A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian.
A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on Slate.com.
As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over.
Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was performing, and invited her backstage. She says she was drugged, and woke up to find him having sex with her in the green room bathroom.
At this point the shocking realization hit me: This could have happened to me.
Atlantic City Magazine

From 1978 through 1982 I was editor of Atlantic City Magazine. It was my first job out of college.
The job sounds more prestigious than it was. Casino gambling had just become legal in New Jersey, and Atlantic City’s first casino opened a few weeks after I graduated from college. Atlantic City Magazine was a startup publication. I was not only the first editor; I was the first employee.
I had majored in magazine journalism in college, and founded a campus magazine. But I think the prime reason I got the job in Atlantic City was because I was in the right place at the right time.
Arranging the Cosby interview
Atlantic City Magazine frequently published interviews with the headline entertainers who performed at the casinos. Sometime around 1980, when I was 24 years old, Bill Cosby, who regularly appeared in Atlantic City, agreed to be interviewed.
I needed to finalize the time and place where our writer would meet the comedian. But Cosby wasn’t available — he was playing tennis with a casino executive. So in this era before cell phones, I drove over to the indoor tennis courts.
After making the arrangements with a casino PR person, I, along with a few others, watched Cosby play tennis.
As the game was coming to an end, Cosby announced that he wanted to go to the famous White House Sub Shop. But he didn’t have a car. So as the casino folks were trying to figure out how to get him to the sub shop, Cosby pointed at me and said, “She’ll take me.”
Driving Bill Cosby
I was astounded. Everybody looked at me, and I said I could take him.
So, when Cosby finished playing tennis, we got into my car. The car was something plain and white that Atlantic City Magazine rented for me — certainly not what I assume the TV star was accustomed to driving in.
I was star struck. During the 15 minutes that it took to drive from the tennis courts to the sub shop, I tried to engage Cosby in conversation. He didn’t say much. But he did spit out the window.
When we arrived at the sub shop, I stopped the car, let him out and drove away.
It never occurred to me to go in with him, be a groupie, order subs, or make sure he got back to the casino. That’s how naive I was.
Dodged a bullet
Later, realizing that I’d let an opportunity to make an important connection slip through my fingers, I berated myself for my stupidity.
But now, after reading the accounts of all the young women who claim that Cosby assaulted them, I can’t help but wonder if the same thing could have happened to me.
Maybe Cosby assumed that I’d go into the White House with him, and drive him back to the casino. Then, perhaps he would have invited me backstage. I know I would not have questioned his intentions. I didn’t understand then that rich, famous, powerful men took advantage of young women.
Had Bill Cosby done the same thing to me that he allegedly did to all those other young women, I know one thing. I would have been severely traumatized.
So perhaps I was lucky that I drove away.
More info:
Everything you need to know about the Bill Cosby scandal, on Time.com
Bill Cosby’s legacy, recast: Accusers speak in detail about sexual assault allegations, on WashingtonPost.com.
Janice Dickinson says: “Be afraid Bill Cosby! Be very afraid!” Go Janice! Tell him what firestorm is coming his way! Glad to hear Ms. Bloom is joining forces with Ms. Allred. I know they will not let this rest or fade away for all the victims of his evilness. Ms. Allred is now representing Judy Huth, the underage victim he assaulted at the Playboy Mansion whose criminal lawsuit was initially dismissed a short time later.
New York Daily News reports: “Gloria Allred is a step closer to getting Bill Cosby on a witness stand.
The lawyer who already represents more than a dozen Cosby accusers is the new lawyer handling the sexual battery lawsuit filed by Judy Huth in December, the Daily News has learned. Huth claims Cosby molested her in a bedroom of the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles when she was 15 years old in 1974. Lawyer Marc Strecker filed the original civil complaint, but he was replaced by Allred on Tuesday, according to court records uncovered by The News.
Before Strecker’s exit on the civil side, Allred only worked with Huth in the limited capacity of escorting her to meet with police and make a statement in December.
