The sociopath is gone. Either you were dumped, or you finally threw him or her out. Now what? After they’re gone, do sociopaths or narcissists return?
You may feel like you’re in shock, especially if your sociopathic partner abruptly discarded you, after days, months, or perhaps even years of saying that you were meant for each other.
Or perhaps you finally got up the nerve to end the involvement. Your partner is gone, but your resolve is unsteady. What if he or she showed up again? Can you stand strong?
I address these questions in the newest Lovefraud Lessons video: Do sociopaths return? I explain why sociopaths may return, and what you should do.
To learn more about what to do after your involvement with a sociopath, sign up for next week’s webinar:
Escaping the sociopath and rebuilding your life
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 • 8-9 pm ET
Instructor: Donna Andersen, author of
Follow the parallel paths to recovery that you’ll learn in this course — solving the problems of survival for you and your family, and pursuing internal healing. In time, you can find joy and happiness again.
This webinar is part of the Lovefraud Understanding and Recovery 5-part Masterclass. The previous webinars have been recorded, so if you missed them, you can still catch up.
Purchase the webinar  Escaping the sociopath and rebuilding your life for only $25. More info.