. She is one tough cookie!
Hefner may be known for his infamous sexual shenanigans but his mansion was run by the books and legal. He doesn’t want negative publicity and, reportedly, has distanced himself from Cosby. The LAPD is currently investigating video from the mansion as well as witness accounts of Cosby’s presence at that party. The fact that it’s taken 2 months to disclose any results of this investigation says a lot. “Where there’s smoke there’s fire
Rudy Giulani should not mention ANY president in the same sentence as Bill Cosby, unless they too are alleged of multiple sexual assaults. There is no positive comparison with anything Bill Cosby has to say, black or white, past or present. The fallout with Cosby is not a political or racial issue … it is sexual violence. The sexual violence he committed against so many women that, to date, he has not admitted to or addressed is the real issue. I’m not into politics but Giulani should really think about who he’s exemplifying and shut up.
Giulani’s comments do not surprise me he seems to be a narcissist (maybe worse) who has been married 3 times. He cheated on his second wife while he was in the Mayors office and eventually had his wife kicked out of the Mayor’s home and moved his mistress in a very public fashion. He seems to disrespect women in his own circle so his comments are not shocking but are vey disgusting & disrespectful to all of Cosby’s vicitm’s & the rest of the public.
This is from Huffington Post (part of a long article):
“When Rudy Giuliani divorced his second wife, the First Lady of New York City, Donna Hanover, People called the triumvirate of “The Mayor, The Wife, The Mistress” an example of New York’s “nastiest split.” But to me, a divorce coach and former divorce lawyer, the public unraveling of the mayor’s marriage showed not only how ugly divorce can get, it also revealed that Giuliani is a mean person.
The divorce was a vicious, go-for-the-jugular, corrosive slugfest, with Rudy seemingly pulling the sharpest punches of the pair. His ongoing public display of his mistress’s affections was certainly unbecoming of an elected official. But watching an uncaring father of two young children consistently display his contempt for his own family on the television news was both shocking and heartbreaking.
It was an unsavory trip down misery lane that ended about six years ago, and Rudy made sure to take all of us New Yorkers with him when it happened. So the question is, knowing how low Rudy can go when it came to his ex-wife, is his previous marital conduct relevant at the ballot box?
Giuliani is certainly a political charmer who speaks with measured authority and carries a big stick. But when it comes to electing a presidential candidate, it seems to me that how a man treats his own family can’t be too far afield from how he would treat his extended family–the American public–should he move into the White House. He handled the psychological impact of 9/11 with aplomb, but Rudy Giuliani refused to treat his wife and children with grace and dignity during divorce. Doesn’t America need heart in the White House? Don’t we need someone who actually feels bad when other people suffer?
If you study the day-to-day press reports describing Rudy Giuliani’s divorce conduct, his personality problems (dare I say disorder?) emerge. Let’s review the evidence:
Rudy publicly humiliates his wife by announcing his divorce plans to the media, before privately informing her and their children. He then openly admitted having a romance with Judy Nathan, now his third wife, while he was still married.
Next the mayor’s attorney, famed celebrity divorce lawyer, Raoul Felder viciously attacked Donna Hanover with Rudy’s approval, publicly describing her as “howling like a stuck pig.”
Then there’s the mayor’s well-known pattern of vindictiveness. Rudy relentlessly focused on stripping his wife of her position as First Lady before the divorce was over. At one point the former mayor’s chief of staff called the Susan Korman Breast Cancer Foundation, one of the First lady’s favorite charities, and without informing her, cancelled her upcoming appearance as hostess of an annual foundation breakfast to be held at the Mayor’s Mansion…..”
see the Huffington Post “Rudy Giuliani divorce” for the full article
Jan7”.thanks for posting that info on Giuliani. I never followed him or his career as Mayor of New York City, but, what an absolute jerk! Yeah, he’s right up there on the disordered scale!
Knownow, it’s just so bazar that Giuliani was complementing Cosby with his statement. Was it done subconsciously or consciously on his part?? Does he feel a kindred bond with Cosby & his horrible behavior because he himself mistreats woman/has no respect for woman??
They all seem to have a little sociopath/narcissist boy code club.