Authorities later said her case was too old to pursue criminally.
A judge in Los Angeles County Superior Court recently decided to let Huth’s civil lawsuit move ahead, denying a request for dismissal filed by Cosby’s lawyers. It’s the only sexual assault case against Cosby that appears to be within the statute of limitations for civil claims because Huth was a minor at the time of the alleged attack.
The other lawsuits filed against Cosby in recent weeks have involved new claims of defamation stemming from Cosby camp denials of alleged assaults. Cosby’s lawyers filed a petition May 5 with the California Court of Appeals asking to overturn the Los Angeles judge’s decision to let Huth’s lawsuit proceed. The Appeals Court has yet to rule.
“We now represent Judy Huth in her lawsuit against Bill Cosby,” Allred said in a statement requested by the Daily News.
Nevada Expanding Statute of Limitations after Bill Cosby Rape Allegations. Philly.com reports:
“Nevada’s statute of limitations laws are undergoing major alterations this week following the numerous sexual assault allegations facing Bill Cosby particularly those of accuser Lise-Lotte Lublin.
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval will today sign a bill that serves to extend Nevada’s statute of limitations for the criminal prosecution of sexual assault in connection with the alleged assaults. To date, at least five women have claimed Cosby sexually assaulted them within Nevada’s borders. Lublin claimed in February that Cosby drugged her in 1989 during a visit to his suite in the Las Vegas Hilton. Since then, she has lobbied Nevada lawmakers to remove their state’s statute of limitations completely and will speak at a press conference about the changes today.
Nevada law states that alleged assaults must be reported within four years of their initial occurrence to move to prosecution which, of course, ruled out Lublin’s claim completely. Once Sandoval signs the bill, that limit will increase to 20 years.
Cosby also faces allegations from several women who claim he sexually assaulted them in Nevada. Angela Leslie, for example, claims Cosby assaulted her in a Las Vegas hotel room in 1992. Barbara Bowman’s claim, on the other hand, allegedly occurred in Reno in 1986, while Heidi Thomas claims a similar event, also in Reno, in 1984. Similarly, accuser Linda Kirkpatrick says Cosby assaulted her in Nevada in 1981 at the Las Vegas Hilton.
So far, roughly 40 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault, with the most recent group coming forward this past April. Cosby has never been charged with a crime in connection with the sexual assault allegations he currently faces, and has repeatedly issued denials through his rep, Martin Singer.”
I would’ve liked to see Nevada remove the statute of limitations completely, but, something is better than nothing.
Just so awe inspiring to read a story like this one…Lise-Lotte Lublin and all the other victims are incredibly brave to come forward but to go the length to change a state law is so empowering. Just incredible her actions & all the other victims.
I agree with you Knownow, the US should remove all of the statue of limitations on sexual assaults but this is a very good move as most victims do not come forward for years…if they are young they usually do not tell until their mid 20’s so this will still allow them to gain their power back from their abuser. Sadly it will not help these victims too bad it’s not 25 years instead of 20.
Jan7 … How convenient for Cosby that Nevada is changing the statute of limitations for rape only 20 years instead of removing it entirely. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cosby and his machine had something to do with that by politically/financially influencing all those involved with introducing this new bill. If it was lifted entirely then these five women could potentially go back and charge him with sexual assault in Nevada.
One cannot fathom the depth of Cosby’s power, wealth, control and influence over anybody … legally, politically or financially.
Oh, and most importantly … PHYSICALLY!
These victims were correct when they stated that Cosby was a powerful figure in Hollywood when then were assaulted. They were young and I can see how they wanted to go to the police (some did) but knew in their heart that he would not be charged because of his power.
When I sit back and think what they suffered in silence at such a young age…heart wrenching to think about it. So glad that they were able to contact the original attorney that won a law suit against Cosby only by seeing the suit on the National News and now with the internet they have been able to join forces to tell the truth about an evil man.
