A key trait of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is the lack of empathy. At least, that’s what most mental health professionals believe, and a lack of empathy is included in the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association). But clinical research has failed to establish that narcissists lack empathy. How can this be? Many of us have endured, first-hand, the devastating lack of empathy exhibited by narcissists, antisocials and psychopaths. Well, it turns out that there are two types of empathy, and these disordered individuals often lack one of them, but not the other. When you understand this, you’ll also understand wh …
You Choose Your Actions — Even with Controlling People
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains an empowering concept — even when you feel like you're being pressured or forced to behave in a certain way, in truth, you choose your actions. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest Although control issues can happen between people of any gender, let's just use the example of a husband ("Tom") who "won't let" his wife ("Jane") see certain people, wear certain clothing or go somewhere that doesn't meet with his approval. It is important to remember always that you choose your actions, and other people have only as much control over you as you give them. Therefore, T …
You Choose Your Actions — Even with Controlling PeopleRead More
Explaining evil – the psychopathic agenda
UPDATED FOR 2021 — Evil exists. That was the revelation posted back in 2014 by Richard Cohen, a columnist with the Washington Post. The world once again appears to be a dangerous place, so it seems appropriate to revisit this concept. The impetus for Cohen’s column was the atrocities committed by the Islamic State — the jihadists who overran Iraq, murdered anyone they didn't like, and beheaded American photojournalist James Foley. "I used to not believe in evil," Cohen wrote in his article, The Islamic State is evil returned. Now he does. Cohen compares the acts committed by the Islamic State to those of other purveyors of brutal atrocities Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. In the gener …
That Little Voice Inside Never Lies
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains that we all have a little voice inside that will always guide us towards our best interest. It's our intuition — our connection to our divine spirit. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest You know that little voice inside? The one that seems to come from your guts when something just doesn't sit right? The one that is so easy to ignore? How many times have you kicked yourself for not having listened to it? How many times have you discovered, much to your chagrin, that it had been right? Yeah, I know. Loads. And how many times have you discovered that it was w …
With the sociopath, I went from stability to homelessness
Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we’ll call Abby21. She describes how, after the sociopath came into her life, she went from stability to homelessness. After my father’s death in 2000 is when I became involved with a sociopath. Now I can look back and clearly see my vulnerability and why I was targeted. I was 30 years old and at the age of 16 actually babysat for him and his second wife, who was the bridesmaid in his first wife’s wedding. He has two children by his first wife and he felt he had to marry because at 17 she became pregnant and three boys from his second wife who according to him cheated on him and that is why they divorced. But rumor …
With the sociopath, I went from stability to homelessnessRead More
Despite what the sociopath says, you are your most valuable asset
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains that you are your most valuable asset, so it's up to you to take care of yourself. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest I would imagine that if you've been dealing with a sociopath, self-care might have gone out the window. When you're doing your best just to get through the day, and often helping your children with their struggles, too, the last thing that's on your mind is making sure your own needs are met. On top of that, it could well be that during your time with the sociopath, you've become conditioned to believe that you don't matter. Your …
Despite what the sociopath says, you are your most valuable assetRead More
I was trapped by sociopathic abuse and domestic violence
Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following story of abuse and domestic violence from a young woman whom we’ll call “Kassandra21.” I became host to a parasitic sociopath that eventually entrapped me by getting me pregnant, abused my oldest child psychologically and physically and was eventually arrested. It all happened so fast that by the time I understood what was happening my life was a total train wreck. My vulnerabilities made me weaker due to my drug and alcohol use, I was way too accepting of people, loved to love people, yet was unloving to myself. I also had my own place, kids, a car and income, and also partied, did drugs and had meaningless sex encounters. I was comple …
I was trapped by sociopathic abuse and domestic violenceRead More
All Your Choices Come from Fear or Love
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains that all your choices come from fear or love, although sometimes you need to look beneath the surface of your thoughts to see it. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest It is said that everything we think and do comes from one of two places: Love or Fear. I used to dispute this. I figured it was rubbish. But in the 30 years or so since first hearing it, I've been putting this theory to the test and I have to admit, it is the truth. When I take an honest look at my words, my reactions, and my choices, everything is rooted in one of these two emotions. It's …
Sociopathic manipulation in divorce and child support
Editor’s note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we’ll call, “Sally21.” She tells a typical story (unfortunately) of sociopathic manipulation in divorce and child support. I have been divorced for 5 years, was in relationship with N/S (narcissistic sociopath) for over 20 years and it took me at least 10 to find the courage to leave and start over. I have always been very outspoken, intellectual, and fearless. I came from a dysfunctional background but did extensive counseling to become healthy AND pursued educational degree last in both Psychology and Sociology. To no avail...I still married a N/S. I knew from the beginning something was wrong. There were 2 (t …
Sociopathic manipulation in divorce and child supportRead More
How I Stopped Letting Fear Stop Me
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, writes that for years, she went from one sociopath-induced catastrophe to another. It all changed when she decided, "I will stop letting fear stop me." Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest This picture? It's a self-portrait that I did at about 2 a.m. one awful night while I was in a toxic, messy relationship with a sociopath (who turned out to be a crack addict, which explained the violence, mood swings and general insanity, but how I didn't see it, I'll never know. Love is blind, deaf and incredibly stupid, I suppose). Anyway, that scribbled drawing gives you a …