Prosecutors in Orange County, California, started calling him "Jaws" because he was such a vicious predator. Last week, Steven Dean Gordon, 47, was convicted of abducting and killing four random women in Santa Ana, between 2013 and 2014. Gordon was already a convicted sex offender. His partner in crime, Franc Cano, was also a sex offender. Cano will be tried separately. Both men were under supervision after being convicted in separate cases of lewd and lascivious acts with a child under 14. Both men were wearing GPS tracking devices. In fact, it was the data from the tracking devices that connected them to the disappearances of the four women, who were all prostitutes. After …
How psychopaths use our biology against us
Invariably, once we realize we've been conned by a psychopath, this person has lied to us from the very beginning, and we fell for all of it, we ask why? Why did we believe? Why did we trust? The short answer is that we did what we, as social animals, are biologically designed to do. Human beings have evolved over millennia to live in community, and trust is the glue that holds us together. I read The Moral Molecule the source of love and prosperity, by Paul J. Zak. Zak spent 10 years researching a brain chemical called oxytocin and its role in human behavior. He says oxytocin inspires trust; trust is connected to morality; and morality is connected to the survival of the human …
Derek Alldred scams eight women of hundreds of thousands of dollars and skips sentencing hearing
Derek Alldred, a con artist who claimed to be everything from a doctor to a Navy SEAL to an investment banker for the Royal Bank of Scotland, has scammed at least eight women out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. His most recent victim, a woman from Arizona, met Alldred on a dating site. Alldred stole her jewelry and pawned it, then pleaded no contest to the crime. Alldred pleaded no contest to theft charges and was supposed to be sentenced on December 13 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He never showed up for the hearing, and his victims fear that Alldred will just find more targets. Watch the video: Swindler exposed by KARE 11 is on the run, on Here's a detailed, …
“You’re Too Sensitive”–Just One Way Sociopaths Shirk Responsibility
Every week, a chapter of my book, "Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, please see the links at the bottom of the post. Chapter 35A: The Weeds Always Win When Paul and Anne-Marie found themselves with some available time, they hung out a shingle for their own consulting company—A-M-P Consulting Solutions. About this time we discovered that, although Daniel was an exceptionally bright child, he had some severe learning challenges and developmental delays that would mean years of work with specialists, daily t …
“You’re Too Sensitive”–Just One Way Sociopaths Shirk ResponsibilityRead More
I will never forget how he looked at me – I felt I was standing in front of the devil
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following email from a woman whom we'll call Gemma, who lives in England. Names have been changed. In August 2015 I was contacted on one of the pen pal websites by a guy named Brad, from a village in Michigan. Brad is a 35 year old veteran who works part time as a mechanic. He is also a village council trustee, with ambitions to become a village president one day. We started talking on a daily basis, He was very charming and entertaining and seemed very reliable, always responding to my messages almost instantly. Brad told me that he was married for the second time and his wife was pregnant. He said that although his current wife was better than the …
I will never forget how he looked at me – I felt I was standing in front of the devilRead More
Classic sociopathic father: Lies, manipulation, gaslighting, and finally the truth is revealed
[youtube_sc url="" title="How%20do%20I%20avoid%20dating%20a%20sociopath%20like%20my%20father?"] A young woman who posts on Lovefraud as "Butterfly" first contacted me in August. She had recognized that her boyfriend was disordered. She also realized that her father was disordered, which set her up to tolerate the lying, cheating boyfriend. We exchanged emails several times over the last few months. She asked excellent questions, and I made two "Letters to Lovefraud" videos to answer them, which are included in this post. With her permission, I've reproduced our email exchange. Her experience illustrates the confusing and painful experience of a …
I had $100,000 ready to be put into his hands
Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Genevieve." I connected with a boyfriend I was engaged to when I was 17. We knew each other since we were about 11. He called me after his 2nd marriage broke apart. I was married (and still am), and after getting reacquainted with him, fell back in love with him. I had no intentions of this happening, but he was filling a void. It was the honeymoon stage, the reminiscing from our teen years, and everything I thought we had in common. I always suspected he had another woman and confronted him at least 5 times ”¦ of which he denied. He was very jealous (always was), showed ownership of me, and told me he always loved me o …
To better protect victims, UK strengthens stalking laws
Four years ago, a new stalking law enabled prosecutors in England and Wales to charge offenders with stalking, even when their behavior falls short of creating a fear of violence in the victim. The idea was to stop stalking behavior, especially in domestic violence cases, before it escalated. Authorities have announced new orders that extends the law so that it protects people who are being stalked by strangers. Police can apply to the courts for orders to make stalkers stay away from their victims, before the stalker has been convicted, or even arrested. Stalking: New orders planned to give quick protection, on New stalking legislation helps to bring thousands more prosecutions …
To better protect victims, UK strengthens stalking lawsRead More
Sociopaths Are Often Calm Under Pressure And Lie Seamlessly
Every week, a chapter of my book, "Husband, Liar, Sociopath: How He Lied, Why I Fell For It & The Painful Lessons Learned" (available via, just click on the title or book cover) will be published here on Lovefraud. To read prior chapters, please see the links at the bottom of the post. Chapter 34: The Illusion of Hope As a sociopath, Paul's black, vacant soul is not capable of change, but as a good actor, he transformed his behavior quickly and profoundly. He just had to dust off a character he had already perfected—that of a doting companion. If he wanted me to continue as his stagehand, and if he wanted to avoid a divorce that was not on his terms and his tim …
Sociopaths Are Often Calm Under Pressure And Lie SeamlesslyRead More
Reconnecting with my teen love, I was hooked – until he walked out
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a woman whom we'll call "JoLynn." I first dated my ex when I was 18. We split after 15 months but I was still in love with him many years later. After a 22-year marriage, I found myself divorced. After a couple of casual boyfriends, I contacted my ex by carrying out an Internet search. I was just short of my 50th birthday. He responded to my email and the relationship took off again, as if we had never been parted. We lived about 140 miles away from each other but he soon came to see me. I was so in love, we made plans and I was told that his alcoholic wife was in the advanced stages of illnesses and would soon die. The magic …
Reconnecting with my teen love, I was hooked – until he walked outRead More