I think that power holds his wife from leaving him too. Can you image the sociopath smear campaign he would wage against her if she ever left him? Just look at the slanderous sociopath smear campaign Cosby & his lawyer have done to these victims.
Cosby and smear are synonymous! Turns out this newly signed bill in Nevada is not retroactive, meaning that current victims falling within the 20 year statute of limitations have no recourse. Again, how convenient for Cosby!
His power extended way beyond Hollywood ” he could, can and WILL smear and destroy anybody, anywhere (including his wife and family). How anybody can question why these women didn’t come forward “back then” are clueless and stupid! I can’t wait for the tell all books and movies to come out, only after he’s dead of course because as long as he’s alive, he and his goons will go to any lengths to keep his evilness under wraps.
Gloria Allred scores a victory against Cosby!! “BILL COSBY LOSES APPEAL TO DISMISS SEXUAL BATTERY LAWSUIT”
AOL reports: “On Wednesday, the California Court of Appeal rejected Cosby’s petition to have a lawsuit filed by Judy Huth dismissed.
Cosby filed the petition after the Los Angeles County Superior Court rejected his effort to get Huth’s complaint dismissed.
“We are very happy about the Court of Appeal decision yesterday which allows Ms. Huth’s case to proceed rather than being dismissed,” Huth’s attorney Gloria Allred said in a statement Friday. “It is very important to Ms. Huth that she be able to have her day in court in this case.”
Huth filed her suit against Cosby late last year. She claims that Cosby committed sexual battery against her in 1974, when she was 15 years old.
The lawsuit claims that Cosby molested her at the Playboy Mansion.
“While at the Playboy Mansion, plaintiff told Cosby that she needed to use the bathroom,” the suit reads. “Cosby directed her to a bathroom within a bedroom suite near the game room. When plaintiff emerged from the bathroom, she found Cosby sitting on the bed. He asked her to sit beside him. He then proceeded to sexually molest her by attempting to put his hand down her pants, and then taking her hand in his hand and performing a sex act on himself without her consent.”
Huth claims to have suffered “psychological damage and mental anguish” as a result of the alleged incident.”
The brave victims who have come forward with their graphic details of his sexual assaults are absolutely heinous and disgusting. Wouldn’t you think his daughters would be ashamed, disgusted, appalled and angry learning their father is in fact a monster?
Maybe Cosby’s daughters KNOW he’s a monster from firsthand experience. ANd that’s why they are so socially maladjusted. They are extremely dependent on him, financially. He wouldn’t be the first pedo to give gifts in exchange for assaults. He’s done it with OTHER WOMEN.
That might be true and I wouldn’t put it past him if he tried to drug and sexually assault his daughters. It’s no secret that his second daughter, Erinn, had a drug problem in her 20’s. I think that was in some way a cry for help in reaction to her monster father, who even called her “the loser of a daughter”! He and Camille, using “tough love” wouldn’t allow her to come home until she cleaned up her act. Years ago, when asked about his relationship with his daughter he said “Right now we’re estranged. She can’t come here. She’s not a person you can trust”. In psychological terms I would call that projecting. What an absolute hypocrite!
When the National Enquirer was going to run a story on Cosby’s sex scandals in 1989, Cosby allegedly leaked details about his then-23-years-old daughter’s battle with drug and alcohol abuse in order to draw attention away from him and the sex scandal. He ratted out his flesh and blood to save HIS OWN SKIN!
Not only that, but when his daughter was struggling with drug and alcohol problems during that time, she accused Mike Tyson of sexually assaulting her in his New Jersey home. Instead of his attorneys pursuing legal action they worked out a deal with Tyson where he agreed to receive counseling for a year. Cosby was going to deal with his daughter’s attempted rape by having her alleged rapist go to therapy? His goon attorneys knew if they went after Tyson more aggressively it would blow the lid off his own sexual assaults. Tyson ultimately reneged on the agreement and never went to therapy.
Who knows what the truth is concerning his daughter? He may not even have just ratted on her, he may even be lying about the drug problem to discredit her in general.
knownow and AnnettePK
What grabs me is “She’s not a person you can trust.”