Jan7 .. “They all seem to have a little sociopath/narcissist boy code club” You nailed it girl! What an appropriate description of their mentality. I am enraged when all these men say “why didn’t these women come forward 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago?” We’re still in the dark ages when it comes to women’s rights as human beings. The legal system, the courts, the police, attorneys, mental health professionals don’t get it. I’m so proud and grateful of this anonymous woman coming forward in my state to address and support the sexual assault bill.
Knownow, thanks for posting the article below. All of these victims are so amazing strong & courageous for coming forward. I am so proud of all of them.
Makes you wonder why there is a statutory of limitations in the first place in the US. I mean really 4 years and that’s it. Statically it takes years for a victim to come forward especially if rape/molestation happened in their childhood. So 4 years is not long enough, should be more like 20 if there has to be a limit but better no limit.
Glad Ms Allred is on the case she is a fighter for justice!!
I have to say I commend CNN for having a 1 hour show giving all of his victims a platform to tell their stories. It was a very powerful show.
Rudy Guiliani and Elliot Spitzer, former Governor of NY State, had a great deal in common. The mentality displayed by both seems to indicate deep rooted narcissism.
They each cut their bones as enforcers, going after specific issues with the Gambino crime family. Spitzer litigated racketeering charges over their trucking and garment businesses, and Guiliani took down the “boss”, John Gotti, as a US Attorney.
Their mutual lack of respect for women was very evident in their behavior. Guiliani’s public flaunting of his affair with Judy Nathan repulsed many New Yorkers. And Spitzer’s interstate romp with a call girl drove him out of office.
Both these men were authoritarian, demons when it came to how others should behave, but their personal, unseemly behavior threw wet-blankets over their careers.
Even Guiliani’s claim to have galvanized NYC after 9/11 falls on deaf ears to those of us who lived through that turmoil. He was the Mayor. What else could he have done? It’s offensive to see the use of tragedy to try to resurrect his tarnished reputation.
Knowing how he’s truly perceived here is likely to be what keeps him from pursuing further political ambitions. However, it doesn’t stop him from lobbing out attention-getting personal opinions every so often. I’d be very surprised if there weren’t a great many New Yorkers who just roll their eyes when he does.
Throw into the mix Elliot Weiner! But we here at LF know how sociopaths love the attention, even negative, and know they have absolutely no social sense or conscience as to their behaviour. And yes, after all their of their public garbage behavior they will even deign to run for president!
Knownow, you are right they have no “social sense”…a normal person would be so embarrassed to go out in public if they conduct themselves like these crazy character….not a sociopath/narcissist they are running to the mike for any type of tv interview. LoL
Makes you wonder what percentage of Presidents were sociopaths narcissist vs narcissist. Now I look at a statue of some General or President in a park and think yep Narcissist or Sociopath. Funny how the school books brain wash us to put Presidents on a pedestal but once you are educated on sociopathic/narcissistic abuse the whole world opens up from all the brain washing.
Hi Joyce, Elliot Spitzer seems to be a sociopath…the guy literally just creeps me out. He had a news show on CNN with a female co anchor I could only watch about 5 mins of the show once….his co anchor’s body language was quite clear she did not like him. Eventually his show was cancelled. Guiliani seems very narcissistic because he knows right from wrong where Spritzer seems like he does not care about society rules & laws.
I agree that Guiliani was the mayor & like you state that was his job.
NYC = Donald Trump, Elliot Spitzer, Rudy Guilani, Anthony Weiner…lots of sociopaths & narcissist in national politics.
I don’t know if I’d lump Donald Trump in there…Yup, egotistical…. but I haven’t seen a ruthless lack of conscience. However, the press doesn’t watch his every move under a microscope either like they do with elected politicians.
But on your list…. Shelly Silver has to loom reeaallly LARGE!
Hi Joyce, I dont know about Donald Trump too but his extremely egoism = narcissism?
He has been through 4 Corporate bankruptcy. First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. How many people were personally effected by him filing 4 times? Did he care about his ripple effect that he caused by his poor management style.
He has had 3 trophy wives. Cheated on his second wive at least once then married his mistress.
Wants yet again to run for President yet he could not even run his own companies.
Pattern of narcissistic behavior?
