By Donna Andersen Thomas A. Guida, 52, of Toms River, New Jersey, arrived in court on May 29, 2015 to face a charge of bigamy filed by one of his wives. Mrs. Guida signed a complaint against him on February 18, 2015, after receiving Facebook messages about another woman he is married to, a woman he was engaged to, and a woman he was cheating with. Each woman believed she was in an exclusive relationship with Tom Guida, planning a future with a true American hero. They were all wrong. Tom told all the women that he was a Ph.D. psychotherapist who specialized in traumatic stress and bereavement counseling, going into dangerous situations as a first responder. In reality, he is not licensed for …
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!
Lovefraud has followed the story of Mischele Lewis, of Florence Township, N.J., who fought back against William Allen Jordan, an bigamist and international con man. Jordan is now serving time for fraud. After reading media coverage about her plight (the original story was written by  Donna Andersen for the Daily Mail), New Jersey Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-Burlington, wrote a bill to make "sex by deception" illegal. Yesterday, Mischele was on the cover of the Philadelphia Daily News, interviewed for a story about the bill. Here it is: Watch out, lovers who lie! Sexual assault by deception could become a criminal offense, on Will Allen Jordan, aka Will Allen, on L …
Mischele Lewis on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News!Read More
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usual
Last week five big international banks were found guilty of rigging international currency markets and fined $5.5 billion. The very next day, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued the banks waivers from automatic punishment so they could continue business as usual. SEC Commissioner Kara M. Stein did not agree with letting the banks off the hook and issued a scathing dissent. The banks UBS, Barclays, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and the Royal Bank of Scotland had already been granted a total of 23 waivers after previous wrongdoing. Bank traders actually met in an online chat room called "The Cartel" or "The Mafia" and conspired to rig rates. The scheme ran for years. According …
Commissioner blasts SEC for allowing criminal banks to continue business as usualRead More
How to tell wicked sociopaths from ordinary sinners
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. Quite a few people have been sending Lovefraud information lately on the religious and spiritual aspects of an experience with a sociopath. Here's another link suggested by a Lovefraud reader. 5 Indicators of an evil and wicked heart, on The article is directed towards Christian counselors, to help them discern between people who have a truly evil heart, rather than an ordinary sinful heart. Read the article, and you'll see that those with evil hearts are clearly sociopaths. The author also identifies one of the key reasons why we don't "see" evil: " …
How to tell wicked sociopaths from ordinary sinnersRead More
The professional sociopath: an embezzler and tax cheat
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Charlotte." I was married for almost 28 years. As the years went on, our marriage changed--especially after we had children. I noticed some lapses in parenting--carelessness, not following through on routines, etc. (Though I must say I was not aware of what a good marriage should look like, coming as I did from a narcissistic family background. I put up with way too much bad behavior, even initially.) I began to realize my husband was immature and irresponsible. He also was controlling, especially about money. I often felt gas-lighted by my husband: He would agree to something, then deny it, or spin it. …
The professional sociopath: an embezzler and tax cheatRead More
On Tinder: Raising awareness of domestic abuse
Women in the Miami, Florida area who are scrolling through the dating profiles on Tinder, a location-based dating app, are seeing profile pictures that draw attention to the issue of domestic violence. Women in Distress, a domestic violence center in Florida, sponsored the awareness campaign with fake profiles in the exact place where women are looking for potential romantic interests. The organization also created a YouTube video about  the Tinder campaign, although it has been taken down. I wonder why? Domestic violence charity creates fake Tinder profiles for abusive men in order to show women who are seeking love online how quickly a relationship can 'turn ugly,' on …
The Boston bomber liked cats and dogs – does that mean he’s not a psychopath?
Dzhokhar "Jahar" Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 counts against him for the Boston Marathon bombing. The sentencing phase of the trial is now underway. Yesterday, the New York Times reported that Tsarnaev finally showed some emotion. Some of his relatives from Russia traveled to Boston to plead for his life. They were sobbing, and the convicted murderer also began to cry. According to an article by Lovefraud reader Anne Stevenson, one of the factors in the jury's decision may be Tsarnaev's relationships with cats and dogs. Many psychopaths are cruel to animals. But if Tsarnaev was not cruel to his pets, does that mean he's not a psychopath? Well, I can say that my ex-husband, James M …
The Boston bomber liked cats and dogs – does that mean he’s not a psychopath?Read More
Advice for Christians involved with sociopaths
If you're a Christian woman, is it your duty to work harder and harder to please an abusive husband? If you're a Christian, should you hold out hope that God will change a sociopath? If you're a Christian, is it your duty to lead a sociopath to Christ? No, no and no, says Shannon Thomas, LCSW-S, a Christian counselor from Southlake, Texas. She explains why in her blog article: When a Christian meets a sociopath, on If you've struggled with these ideas, please read this article. It may give you a new perspective. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Con artist Bobbi Ann Finley now on her 15th husband
She's baaaack!!! Lovefraud first wrote about Bobbi Ann Finley almost five years ago, in September 2010. Finley had a habit of hanging around military bases, meeting servicemen, marrying them, and wiping out their bank accounts. When we first wrote about Finley, she'd married 14 men and had at least nine children with almost as many fathers. She was so infamous that she was profiled on ABC's 20/20. In 2011 Finely was convicted of fraud. She was sentenced to three years in an Alabama prison. Well, she's out, and up to her old tricks. She's married again, although Husband #15 is not military. But they're wanted for passing bad checks all over Oregon, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle …
Con artist Bobbi Ann Finley now on her 15th husbandRead More
Know the truth: You are worthy
I recently received a very short email that asked a very important question. Here it is: Can you give me some advice on how to deal with people who proclaim that I'm worth nothing? By way of background, the email came from a young woman whom we'll call "Alma." Alma is a college student who first wrote to me back in January. A man who supervised her during her summer internship showed interest in her. Although the young woman initially did not respond, he pursued and pursued, until, thinking that he really loved her, Alma finally accepted him. Then, when she left the internship, the man dumped her. Alma was traumatized and could not concentrate on her studies. But people around her …