That’s what my ex said of me. That he didn’t trust me. When he said it, it broke my heart, my spirit because I was confident in my sense of morality. And at the time, I was EXTREMELY loyal to him.
What he didn’t say, was that he didn’t trust me to keep his secrets, his scams, his frauds, his other women. He thought I’d tell. I tried, esp after he discarded me (he never actually left me, he didn’t want me to go, but he expected me to endure whatever he did… and I could not. It was too heartwrenching.) Nobody cared what he did until THEY were the victim.
That’s why I think Bill Cosby shunned his daughter, she was a victim too, and not willing to keep secret his predatory rapes.
Your ex spath knew full well that you were trust worthy; he told others you were not trustworthy because he knew there would come a time when you would tell the truth about him, and he was discrediting you in advance. I experienced the same sort of smear campaign by my ex psychopath. It is painful and confusing beyond description; and it took me a while to understand his motives.
It does seem to fit the pattern with Cosby’s daughter. Perhaps one day she’ll come forward. Hopefully she is recovering.
What disgusts me is that the entire time he was touted and revered as “America’s Dad”, conned by the media with his fake persona, he was not much of a dad to his own children. He openly criticized his son, Ennis (now deceased), by calling him “lazy” when it came to school work. Ironically, Ennis was later diagnosed with learning disabilities specifically dyslexia.
Erinn stated:
“The average family, if they’re not divorced, has a mother and father who come home everyday. Mine didn’t… When I’d see him, it was always about school. It wasn’t like, ‘Let’s talk, Dad…’ We never were stable. During the week, you’d go to school, then you’re off on the weekend to wherever he was working”
“I found myself surrounded by the wrong people. I used to live with wanting the… validation, especially from my dad, because he wasn’t there. I guess I wasn’t feeling confident, so you get involved with drugs”.
While in rehab, her parents were invited to join her in family therapy, but according to Erinn they, “never showed up… I thought, ‘Who were the best people to go to when you’re crying out for help…! He never had interest in what I was doing… Even the people at the rehab center were surprised, because they thought my parents would really want to know”.
For most of their life Cosby did the Jekyll Hyde thing with his children and wife. When he was away for days or weeks at a time he was partying (ie Playboy Mansion), luring aspiring models, actresses and innocent women into his evil lair and sexually assaulting them. When he returns home Cosby becomes the “dad” and doles out parental discipline based on HIS judgment of what he demands of his children, which is to reflect a picture perfect family to maintain his image of “Americas Dad”. His life was deceitful and evil and his children are paying the price, then and now.
In a 2011 taped interview clip just released Bill Cosby spews more word salad:
“The incident in Compton where these boys raped this girl. That, to me, is a form of bullying, and it’s something that you get a terrible taste in your mouth. I don’t want to put things on a level, but a group of males descending upon another human being in an act of violent, physical trauma sexual abuse, molestation is at a level of”I don’t even want to berate animals because animals are not taught better.”
Similarly, Cosby relayed the story of “a young lady” he knew who was raped:
“I remember a young lady that I knew who was raped and she came home and reported it, and her father blamed her for it and would hear nothing of going after the boy.”
“We’re talking about human beings who enjoy doing this,” Cosby added.
Following that anecdote, Cosby addressed “the rape thing” as a topic overall, calling it “annoying” and “sickening.” Additionally, he criticized “those with authority who are supposed to look into situations like this”:
“But the rape thing, this rape thing, is annoying. It is sickening. The suicide, the act which drives a person to suicide and then what is nauseating is the excuse given by those with authority who are supposed to look into situations like this seriously. For them to say they didn’t know because they know that the correct answer and the truthful one which is what I mean what I say correct is that I really didn’t think it was important.”
OK Bill, rape is a FORM OF BULLYING!? And then you go on (backup) to say it’s an act of violent, physical trauma.. sexual abuse, molestation? Really? Then you say “this rape thing is annoying and sickening.” What you’re really saying is this rape thing exposing you is annoying and you’re sick of it!