Not sure who Shelly Silver is but I will look her up.
just looked up Shelly Silver…WOW they think they are all so untouchable & can do anything they want without regard. Anytime now when someone says the word “powerful” describing a person I think could they be a narcissist or sociopaths narcissist. Most likely yes because sociopaths have power over people.
LATEST: Bill Cosby accuser to address Nevada legislature in support of sex assault bill. As reported by the Guardian:
A woman who alleges she was drugged and sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby will appear before the judiciary committee of the Nevada assembly on Friday in support of a bill that would lift the state’s statute of limitations and allow the comedian to be prosecuted.
Related: Bill Cosby issues brief video and tells fans ‘I’m far from finished’ The legislation, known as AB212, is believed to be the first attempt of its kind in the US to change the law in order to remove the time barrier on potential Cosby prosecutions. More than 30 women have come forward over the past four months with claims that Cosby molested or sexually assaulted them, yet so far no charges have been brought as the allegations all relate to incidents that date back as far as the 1970s, out of range of statutes of limitations in the states in which they were said to have occurred.
In Nevada, the legal cut-off period is four years. Under the new bill, the deadline would be removed altogether for all sexual assault cases, bringing them into line with murder and terrorism offences that can be prosecuted at any time no matter how long ago they took place.
Cosby, through his lawyers, has repeatedly denied the allegations, calling them unfounded and protesting that the TV star is a victim of media hounding.
The woman presenting to the Nevada judiciary committee on Friday has yet to be identified. She is being advised by Gloria Allred, the prominent Los Angeles-based lawyer who specialises in sex assault cases. Allred said in advance of the hearing that she is representing a “number of other women” who are making similar allegations that they were drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby in Nevada. She told the Guardian in a statement: “It is long overdue for the law to be changed so that victims are able to have their day in court with sexual predators and for victims not to have the courthouse door slammed in their face because of laws which protect sexual predators and tell victims that it is too late for them to be afforded justice.”
The statute of limitations has proved so far to be an insurmountable hurdle for all the women who have raised allegations against the star best known for playing Cliff Huxtable on the 1980s The Cosby Show. Only one civil lawsuit has ever successfully pressed to conclusion ”“ that of Andrea Constand, who claimed that Cosby drugged and assaulted her at his home in Pennsylvania in 2004. She settled with the comic for an undisclosed sum two years later.
Other women have tried recently to initiate new civil lawsuits, so far without result. In December, prosecutors in LA investigated claims brought to them by Judy Huth but eventually declined to go ahead with a case, again saying the alleged 1974 incident fell outside California’s three-year statute of limitations for sexual felonies.
Cosby faces a number of sexual assault accusations from at least 15 women. He denies the allegations and has never been charged with a crime. Despite having several recent appearances cancelled, Cosby has maintained a defiant stance, insisting that his public performances will go on. On Monday he released a 13-second video in which he talks on the telephone about an upcoming show. “You know I’ll be hilarious, can’t wait,” he says.
In an apparent riposte to his detractors, he has named his current tour Far From Finished.
Jan7 ” I didn’t even know the statute of limitations for rape in my state, Nevada, was 4 years! California ”3 year statute of limitations for rape? Three year, four year statute of limitations in any state is absolutely unconscionable!! I have to say Nevada is a “good old boy” state and it doesn’t surprise me. Cosby committed his multiple sexual crimes in Las Vegas, Reno and South Lake Tahoe (CA) where he performed throughout the years. It is huge that Gloria Allred, representing this anonymous woman, is tackling this head on and pursuing a change in Nevada state legislation.
Cosby is performing in Wheeling, WV tomorrow night. Women’s rights activists get out and protest!
Knownow, not to long ago you posted that one of his victims was raped in Canada which has no statue of limitation. Hopefully Ms Allred is working on that angle too. She definitely is a sharp lawyer.
Lise-Lotte Lublin identified herself as the anonymous woman, represented by Gloria Allred, who came forward to openly speak to the Nevada legislature in support of a bill that would change the statute of limitations for rape in Nevada. “No action was taken” according to the local news.
Good for her, she is taking her power back from evil Cosby.
BRAVO Lise-Lotte!!!