Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following e-mal from the reader who posts as "Kataroux." In December 2005, my husband, who was also a sociopath, just not as ruthless, overdosed and died. I was devastated by the sudden death, and the fact that he chose to do it on my Son's 11th birthday. The first person to show up was my recent sociopath (we will call him “D” so he has a name), and he was there to "help me through” and “make me laugh.” He was a relative of my late husband but knew what I had gone through with my husband's drug addiction, and he and I had spent many of hours talking about what was going on for years prior to my husband's death. So he knew me very well, knew I loved com …
Lessons in Life and Love I Learned from a Sociopath
By Paula Carrasquillo Editor's note: Paula Carrasquillo is author of "Escaping the Boy My Life with a Sociopath." Read Lovefraud's book review. A few years ago, I found myself in a relationship with a man who demonstrated zero empathy, zero remorse, zero compassion and seemed to lack any inkling of a conscience. He lashed out at me often, raged and accused me of doing things I never did and of being a person I could never imagine being. I tried desperately to make him "see the light" of his negative thinking and paranoia. But all of my pleadings and attempts to convince him that he was wrong about my intentions proved futile. The emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse he …
Lessons in Life and Love I Learned from a SociopathRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: I no longer attract needy, disordered men
Editor's note: This is the story of a long-time member of the Lovefraud community, Stargazer. Spath-proofing my life I have been a poster on Lovefraud for over five years. It just occurred to me I've never written an article. I wanted to tell my story and write about what I have done to spath-proof my life in the last five years. It was never my intention to spath-proof my life. I only wanted to be happy. In taking the steps to make myself happy, I have successfully created a life where disordered people don't dare to enter. If they do, they don't stay very long. Why? I'm too happy for them. I don't buy into their sob stories; I have no need to fix them; and I have no need for their …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: I no longer attract needy, disordered menRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: After the sociopath, life gets good again
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following article from a reader whom we'll call "Cherylann." I am really not sure where to start. My family and those closest to me refer to him as ”˜madman,' ”˜the beast'”¦ or as my brother put it, I married a cardboard box. I never realized he had no feelings for me or anyone but himself until maybe 2 years into our divorce proceedings. I am not known for my writing abilities and this is difficult to do; not because of the subject matter but because there is just so much that I could share about those 11 years that I was with him. I am not sure how to put it in the most ”˜readable' manner. Anyway, here goes. Not love at first sight Let me just sta …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: After the sociopath, life gets good againRead More
I identified with Woody Allen’s ‘Blue Jasmine’
Editor's note: The following article was written by the Lovefraud reader who posts as "Imara." Woody Allen's new movie Blue Jasmine, starring Cate Blanchet, showcases an amazing, Oscar worthy performance by her. She portrays a woman who had it all and then lost everything, including her sanity, after she catches her psychopathic husband cheating. I loved the movie ”¦ identified with Jasmine on so many emotive experiences ”¦ and am very grateful to the powers that be that, in the aftermath, I do not walk in her shoes!!!! The movie portrays the plush life of Jasmine and her very successful businessman husband. He is lavish in his gift giving, and in his lifestyle. His cheating is clearl …
How our brain keeps us in toxic relationships
Editor's note: Joyce M. Short is the author of a soon to be released book, “Carnal Abusive Deceit When a Predator's Lies Become Rape.” The book chronicles her life with a predator, the subsequent aftermath and her road to recovery. It also provides advice for victims and their supporters, and discusses the issues surrounding criminalization of rape-by-fraud. Joyce lives in New York City, where she's a real estate broker, professional tennis instructor and a strong advocate for her community. The Betrayal Bond — an oxytocin craving By Joyce M. Short We often see stories in the news about people who meet tragic ends by remaining in a relationship with someone whose behavior should have si …
Open letter to Huma Abedin: You’re married to a sociopath
Dear Ms. Abedin, People are perplexed. Your husband, Anthony Weiner, has humiliated you again. Yet at a press conference last week, you continued to support him, and his candidacy for mayor of New York City. "I love him. I have forgiven him. I believe in him," you said. Why would you do this? Speculation by media pundits, New York City voters and average citizens usually follows three themes: You want to keep your family together at all costs. You believe you can help your husband overcome his problems. You are a political animal and will do anything to get your husband elected. Read: Why does Huma Abedin put up with Weiner?, on CNN.com. I don't know you personally, and what I know …
Open letter to Huma Abedin: You’re married to a sociopathRead More
Mental health consequences of stalking, and how to cope
A new study documents high rates of post traumatic stress, anxiety and depression among stalking victims. Experts offer suggestions on how to deal with a stalker. Number One: Notify the police. Number Two: No contact. Stalking distress goes unnoticed, on BBC.co.uk Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Mental health consequences of stalking, and how to copeRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Trying to solve the mystery kept me hooked for months, part 2
Editor's note: A Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Edna" sent along the following letter. She received it from her then husband's mistress last summer. Edna reached out to the young woman once she located her number on his phone records. They shared their stories to help piece together the mystery of the man they were both dangerously entangled with. Names and some details have been changed for their protection. Read Part 1. The final evening It is so scary to even think back to the evening that led to my leaving Brandon and never looking back. The very last time I saw him I found tons of drugs in his apartment. It was a Friday evening in the middle of the summer. I went to my parents that We …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Trying to solve the mystery kept me hooked for months, part 2Read More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Trying to solve the mystery kept me hooked for months, part 1
Editor's note: A Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Edna" sent along the following letter. She received it from her then husband's mistress last summer. Edna reached out to the young woman once she located her number on his phone records. They shared their stories to help piece together the mystery of the man they were both dangerously entangled with. Names and some details have been changed for their protection. Part 2 will post tomorrow. Letter from the mistress I met Brandon during the summer, immediately following my college graduation. Brandon approached me at a nightclub at a beach resort area near where I live over Memorial Day weekend. I was at a low point in my life; I was de …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Trying to solve the mystery kept me hooked for months, part 1Read More