You've finally figured out what is wrong with an individual who has taken advantage of you, abused you, perhaps even assaulted you. Reading Lovefraud, you realize that he or she is a sociopath. Now, you're an emotional wreck. You've been profoundly betrayed. You're justifiably angry. Plus, the sociopath has caused you real problems. Perhaps all your money is gone. Or you're in a vicious child custody battle. You've lost your job, your savings or your home. You suffer from anxiety, depression or PTSD. You feel so far down that you don't even know which direction is up. You are outraged by the sociopath's actions. You are further outraged that after this individual bulldozed through y …
Sentencing and Psychopathy
There is increasing evidence that psychopathy results from an interaction between genes and environment. In fact the genes responsible and their interactions with early life experiences have already begun to be elucidated. (See Bad Nature Bad Nurture). Eventually individuals we call sociopaths will be shown to have extremes of physiology that contribute to the disorder. Note that I say extremes of physiology; there will always be people who have various physiological findings in common with individuals with psychopathy who do not manifest the disorder. I spend many hours a week talking with people who have been victimized by psychopathic individuals. This past week, a severely affected …
Lovefraud Lesson #8: Sociopaths and love bombing
Sociopaths engage in calculated seduction. Donna Andersen explains their most potent weapon. Watch the latest Lovefraud Lesson: Videos …
LETTERS TO LOVEFRAUD: Now I can honestly say to a victim, ‘I understand how you feel’
Editor's note: This Lovefraud reader formerly posted under the name of "Adelle." Her articles include "A thank you note to my sociopath" and "If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it." In the past I have written under the name of Adelle in an effort to keep my stalker from finding me. I dated this man and lived with him for about two years; he knows one of my passions is writing. I've written a few articles that have been published; he knows my style so it didn't take him long to figure out I was “Adelle.” The fact that while I was still living with him I would get my support from Lovefraud also made it easy to find my writings. He knows a lot about me; of course he does ”¦ that is what soci …
LETTERS TO LOVEFRAUD: Now I can honestly say to a victim, ‘I understand how you feel’Read More
LETTERS TO LOVEFRAUD: Destruction of our lives through family courts
Editor's note: The following email was sent by a woman whom we'll call "Eralyn." I have been "lurking" (I guess it's called) your site for quite some time. I want to thank you for your website as I am grateful to see people who know and understand the insanity of all of this. I have decided to write to you as I read the posts of women who have very young children with a sociopath and they sound so much like me a decade ago that I cannot in good conscience keep quiet. While I don't want to cause any more fear than they are already living with, I do want them to be warned and keep their guard up. They need to know the way things are going in the court system down the road. Poking h …
LETTERS TO LOVEFRAUD: Destruction of our lives through family courtsRead More
Mourning the man who never was (because he is a psychopath)
Before I had children, I always dreamed that my children would have a wonderful relationship with both me and their father. Given the close relationship that I have with my father, I could never have imagined a situation where I would NOT want my child's father to have access to him/her. (Until now, of course) Here is a quick example of how I felt about my father as a child and why I dreamed for my child to have the same: (This conversation took place as my father was tying my shoes.) Young Cappuccino Queen (circa age 5): Daddy, when I grow up can I marry you? My father (holding back laughter): No baby girl, I am already married to your mother. Cappuccino Queen: But Daddy, I …
Mourning the man who never was (because he is a psychopath)Read More
Woman tells her story of marriage to radio personality Jeff Rense
Melinda Jane Kellogg holds a Ph.D. in physics. Jeff Rense has an alternative radio program. Kellogg listened to the program for more than two years, and then, on Rense's birthday, sent him a "Happy Birthday" email. He responded, they corresponded, they visited, they married. It didn't turn out as Kellogg expected, and she tells the whole story—complete with documentation—on her website. Visit Melinda Jane Kellogg Link supplied by two Lovefraud readers. UPDATE: More of the story is available on …
Woman tells her story of marriage to radio personality Jeff RenseRead More
Law enforcement sacrifices victims so they can build a case
Back in June, a mother and daughter from Colorado, Tracy Vasseur, 40, and Karen Vasseur, 73, were charged with helping unknown Nigerian bosses take money from women in an elaborate online dating scam. More than $1 million was stolen from 374 unsuspecting women in 40 different countries. In the scheme, unknown scammers posing as members of the U.S. Armed Forces pursued online romances with victims they met on dating sites and Facebook. The scammers "proved" their identities with fake military documents and personal photos, and eventually start asking for money for "satellite phones," or so the "soldier" could travel to meet the victim. The Vasseurs acted as military "agents" to collect …
Law enforcement sacrifices victims so they can build a caseRead More
Can narcissists become leaders?
An article in Harvard Business Review says that narcissists make poor leaders. I'd agree with that. Then the article claims that through mentorship, companies can transform high-achievers with narcissistic traits into quality leaders. What do you think? Is it possible? Read: Narcissism: The difference between high achievers and leaders, on Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Lovefraud Lesson #7: Sociopaths trap us into making promises
Donna Andersen explains why we should not feel obligated to keep promises made to sociopaths. Watch the latest episode of Lovefraud Lessons here: Videos …
Lovefraud Lesson #7: Sociopaths trap us into making promisesRead More