“I don’t even want to berate animals because animals are not taught better.” What does that mean?? Word salad. By the way Bill, you’re not an animal because animals are natural creatures. You are not, you’re a thing!
“WE’RE TALKING ABOUT HUMAN BEINGS WHO ENJOY DOING THIS” OMG, he really said that! Keep talking Pill Bill.
“Her father blamed her for it and would hear nothing of going after the boy.” Were you the rapist? Sounds like you, Mr.All American Dad!
This interview was with a filmmaker in 2011 doing a documentary on bullied children. She felt it important to release the clip now in support of all the brave women who have come forward with their truth. How telling that Cosby went off onto the subject of rape because, after all, “rape is a form of bullying”!
Cosby seeks to prevent the “confidential 2006 settlement case from being unsealed”….Savvy Lawyers have joined forces to help these victims & to fight against Cosby & his evil lawyers!!!
AP News PHILADELPHIA (AP) Bill Cosby is seeking to keep the lid on material linked to a confidential 2006 settlement of a Philadelphia sex-assault lawsuit.
Cosby’s lawyers moved Tuesday to block a subpoena sent to a lawyer for the Philadelphia accuser by three women now suing Cosby for defamation in Massachusetts.
Tamara Green, Therese Serignese and Linda Traitz accuse Cosby of defaming them by having his agents deny their claims that the actor had molested them in the 1970s.
They believe documents from the former Temple University employee’s lawsuit will help their cause. Andrea Constand accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting her at his suburban mansion. However, her settlement with the actor is protected by a confidentiality agreement.
Cosby’s lawyers argued Tuesday that court confidentiality agreements “should not be set aside lightly.”
Defense lawyer George M. Gowen asked the Pennsylvania court to at least wait until a judge rules on Cosby’s bid to throw out the Massachusetts case. He also asked for the right to review and challenge any material set to be unsealed.
The motion was filed in federal court in Philadelphia.
Cosby, 77, has denied wrongdoing and has not been charged with a crime.
The Massachusetts plaintiffs are among dozens of women who have stepped forward in recent years with assault accusations against Cosby.
Thanks Jan7”.Cosby’s evil lawyers already violated the confidentiality agreement when they identified the three women and publicly smeared them as liars.
Currently, as far as anybody knows, Cosby has FIVE LEGAL ACTIONS PENDING AGAINST HIM:
(1) There’s the most current case of Cosby’s lawyers trying to block the 2006 court documents from being unsealed regarding the three victims (Tamara Green, Therese Serignese and Linda Traitz) involved in the Andrea Constand confidentiality settlement agreement and their subsequent defamation by Cosby and his lawyers. They seek to have documents unsealed as they believe it will prove he testified, under oath, he admitted to sexually assaulting them.
(2) Cosby last week he lost his appeal to have a lawsuit dismissed having to do with the sexual assault of Lisa Huth at the Playboy Mansion and a minor at the time of the assault. Originally filed as a criminal complaint and dropped, it now stands as a civil lawsuit and upheld. Gloria Allred is now representing the victim and feels it’s going to move forward.
(3) Lisa Bloom is currently representing Janice Dickinson, one of the first Cosby sexual assault victims coming forward, now in a defamation lawsuit against him
(4) Lili Bernard, represented by Gloria Allred, recently filed charges against Cosby in New Jersey where there is no statute of limitations for rape. This is VERY IMPORTANT as she provided evidence of the assault, and according to Allred, can provide more evidence.
(5) In January 2015, Chloe Goins, represented by her attorney Spencer Kuvin, filed charges against Cosby for being assaulted at the Playboy Mansion as recently as 2008 (she was 18 at the time). This is also promising as it falls within the statute of limitations (maybe not for rape) but for a variety of other sexual assault claims. I’m sure LAPD is still investigating, gathering evidence and, after 5 months, charges would have been dismissed by now if they hadn’t come up with anything.
