Psychologist Dr Scott Keiller from Kent State University at Tuscarawas conducted a study with 104 men to measure attitudes regarding traditional roles of men and women. He found that narcissistic heterosexual men are more likely to have hostility toward heterosexual women than toward gay women or men. The narcissists perceive heterosexual women as having more control over whether their sexual desires are fulfilled. A man with attitude, from Science Centric Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
Married to A Sociopath: A False Sense of Control
By Quinn Pierce Learning Avoidance When you are in a relationship with a sociopath, you quickly learn the act of avoidance. Without saying a word, a sociopath can let you know exactly when he or she is angry or disappointed with your behavior. That leads you to begin reacting to subtle clues and hints that may never be stated, but are clearly understood. For me, I began avoiding all situations that would create that indescribable tension in the house. The feeling of walking on egg shells while holding my breath. Hollow Choices Sometimes, it would mean turning down a shopping trip with friends, or a trip to the store without the children. It just became easier to avoid …
Bruce Lipton explains why genes are not destiny
I use "sociopathy" as an umbrella term to cover several disorders in which people exploit others antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, narcissism, borderline personality disorder. One of the truly scary aspects of sociopathy is that it is highly genetic. If a child has a sociopathic parent, or sociopaths somewhere on the family tree, the child could inherit a predisposition to become a sociopath as well. So how do you prevent this from happening? By using experience to modify biology. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., is author of a book called The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles. In this video presentation, Lipton lays out the basic science of …
True recovery from the sociopath through tapping and energy psychology
I believe true recovery from sociopathic betrayal is literally in our own hands. Many people have quietly become aware of a healing technique known by several names: tapping, energy psychology, emotional freedom technique (EFT). Using this approach, many people have recovered from emotional pain, physical pain, illness, anxiety, depression and PTSD. So what is it? With your fingers, you tap certain points on your body mostly on your face while bringing to mind specific aspects of the condition that you want to heal. The tapping creates an electrical charge that breaks the connection between your memory of your experience and how you feel today. It doesn't matter when the past experience …
True recovery from the sociopath through tapping and energy psychologyRead More
Documentary reveals the shameless practices of big business divorce
"I think death would be easier than a divorce." "People can get as much justice as they can afford. Most people can't afford any justice." "Follow the money" Divorce Corp, a documentary narrated by Dr. Drew Pinsky, will hit theaters in January 2014. The tag line sums it up: " Marriage is an institution. Divorce is big business." Interviews with divorce attorneys, divorce mediators, judges, and litigants reveal the inner workings of the $50 billion a year U.S. family law industry. The film's creators, Dr. Drew Pinsky, Joseph Sorge, Philip Sternberg and James Scurlock, had no idea when they began their project that they would uncover the dark corner of the judicial system where fiefdoms and …
Documentary reveals the shameless practices of big business divorceRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: The menacing spirit
Editor's note: The following article was written by Lovefraud reader "Carmella" and refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. The subject that I've been deliberating very long and hard about posting is very sticky, very personal, and somewhat spiritually volatile, but as I reflect, I begin to see how this phenomenon has followed me throughout my life from its very beginnings. I realize that my exposure to this psychological/spiritual archetype had even caused me to "join the ranks" temporarily as I (and here is the irony) searched for an escape from it. The archetype of which I speak is that of the menacing spirit the spirit of the bored, …
Co-Parenting With A Sociopath: Children and Healing
By Quinn Pierce Two weeks ago, my older son was admitted to the hospital due to his anxiety. He was unable to overcome the panic attacks and overwhelming fear that has plagued him since the end of the summer, and we decided it was time for a higher level of care. As traumatic as the decision was for me, I knew in my heart it was the best decision for him; and it truly was. It may have been the most difficult day of my life, but I kept in mind the healing that would finally begin for my son. The Constant Drama Takes a Toll I also kept in mind the fact that all of this might not have happened if it were not for my ex-husband, my son's father, who has riddled our lives with such chaos …
Co-Parenting With A Sociopath: Children and HealingRead More
Joyce Alexander believes her son, William ‘Patrick’ Alexander, already convicted of cold-blooded murder, will kill her too
Editor's note: This is the story of the Lovefraud author Joyce Alexander, who comments as "Ox Drover." By Donna Andersen William "Patrick" Alexander didn't want to go back to prison. He was 19 years old, almost 20, and had already done two years for aggravated burglary. Patrick suspected that 17-year-old Jessica Witt, of Dallas, Texas, was going to rat him out. Or perhaps she already did. Patrick had used a credit card stolen from Jessica's grandfather to pay for a trip to California, in violation of his parole. He racked up $8,000 in charges. On January 17, 1992, Patrick and one of his unsavory friends were at Jessica's apartment. Patrick told the friend that he was going to …
Do sociopaths return?
I recently received an email from a Lovefraud reader who had only one question. It's a question I hear frequently: Do sociopaths return? The answer: Some of them don't, but some of them do. Many people who have been romantically involved with sociopaths experienced the sudden "devalue and discard." One day the sociopath loves you. The next day the sociopath tosses you aside like a used tissue and walks away, without ever looking back. As the person left behind, you may be in shock. You may have had no idea that your partner was unhappy. You may ask yourself, did I do something wrong? Why didn't he or she say something? Can't we work this out? You are also astounded at the …
Letter to Lovefraud: Is his goal to break me?
Editor's Note: This Letter to Lovefraud is from a Lovefraud Reader whom we'll call “Aubree.” Names have been changed. I recently got out of a two year relationship with a person who I believe is a sociopath, or at the very least an extremely vengeful borderline. When we first got together, he told me that he used to have a habit of going to bars, finding the prettiest and most confident-looking woman there, and proceeding to go up to her and start picking on her and making fun of her for something that he suspected she might be insecure about. For example, if he saw a girl who was beautiful but wasn't stick-thin, he'd go up to her and start making snide remarks about her weight. He said h …