A man in the U.K. stalked a woman and her husband for years. The couple decided to move away, and instead of abating, the stalking got worse. Eventually the stalker showed up at their door with a gun. Read the entire outrageous story: The stalker and the woman who refused to give in, on BBC.com. …
Wife fights U.S. military for 10 YEARS for $500,000 insurance after her soldier husband cut out her benefits before parachuting to his death
For 10 years, Kathy Mills, a former special education teacher and Mary Kay sales director, has been at war. Kathy, of Pickerington, Ohio, has been fighting her husband a West Point graduate and Special Forces operative, the Ohio National Guard and the United States Army. She wants the $500,000 she should have been paid when her husband abandoned her to deploy to Iraq and later died in a parachuting accident. The response from the military, courts and elected officials? Mostly, 10 years of runaround. 'The worst part was not being abandoned by my husband,' Kathy said. 'It was being abandoned by the military and abandoned by the court system.' 'I had been a taxpayer, a contributing member of …
Profiting from child custody payments
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/196XCAXfqrI"] Many, many sociopaths fight for custody of their children. Sociopaths are incapable of loving anyone, including their children. So why do they want the kids? One big reason is to torment the other parent by depriving them of the kids. Another reason is to make money. If the sociopath is the custodial parent, the other parent will have to pay up until the children are 18, or even older, for kids who go to college. Child support payments are often determined by the courts. New research shows that the formulas courts use to set the support payments may overestimate the cost of raising a child by 200% to 400%. See this video produced by D …
Alleged Long Island pedophile and his official enablers
Cesar Gonzales-Mugaburu of Ridge, in Long Island, New York, apparently made a living by caring for foster kids. He took in six to eight kids at a time, and was paid as much as $18,000 a month. Gonzales-Mugaburu was arrested on March 18 and charged with molesting seven of the foster kids, and the family dog. This is bad enough, but the story gets worse. Debbie Edwards, a school social worker filed complaints against Gonzales-Mugaburu starting back in 1998, but school administrators told her to back off. The SCO Family of Services, the agency handling the placements, told Edwards that they would stop sending children to Gonzales-Mugaburu, but they continued to do it. Then it turns out th …
Alleged Long Island pedophile and his official enablersRead More
March 30: Free online introduction to Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine
Recently I received an email about a free online program being presented by Donna Eden, the pioneer of energy medicine, on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. Energy medicine is a combination of Eastern healing disciplines and Western science. The basic premise is that life energy flows through our bodies called qi in Chinese medicine and prana in Sanskrit. All illness reflects a block or disturbance in the life force. Opening the block and restoring the proper energy flow can lead to healing. Simple daily practices can keep your life force flowing the way it should, to build your vitality and prevent illness. Although it is not well known in our society, energy medicine is one of five alternative …
March 30: Free online introduction to Donna Eden’s Energy MedicineRead More
Undercover British cops deceived women they spied on into relationships
Here's a whole new twist on relationship fraud police chiefs in the U.K. have admitted that undercover cops engaged in "abusive and manipulative" relationships with women involved in political organizations that they were assigned to spy on. One of the victims, Helen Steel, told her story in detail. The behavior of the man she was involved with, John Dines, was right out of the sociopath playbook. Seven women reached an out-of-court settlement with police. An eighth woman did not agree to the settlement. Five undercover officers engaged in the fake relationships. A Lovefraud reader brought this story to our attention. She comments: How far should the police be allowed to go? Four undercover …
Undercover British cops deceived women they spied on into relationshipsRead More
After the trauma, emotional exhaustion
Last week I wrote that my husband and Lovefraud co-founder, Terry Kelly, suffered a heart attack. I am very happy to report that Terry is doing really, really well, all things considered. After being unconscious for a week, he finally woke up. The next day, the doctors took him off of the breathing machine. He's now in a regular hospital room, rather than intensive care. He's eating, drinking fluids and sleeping when he's not coughing himself awake. Terry has started taking walks down the hospital corridor, assisted by a walker. His feet don't quite move the way they should, and he has some balance issues, although each day gets better. We hope he'll soon be moving to a rehabilitation …
Grand jury finds Catholic clergy in Pennsylvania, shielded by bishops, abused hundreds of children
Last week a Pennsylvania grand jury released a 147-page report documenting hundreds of cases of sexual molestation perpetrated by priests and other religious leaders in the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown. No prosecutions were recommended, because the cases were too old mostly from the 1940s through the 1980s, the perpetrators had died, or the victims were too traumatized to testify. The report accused two bishops James Hogan and Joseph Adamec of covering up the crimes. Investigators raided church offices and found boxes and filing cabinets filled with details of children being abused, according to Philly.com. According to the grand jury report, Bishop Joseph Adamec kept a payout chart for how …
An inside look at sociopathic callousness and betrayal
In a post on Yahoo!, here's how a woman describes her mother: She was a woman motivated solely by money and other shallow luxuries of life. If her husband spent 17 days of a month out of the country, signing huge deals, it was only to bring to his beautiful (on the outside) wife all the extravagances he knew, she had an eye for - perfumes from Paris, dresses from London, and lipsticks from New York. My father was basically running errands to populate my mother's closet, in the guise of business meetings. While her husband was on these business/shopping trips, the wife entertained another man in her bed. And the woman telling the story well, the whole scenario affected her, although …
An inside look at sociopathic callousness and betrayalRead More
Please keep Lovefraud co-founder in your thoughts and prayers
I've written quite a few times about the wonderful relationship that I have with my husband, Terry Kelly. Yes, there is love after a sociopath. Terry is my business partner in Lovefraud. He funded building the website and the printing of my books. When business decisions about Lovefraud need to be made, he's my consultant. He even handles shipping when we receive book orders. I'm writing this as I sit in the ICU waiting room of our local hospital. Terry suffered a heart attack on Tuesday. It's been a long week. This came totally out of the blue. Terry does not have any of the typical risk factors of heart disease. No family history. No smoking. He's not overweight, he eats well, he …
Please keep Lovefraud co-founder in your thoughts and prayersRead More