As more women come forward with their truth I will continue to update LF with their stories and truth.
Thanks for the break down Knownow. I think it is very important to keep this tread continuing with the history of these cases….hopefully a reporter will do a search on the net soon and find their way to LF & interview Donna to educate the public on sociopathic behavior such as Cosby’s behavior. His mask has fully slipped and you can see his manipulative game in his word salad & smear campaign and bits of the truth coming out in his statements.
Also it’s important to show support to all of these victims. Bless them for having the strength to finally shine a big spot light on Cosby’s manipulation, abuse & pure evilness.
Thank you again for posting your break down. Cosby is being pushed into the corner for sure now. Way to go Ms Allred & Ms Bloom & all the victims!!!!
Huge Hefner’s ex gf has written a book about Hefner offering her drugs & also about the fact she felt like a mansion was a Cult. Seems like Cosby was in the same type of company using drugs to get women to bed them.
Holly Madison’s Playboy Hell: How Hugh Hefner tried to ply me with drugs, berate my appearance and why I haven’t spoken to the ‘creepy’ octogenarian in four years
Holly, 35, claims Hugh Hefner offered her a Quaalude when they met in 2001
She became one of Hefner’s seven official girlfriends later that year
Describes life at the Playboy Mansion as a ‘living hell’ in new book
Says rooms were stocked with ‘Johnson’s Baby Oil, Vaseline and Kleenex
Holly Madison has claimed that Hugh Hefner offered her drugs when they first met in 2001.
In the latest admission from her memoir Down The Rabbit Hole serialized this week in UsWeekly Holly claims the incident took place at the Las Palmas nightclub in Los Angeles when she was a 21-year-old Hooters waitress.
Holly recounts: ‘”Would you like a Quaalude?” Hef asked, leaning toward me with a bunch of large horse pills in his hand.’
Scroll down for video
Holly Madison’s Playboy Hell: The former Bunny has claimed Hugh Hefner tried to ply her with drugs, berated her appearance and says she hasn’t spoken to the ‘creepy’ octogenarian in four years
Holly Madison’s Playboy Hell: The former Bunny has claimed Hugh Hefner tried to ply her with drugs, berated her appearance and says she hasn’t spoken to the ‘creepy’ octogenarian in four years
When Holly refused, she claims Hef said: ‘Usually, I don’t approve of drugs, but you know, in the ’70s they used to call these pills thigh openers.’
DailyMail. com has reached out to representatives of Hefner who have so far been unavailable for comment.
Despite this, she became one of Hefner’s seven official girlfriends later that year, and starred in the E! reality series The Girls Next Door from 2005 to 2009.
Far from a glamorous lifestyle, Holly reveals that when she moved into the 29-room mansion, she was immediately put off by the yellow carpets that had been stained by dog urine, and claims all rooms were stocked with ‘trays of Johnson’s Baby Oil, Vaseline and Kleenex’.
‘Prior to moving into the Mansion, I’d been a fairly confident person, but it didn’t take long for my self-worth to crumble,’ Holly writes in the extract.
Living nightmare: Holly Madison (right) poses with fellow bunny Sheila Levell and Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion May 6, 2003 in Holmby Hills, California
Living nightmare: Holly Madison (right) poses with fellow bunny Sheila Levell and Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion May 6, 2003 in Holmby Hills, California
Soon she says she became victim to ’ruth-less mean girl-ing’ from the other bunnies ”“ which included her clothes being stolen.
But it was Hugh, Holly says, that really made her confidence disappear.
When she got herself a makeover and cut her hair short, Hugh immediately reprimanded her. ’Any shred of confidence I found over the last few hours was quickly evaporating,’ she says, claiming Hugh ’spat’ at her in response to the new haircut.
Living it up: Holly Madison looked happy when she was pictured with Hugh Hefner at the 2007 Playmate Of The Year party at the Playboy Mansion in 2007 in Los Angeles. But she has revealed life wasn’t one long party
Living it up: Holly Madison looked happy when she was pictured with Hugh Hefner at the 2007 Playmate Of The Year party at the Playboy Mansion in 2007 in Los Angeles. But she has revealed life wasn’t one long party
Holly says after a string of insults at her new appearance, Hef added: ’You look old, hard and cheap.’
