Editor's Note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Ellen19." I got married at 16 to a guy who was supposed to be a football star. He acted like he was very moral — never lying, never carousing. He was supposed to have had a 3.89 grade average. So popular, smart and moral — his family kept backing him up, and the occasional neighbor would come by to tell me how lucky I was. Fast forward 29 years. I finally divorce him because for the 15 years he was living off me, he had money but he refused to pay bills or provide food. I weighed 83 pounds and he weighed 220. Once I got away from him I found out he casually had sex almost daily and he was giving me H …
Married to a sociopath at 16 and living a lie for 29 yearsRead More