Three Islamist terrorists shot dead 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine in Paris, including four famous cartoonists. The magazine was targeted because its cartoons supposedly defamed the Prophet Muhammad. Actually, Charlie Hebdo was an equal-opportunity offender. The publication criticized anyone who deserved it. In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, which was among the few media outlets willing to draw attention to evil, Lovefraud has posted one of their cartoons. You can see more here: These are the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that terrorists thought were worth killing over, on And here are tributes drawn by other cartoonists from around the world: Charlie …
Stalking Q&A
How do you know if you're being stalked? If you are, what should you do? The LadyLux website recently posted advice for women on stalking. The website interviewed four experts, including Brad Robinson, a former CIA agent who is a private investigator and a member of the Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide. Here are some of the questions they addressed: How can a woman tell if she is being stalked? Is a stalker typically someone she knows, or a stranger? What should a woman do if she suspects she has a stalker? When should she contact the authorities? For the answers, and more information, read: Stalking: Are you a victim? on …
New Year’s Resolutions for Lovefraud readers
Here we are, at the beginning of the New Year. Let's make it a year of recovery, healing and growth! I offer the following suggestions for New Year's resolutions: I will treat myself with love and respect regardless of how I may have been treated by others. I will trust my own perception of reality. I will maintain No Contact. I will accept that what happened actually did happen and let it go. I will listen to the still, small voice that knows the truth my intuition. I will evaluate other people by their actions, not their words. I will make time for my personal healing and growth. How about you? Do you have a resolution to share? I wish all Lovefraud readers a wonderful New Year! …
My Bill Cosby experience: Did I dodge a bullet?
A Lovefraud reader asked me to write about the Bill Cosby scandal. A total of 27 women have publicly come forward to tell their stories of being sexually assaulted by the famous comedian. A complete list of the women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault, on As I read the accounts, I kept seeing virtually the same story, over and over. Many of the women were young models and actresses who claim Cosby made a pretense of offering them career advice. One woman, however, was a 19-year-old waitress who said Cosby offered her a ride home and then assaulted her. Another woman was 19 when Cosby approached her in a gift shop at the Las Vegas Hilton, where he was …
Merry Christmas to all Lovefraud readers!
Christmas is the time of peace and joy. To all Lovefraud readers, know that peace and joy are possible, even after what you've experienced. Commit to your recovery. Even if you experience a few bumps in the road, keep going. Through patience and perseverance, you can become whole again, I promise you. May the Christmas spirit help you move from the darkness to the light. Much love to all, Donna and Terry …
Sociopaths and Christmas
In your dreams and desires, Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. You spend time with family and friends. You give and receive thoughtful gifts. If you are religious, you renew your faith. Christmas is supposed to be special. Of course, it doesn't always work out that way, but at least that's your goal. So how do sociopaths view Christmas? In my opinion, sociopaths view Christmas simply as another tool in their manipulation toolbox. They know that Christmas is important to their targets that would be you so they figure out how to use Christmas to advance their agendas. So, if sociopaths are in the love bombing stage, they may shower you with gifts and create unbelievably …
You can contribute to the research on female psychopaths
A scientific review published last year summarized the research literature about female psychopaths. But I wonder about the accuracy of the underlying information. Three researchers from Norway, Rolf Wynn, Marita H. Hoiseth, and Gunn Pettersen, recently published the review. They concluded that when compared to male psychopaths, female psychopaths more often seem to show emotional instability, verbal violence and manipulation of social networks, and less criminal behavior and instrumental violence. This study, which is quite readable, it explains how the disorder is defined and diagnosed. If you'd like to be familiar with the scientific community's views of psychopathy, it's a good …
You can contribute to the research on female psychopathsRead More
Pennsylvania murder spree: PTSD or psychopathy?
The body of Bradley W. Stone, 35, was discovered Tuesday in the woods about a half-mile from his home in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, which is outside of Philadelphia. On Monday, Stone killed his ex-wife, Nicole Stone, 35, and five members of her family, authorities say. The killings took place in three separate locations. Stone and his wife began divorce proceedings in 2009. Although the divorce was finalized, they were still battling over custody of their daughters, ages 8 and 5. The daughters are safe. Bradley Stone filed an emergency order for custody this month. The Philadelphia Inquirer quoted Lisa Andrey, a neighbor of Nicole Stone's mother: When the pair first got together "he …
Protect yourself: Learn from Australia’s amazing ScamWatch website
The Daily Telegraph in Australia recently posted the following article: Local man loses $7,000 in internet love scam then calls the police, on the The man met a woman from Ghana on line, she professed her love, and then asked him to send money so she could visit him. Of course, it was a ruse. Yes, men as well as women lose money to online dating scams. But the most important part of the article was a reference to ScamWatch, a comprehensive consumer protection website developed by the Australian government. This website is fabulous. It lists all types of scams and offers support for scam victims. Check it out. If you're online, you need to know this i …
Protect yourself: Learn from Australia’s amazing ScamWatch websiteRead More
Mom still presses for answers in daughter’s death
Kathy Morris, a 22-year-old who was about to graduate from the University of Maryland, was found dead on May 6, 2012. Authorities ruled her death a suicide. Her mother, Rev. Marguerite Morris, believes the investigation was botched. Kathy had secretly married a U.S. Army soldier. Rev. Morris believes the soldier married her daughter just so he could collect more money from the Army, which is fraud. "She had all the documentation about the fraud and the next day's she's dead," Rev. Morris told the Capital Gazette. "And that's one reason why I push. Mother of apparent suicide seeks answers, on Here's Lovefraud's original story on this case: Army Specialist Isaac …