It all became too much for Holly after she was accused of cheating on Hef in 2008 with illusionist Criss Angel.
Hef supposedly tried to sway her to stay by leaving her $3million in his will, but she left and never saw him again, despite a brief moment when she agreed to film a cameo in the 2011 Runaway Bride special about Crystal Harris, 29, who he is now married to.
Tearing it down: The 35-year-old is dishing about her ‘nightmare’ life in her new memoir, due out June 23
Tearing it down: The 35-year-old is dishing about her ‘nightmare’ life in her new memoir, due out June 23
After her leaving, Holly claims the octogenarian continued to pursue her by writing her ’short, reprimanding’ letters in response to things she’d said in interviews. ’There was a creepy vibe to them,’ she said.
It is the latest in a long line of secrets that Holly has revealed in her new book, the full title of which is Down The Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures And Cautionary Tales Of A Former Playboy Bunny.
Last month she revealed that at one point she became so depressed she even thought about ending her own life, according to Us Weekly, quoting a release from publisher HarperCollins.
Kendra Wilkinson, Holly Madison on The Girls Next Door (archive)
Out with his Girls Next Door: Hugh shows of Madison, left, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson at the premiere of The House Bunny in August, 2008, in Westwood, Los Angeles
Out with his Girls Next Door: Hugh shows of Madison, left, Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson at the premiere of The House Bunny in August, 2008, in Westwood, Los Angeles
‘Life inside the notorious Mansion wasn’t a dream at all and quickly became her nightmare,’ the release continued.
‘After losing her identity, her sense of self-worth and her hope for the future, Holly found herself sitting alone in a bathtub contemplating suicide.’
The book also reveals the ‘oppressive routine of strict rules, manipulation, and [her] battles with ambitious, backstabbing bunnies.’
Now 35, Madison found fame in 2005 alongside Bridget Marquardt and Kendra Wilkinson as Hef’s three beautiful blonde girlfriends, featured in The Girls Next Door.
Not what it seems: The blonde, pictured with her pooches outside the Playboy Mansion in 2005, became so depressed during her five years with Hef she thought about suicide
Not what it seems: The blonde, pictured with her pooches outside the Playboy Mansion in 2005, became so depressed during her five years with Hef she thought about suicide
The reality show detailed the trio’s luxury life in the exclusive Holmby Hills neighbourhood of Los Angeles for five seasons until it wrapped in 2010.
On the show Holly was Hef’s number one girl, and the only one to share his bedroom rather than have her own.
She posed for the magazine and admitted to not just a breast augmentation and blonde hair dyeying but also that she had a nose job.
Madison is now married to Electric Daisy Carnival organiser Pasquale Rotella, 41, and they share two-year-old daughter Rainbow.
Holly Madison’s jet-setting daughter Rainbow takes charge
‘I’m excited to finally share my story and what I’ve learned from my personal experiences both inside and outside of the Playboy Mansion,’ Madison told Us.
‘I think my stories will surprise people and I’m looking forward to lifting the veil of mystique and clearing up the misconceptions so often associated with my life.’
The description of the book on Amazon reads:
‘A spontaneous decision at age twenty-one transformed small-town Oregon girl Holly Sue Cullen into Holly Madison, Hugh Hefner’s #1 girlfriend….what seemed like a fairytale life inside the Playboy Mansion—including A-list celebrity parties and her own #1-rated television show for four years—quickly devolved into an oppressive routine of strict rules, manipulation, and battles with ambitious, backstabbing bunnies.
And that’s not all – as the description also promises to delve into her life after Hef:
She opens up about life inside the Mansion, the drugs, the sex, the abuse, the infamous parties, and her real behind-the-scenes life with Bridget, Kendra, and, of course, Mr. Playboy himself.