American Sniper, starring Bradley Cooper and directed by Clint Eastwood, is one very intense movie. It tells the story of Chris Kyle, the Navy SEAL sniper with 160 officially confirmed kills, although in his memoir of the same title Kyle says he probably killed twice that number. Regardless of what Lovefraud readers may think about war, guns, the military, Iraq, etc., I want to talk about one scene from the beginning of the movie. In the scene, Chris Kyle is a boy of perhaps 11 or 12, sitting at the dinner table with his family. Earlier in the day, he got into a fight to protect his younger brother. Kyle's father uses the incident to gravely address his boys. He says: “There are three t …
No Remorse
I received a text: I am driving to Middleburg to sign paperwork. If u can sign today we will be done w all this stuff. Want to celebrate? My ex husband sent me this text on June 4, 2013. We'd been in court for most of seven years at that point, first for our divorce and then again when he filed for full custody of two of our three children and requested that I have no visitation. He only wanted the boys. I was working at my computer when the text came in. I looked at the time on the corner of my screen—12:17pm. What, did he want to get a drink? Go out to lunch and blow off the rest of the afternoon together? What exactly did he have in mind? I went back to working and then picked …
Paris terrorists and talking about evil
Three Islamist terrorists shot dead 12 people at the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine in Paris, including four famous cartoonists. The magazine was targeted because its cartoons supposedly defamed the Prophet Muhammad. Actually, Charlie Hebdo was an equal-opportunity offender. The publication criticized anyone who deserved it. In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo, which was among the few media outlets willing to draw attention to evil, Lovefraud has posted one of their cartoons. You can see more here: These are the Charlie Hebdo cartoons that terrorists thought were worth killing over, on And here are tributes drawn by other cartoonists from around the world: Charlie …
Stalking Q&A
How do you know if you're being stalked? If you are, what should you do? The LadyLux website recently posted advice for women on stalking. The website interviewed four experts, including Brad Robinson, a former CIA agent who is a private investigator and a member of the Lovefraud Professional Resources Guide. Here are some of the questions they addressed: How can a woman tell if she is being stalked? Is a stalker typically someone she knows, or a stranger? What should a woman do if she suspects she has a stalker? When should she contact the authorities? For the answers, and more information, read: Stalking: Are you a victim? on …
Watching the Sociopath Self-Destruct
by Quinn Pierce The Perpetual Victim I don't know how he does it.  It's a skill he continues to practice and perfect, I suppose. What's astonishing is his ability to twist any situation- no matter how absurd- into something where he can paint himself as the victim. Anyone who was even remotely involved in our lives last year would know that my ex-husband reached a new level of vindictive, hurtful behavior.  He manipulated every resource he could access including doctors, courts, school systems, and child services in two states.  It was such a forceful and constant barrage of attacks that I didn't even have time to collect my thoughts before responding. And that was his goal all alo …
You can contribute to the research on female psychopaths
A scientific review published last year summarized the research literature about female psychopaths. But I wonder about the accuracy of the underlying information. Three researchers from Norway, Rolf Wynn, Marita H. Hoiseth, and Gunn Pettersen, recently published the review. They concluded that when compared to male psychopaths, female psychopaths more often seem to show emotional instability, verbal violence and manipulation of social networks, and less criminal behavior and instrumental violence. This study, which is quite readable, it explains how the disorder is defined and diagnosed. If you'd like to be familiar with the scientific community's views of psychopathy, it's a good …
You can contribute to the research on female psychopathsRead More
Protect yourself: Learn from Australia’s amazing ScamWatch website
The Daily Telegraph in Australia recently posted the following article: Local man loses $7,000 in internet love scam then calls the police, on the The man met a woman from Ghana on line, she professed her love, and then asked him to send money so she could visit him. Of course, it was a ruse. Yes, men as well as women lose money to online dating scams. But the most important part of the article was a reference to ScamWatch, a comprehensive consumer protection website developed by the Australian government. This website is fabulous. It lists all types of scams and offers support for scam victims. Check it out. If you're online, you need to know this i …
Protect yourself: Learn from Australia’s amazing ScamWatch websiteRead More
I still can’t believe he convinced me to stay
Editor's Note: This Spath Tale was submitted by the Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Peggy-Elizabeth." I met him in 1997 and eloped in 1998. Even though that little voice inside told me not to, I still married him. I found that I took my vows more seriously than he EVER did. He's cheated on me since day one. He's lied, cheated, stolen money, forged checks, pawned all of MY belongings, used my credit cards, gave my clothes to girlfriends and only he knows what else. Obviously, I didn't know all this then but I had my suspicions, yet when I began distancing myself again, the story of him being a victim of child molestation emerged. This caused a major rift in his family, and now being …
‘Sociopath’ – A Poem
Editor's Note: This poem was written by a Lovefraud reader. Sociopath By J. Boehm Aren't we taught there is good in every person? But some are so evil you couldn't imagine Living with us in greater numbers than you can fathom With no conscience to hinder their action Their charm and wit gets us every time Along with abundant compliments sublime They will make you feel sorry for them too With sad stories they never even went through Every word they say is a lie They are experts at feigning a cry You may have reached out to a human shell Believing all the lies they tell If they hook you because of your trusting nature You are not to blame for your kind gesture They are …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Hindsight is 20/20; his love was all a fraud (Part 3 – Escape, Freedom and Love)
Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who goes by the name "Lil' Bit." This is a three-part letter. Read Part 1 — The Imbalance. Part 2 — Absolute Power. This is Part 3. We get married and my son goes to trade school Now, it was decided when we left for our honeymoon July of 2010 that the $600 a month X had been collecting since the previous April (and keeping) in rent from my property would become only $300 beginning that August -- allowing my son to then keep $75 weekly for his needs. It was also at this time that my son, following through with his part in our plans for him, began Trade school. He graduated that following May and becam …