It's an ambitious project—attempting to explain psychopaths in global leadership positions, a possible cause of what looks like psychopathic behavior, and what to do about it all. This is the documentary film, I am <fishead(, produced and directed by Misha Votruba and Vaclav Dejcmar. Here's a clip, featuring Dr. Robert Hare, the guru of psychopathy: [youtube_sc url= rel=0 fs=1 autohide=1 modestbranding=1] Corporate psychopaths Fishead is divided into three parts. Part 1 is about psychopaths, specifically corporate psychopaths, who are blamed for the global financial meltdown that began in 2008. This is probably true, although the only individual n …
Millions of elderly suffer financial abuse every year
Researchers conducted a phone survey of 4,000 people over age 60. Even though none of these people suffered dementia or other mental decline, 4.2 percent said they had been the victim of financial fraud or exploitation during the preceding year. On a national scale, that translates to millions of victims. Read Financial abuse of the elderly is approaching a crisis, researcher says, on …
Millions of elderly suffer financial abuse every yearRead More
Are we growing more sociopaths with violent video games?
Researchers used fMRI brain scans to study the effects of playing violent video games on the brains of young adult men. The changes were similar to those seen in teens with destructive sociopathic disorders. Read How playing violent video games may change the brain, on Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Are we growing more sociopaths with violent video games?Read More
New domestic violence study: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partners
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new results yesterday from telephone surveys of about 9,000 women and 7,400 men. One in four women reported being violently attacked by their husbands or boyfriends. One in five women said they were victims of rape or attempted rape. Read Survey: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partner on Read Survey: 1 in 3 women affected by partner's violent behavior on, which also includes data about violence to men. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, on the …
New domestic violence study: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partnersRead More
Identifying speech patterns of psychopaths
Researchers used a computer analysis to compare the language of psychopathic and nonpsychopathic murderers. They discovered distinct differences. Read Psychopaths' words expose predatory mind on Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Envy, recall and resentment
Research indicates that envy enhances recall. Scientists also distinguish between "benign envy" and "malicious envy." Gee, do we know anyone who is envious? Read Envy may bear fruit, but it also has an aftertaste, on Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, meeting highlights: Researching victimization
Having spent time listening to many psychopathy researchers, I can attest to many times coming away with the feeling that very critical insights are being missed. An appreciation for the bigger picture just isn't there yet. For me the bigger picture always includes the family. A sociopath may prey on strangers, but usually that is after a lifetime of practice on family members. The reason this piece is so critical is that the personality disorder, psychopathy is a pervasive disorder of human social behavior that affects every relationship the disordered person has. Considering what this disorder actually is- a pervasive disorder of human social behavior, the perspective of family members …
Donna Andersen and Dr. Liane Leedom present research at psychopathy conference
Dr. Liane Leedom and I spent last weekend, May 19-21, at the 4th Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy in Montreal, Canada. Approximately 200 people were at the conference, including the biggest names in psychopathy research: Robert Hare, Paul Babiak, Paul J. Frick, Kent Kiehl, David Kosson, Joseph Newman, Christopher J. Patrick, and many, many more. Also in attendance were graduate students and researchers from all over the world—nine different countries were represented. It was an opportunity to learn about the latest research going on in the field. A total of 46 researchers made 15-minute oral presentations of their work. An additional 91 g …
Donna Andersen and Dr. Liane Leedom present research at psychopathy conferenceRead More
Psychopaths, silly science and James Bond
The headline of an article that a Lovefraud reader recently sent to me is: Why women really do love self-obsessed psychopaths With a headline like that, of course, I had to read it. The article, from 2008, describes research on the “Dark Triad” and mating behavior. The Dark Triad refers to the personality disorders of narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. I had some problems with the article, but before I ripped into it, I figured I'd read the original study. Here it is: The Dark Triad: Facilitating a Short-Term Mating Strategy in Men This study was published in the European Journal of Personality in 2009, and the lead author is Peter K. Jonason. To be honest, I find …
Pain connections, emotional and physical
New research shows that emotional and physical pain draw responses from the same regions of the brain. Read To the brain, getting burned, getting dumped feel the same, on Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …