The Internet is now an integral part of our lives, so it's important to know how to protect ourselves online. The U.S.government has created a great website,, with all kinds of information on exactly how to do that. Lovefraud strongly recommends that you take a look at it watch the videos and read some articles with great tips for staying safe. Here are a few good ones: Common online scams Computer security Using IP cameras safely Resource provided by a Lovefraud reader …
My new heroes: Ashley Madison cheating site hackers, a dating website for married cheaters, has been hacked. The website's slogan is, “Life is short. Have an affair.” Now, the personal details of 37 million members, including nude photos and sexual fantasies, have been compromised. This is a moral dilemma for me. Of course, hacking a website is criminal. But as far as I'm concerned, all of those cheaters are getting what they deserve. The hackers, a person or group calling itself the “Impact Team,” has demanded that the website owner, a company called Avid Life Media, take down Ashley Madison (AM), and another hookup site that it owns called Established Men (EM) and Cougar Life. Here's the statement from the Impact Team: …
My new heroes: Ashley Madison cheating site hackersRead More
FBI asks for help in finding 240 teen sextortion victims of Lucas Michael Chansler
[youtube_sc url=""] Lucas Michael Chansler threatened and blackmailed 350 teenaged girls into sending them explicit images of themselves, eventually collecting 80,000 images and videos of child pornography. Chansler, 31, of Julington Creek, Florida, pretended to be a 15-year-old skateboarding boy when the contacted the girls. He is now serving 105 years in a federal prison for his crimes. But many of his victims remain unidentified. So the FBI is asking the public's help in identifying additional victims. His screen names included "HELLOthere" and "goodlookingguy313." If you have information that may help identify victims of Lucas Chansler or believe you may have b …
FBI asks for help in finding 240 teen sextortion victims of Lucas Michael ChanslerRead More
BOOK REVIEW: The Inner World of the Psychopath
As you read the list of key symptoms of a psychopath, you feel like you've been punched in the gut. Check, check, check the individual who has been making you crazy has all, or almost of all, of the traits. In shock, you realize that you have a psychopath in your life. You've seen the individual's glib and superficial charm, lack of empathy, lack of remorse. You knew he or she was deceitful, but now you suspect that every statement this person ever made may have been a lie. “How can he do that?” you ask. “What was she thinking?” Steve Becker, LCSW, a longtime Lovefraud author, has just come out with a book that explains what goes on in the mind of a psychopath. It's called, The Inner World of …
Reader spots Red Flags of Love Fraud in a woman he meets on a dating site
Lovefraud received the following email from a reader whom we'll call “Evan.” I'm coming to Lovefraud again because I'm pretty sure I have just met another sociopath through a religious online dating website. She seems too good to be true, so I think she is ... I'm just wondering what the best way to end the very short relationship would be. Red Flag Reminders: Charisma and Charm Sudden Soulmates Sexual magnetism Love bombing Blames others for everything Lies and gaps in the story Intense eye contact Moves fast to hook up Pity play Jekyll and Hyde personality Facts: - I contacted her via the dating website on Monday (4 days ago she already wants to meet and has told me what feels like too ma …
Reader spots Red Flags of Love Fraud in a woman he meets on a dating siteRead More
What makes a psychopath, and why they don’t change
America's attention in recent weeks was focused on the Hollywood-worthy escape from prison by two convicted murderers Richard Matt and David Sweat. Matt is now dead. Sweat was shot, captured, and is now under guard at the Albany Medical Center in Albany, New York. The media have referred to both of these men a psychopaths. Looking at their crimes, I agree. Sweat was convicted of murdering Kevin Tarsia, Broome County Sheriff's Deputy, in 2002. But he didn't just shoot the sheriff. Sweat ambushed Tarsia in a town park, shot him multiple times and then ran him over with a car. Here's the story: David Sweat's brutal path to prison, on Richard Matt had a lifelong history …
Advice for Protecting Elderly Relatives from Sociopaths and Gold Diggers
Editor's Note: Yesterday, Lovefraud posted a story from a reader whom we'll call "Maura." She describes how a female sociopath latched on to her recently widowed father, took over his life, and tried to hasten his demise. Read the story. Following are tips that Maura and her family learned the hard way. Our Advice On How to Protect An Elderly Relative This is our advice based on our experience to best protect an elderly relative should they marry a sociopath or a gold digger: 1. Immediately hire a private investigator to do a background check on the new spouse. Verify marriage status, divorce and marriage history, career history, credit history, bankruptcy, ancestry, court records, pre …
Advice for Protecting Elderly Relatives from Sociopaths and Gold DiggersRead More
Psychiatrist explains how prison employee may have been “groomed” to help inmates escape
In an interview on CNN today, Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner spoke of the female prison employee, Joyce Mitchell, who is alleged to have helped the two New York inmates escape. Lovefraud readers might find healing in what he had to say. He said that there may not be any particular vulnerability in a victim of what he terms “emotional hacking.” He states the greatest risk factors are “access and time.” “We need to appreciate the vulnerability with prison employees the way we do our children with pedophiles,” Welner says. He points out that, “We all see what we need to see in other people.” Prison workers need to regard the humanity of inmates, he says, and this regard makes them v …
Psychiatrist explains how prison employee may have been “groomed” to help inmates escapeRead More
The Opposite of the Sociopath is the Libertarian
By John Hunt, MD All who read know that sociopaths lie, cheat and steal, manipulate, control, defraud. Sociopaths seek out positions of power over others. The low functioning sociopath does this on a small scale—just ruining the life of an unsuspecting spouse, perhaps. The high functioning sociopath does this on a much grander scale, perhaps through the political system—ruining a country. Sociopaths seek power. What better way to accomplish this than through politics? Think how much politicians have to lie to get elected. It is hard for a good person to get elected, in part because they don't lie well. Sociopaths lie with practiced ease and no guilt. They concentrate themselves …
The professional sociopath: an embezzler and tax cheat
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Charlotte." I was married for almost 28 years. As the years went on, our marriage changed--especially after we had children. I noticed some lapses in parenting--carelessness, not following through on routines, etc. (Though I must say I was not aware of what a good marriage should look like, coming as I did from a narcissistic family background. I put up with way too much bad behavior, even initially.) I began to realize my husband was immature and irresponsible. He also was controlling, especially about money. I often felt gas-lighted by my husband: He would agree to something, then deny it, or spin it. …
The professional sociopath: an embezzler and tax cheatRead More