A Lovefraud reader recently asked the following question: If the sociopath is not in it for money (he pays for everything with no access to my accounts) then what are other reasons to stay in a relationship if he doesn't live with me nor do we share anything financially? Many of the posts I have read involve financial fraud. If a sociopath has targeted you, it's because you have something that he or she wants. Often it's money, but not always. Here are 10 more things that the sociopath may want: 1. Sex Sociopaths crave stimulation, and sex is highly stimulating, so they pursue it. However, sociopaths are not slaves to their physical urges. They often use sex primarily as a tool of …
The Psychopath’s Enablers
By Joyce Alexander, RNP (retired) Psychopaths do a great deal of damage to their victims. The fact that there are people who are aware of what they are doing and choose to “look the other way” or to “sit on the fence and do nothing” enables the psychopaths to continue to abuse their victims. If the bystanders would stand up and assist the victims, even acknowledge that they are being victimized, the psychopaths might not be quite so successful. One of the most famous of these enablers who chose to look the other way was a man named Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect in Jerusalem in AD 33. When Jesus was brought before him by the Jewish leaders, Pilate stated that he found “no fault” in J …
Rapist demands visitation rights
A 14-year-old girl was raped by a 20-year-old man. She became pregnant and kept the child. Now that he is ordered to pay child support, he is demanding visitation. Read Rapist wants visitation rights; teen mom fighting back on MyFoxBoston.com. Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
Announcing the e-book version of “Love Fraud”
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. Two years ago, I published my first book, Love Fraud—How marriage to a sociopath fulfilled my spiritual plan. I am very excited to announce that Love Fraud is now available in all e-book formats. Whether you read on an Amazon Kindle or an iPhone, Love Fraud is now formatted for your device. With free e-reader software, you can also download the book and read it on your computer. The e-book version is only US$9.99. And of course, there's no shipping cost, making the book much more accessible to our international readers. I've also edited the book to make it about 20 …
Psychopath’s noses don’t work
A new study out of Australia finds that people high in psychopathic traits did poorly when asked to identify common odors. Read: Psychopaths have poor sense of smell, study finds, on CBSNews.com. Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
LA Times says Boy Scouts failed to report child molesters
The Los Angeles Times reviewed 1,600 confidential Boy Scout files from 1970 to 1991. In many cases, the newspaper says, the organization covered up reports of abuse. Read Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show, on LATimes.com. …
LA Times says Boy Scouts failed to report child molestersRead More
Soldier allegedly fakes divorce and commits bigamy
Army Staff Sgt. Zachariah Siemers allegedly dumps his wife of 20 years, and their four children, with a bogus divorce decree, then marries another woman. The Army charged him with seven violations of military law—then dropped the case. Read Woman divorced from suspected Army vet bigamist, on Military.com. Link provided by a Lovefraud reader. …
Approaching someone who has been burned by a sociopath
Lovefraud recently received the following email from a man whom we'll call "Andrew." I recently met a lady out of the blue after I had sat at home alone for 2 years. She is the victim of a sociopath—reads & posts on the Lovefraud site trying to heal. She says she can't tell me all the damage done & I don't need to know—it's her business unless she feels she needs to share. She had cabin fever—had to get out for a night—hence our meeting. Well I had basically given up on finding someone until I met her. We instantly clicked. It was so good for 3 weeks—making plans of fun things to do. I thought it would help her heal—to go have fun again. I think she started liking me too much i …
Approaching someone who has been burned by a sociopathRead More
Poetry–during and after the sociopath
Editor's note: The following poems were sent to Lovefraud by the reader who goes by "Gia Rad." She describes herself as a "recovering people-pleaser, ex-victim, natural health practitioner, mother and survivor." Positive ”¦ by Gia Rad Today, I feel positive. Positive that a new era is emerging And I've left behind for good the hell I once lived with you. Positive that not every day and night is a nightmare in disguise. Today, I choose to smile at the rainbow And stand defiantly in the pouring rain As I'm positive, for the first time in ”¦ forever That I've survived what many don't, and will even blossom with time. Positive that I've learned to avoid your type And keep myself a …
After the sociopath, another sociopath
Several Lovefraud readers have written to me recently—annoyed, angry, horrified. These readers had finally realized what they were dealing with—a sociopath. They extricated themselves from the relationships and had no further contact with the disordered individuals. And what happened? Another sociopath came into their lives. The readers asked: What is going on? Why can't they leave me alone? Am I a sociopath magnet? The answer is, not necessarily. Following are some observations to add perspective to the situation. Millions of sociopaths These disordered individuals are everywhere. As long as we're living on this planet, we face the possibility of running into them. Experts est …