Every week, a chapter of my book,"Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via Amazon.com, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, use the links at the bottom of the post. I’ve also just released a new ebook titled Narcissists, SOCIOPATHS & Wolves: Lessons From Little Red Riding Hood. (Just click here to find it on Amazon.com Narcissists SOCIOPATHS & Wolves.) Chapter 59 (Continued): Questions I Wish I Had Asked Myself (or been encouraged to ask) If Paul treated me before we were married like he did after we were married, would I have continued to date …
Is he a sociopath? The answer depends on how you answer other questions.Read More