[youtube_sc url=http://youtu.be/Ym3LB0lOJ0o] I went to see Gone Girl this weekend, spurred by reports from several Lovefraud readers that the film reminded them of the psychopaths in their lives. In my opinion, the story was a realistic portrayal of psychopathic behavior until it descended into psychopathic cliché. Here's the official synopsis on GoneGirlMovie.com: GONE GIRL — directed by David Fincher and based upon the global bestseller by Gillian Flynn — unearths the secrets at the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. Under pressure from the pol …
Will Jordan offered plea deal of three years in prison
Will Jordan, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was back in court yesterday after being charged with scamming Mischele Lewis of Florence Township. During plea negotiations, Jordan offered to spend a year in the county jail, followed by five years of probation. That deal was rejected by both the victim and the Burlington County, New Jersey, prosecutor. Instead, the prosecutor offered three years in state prison and a lifetime No Contact order. If Jordan rejects this deal, the case will go to trial. Love fraudster accused of scamming Florence woman gets new plea offer, on BurlingtonCountyTimes.com. …
Will Jordan offered plea deal of three years in prisonRead More
Advice for breaking up with narcissists
Narcissists believe other people are on Earth to serve their needs, so they don't believe in other people's boundaries. According to a recent article on Huffington Post, this continues even after you end a romantic relationship with a narcissist. The author suggests how to deal with the issue. Setting boundaries with a narcissist, on HuffingtonPost.com. Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
Cyber stalking made easy with smartphones and spyware
Editor's Note: This article is a MUST READ for anyone who is being stalked or who needs to keep their location a secret. Because of the latest in smart phone technology, husbands, wives, lovers and exes don't need to leave the comfort of their homes, or hire a private detective, to be able to know their victim's every move. All they have to do is secretly monitor their victim's smart phone, tablet or computer. Stalkers now have software such as MSpy, which is easy to install. All that's needed is a few minutes alone with a victim's smart phone to download the app, activate it, and delete any visible trace of it. The cyber stalker then has the ability to listen in on every conversation, …
Cyber stalking made easy with smartphones and spywareRead More
Mary Ann Glynn: Book Review of ‘The Psychopath Inside’
The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain — by James Fallon Review by Mary Ann Glynn I first came across James Fallon's research on a show about psychopathy and the brain on the Science Channel. I was fascinated by what he found out by mistake about his own brain, which has added an interesting and significant spin to the discussion of nature and nurture in psychopathy. For thirty-five years James Fallon has been a neuroscientist educator and researcher, and has engineered major breakthroughs in stem cell research. His research lab led to the creation of three biotech companies, one of which won a national award from peers. His main areas of s …
Mary Ann Glynn: Book Review of ‘The Psychopath Inside’Read More
The critical thinking skills and instincts he tried to erode ended up saving my life
Editor's note: This story is from a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Eve2014." I have what is known as Narcissistic Victim Syndrome, and have suffered from it since I was narcissistically abused* by my father, who was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have been diligently and continuously working on myself in therapy for many years, with a slew of diagnoses that are all incorrect. It is only because of my involvement with a psychoanalytic therapist who behaved like a sociopath,** that I have reached the depths of emotional devastation and worked like a demon to solve the mystery. I cannot say whether Dr. X is a sociopath, psychopath, or narcissist, as I am not …
The critical thinking skills and instincts he tried to erode ended up saving my lifeRead More
He has no remorse for the complete fraud he was to me and our children
Editor's Note: This SPATH story was submitted by the Lovefraud reader who goes by the name of  "Beverly2014." I have told this story so many times and feel like no matter how much I discuss it I could never tell it all because there are so many details and incidents that occurred that it would be exhausting and somewhat impossible. I met my Sociopath about two years after my divorce from my first marriage which was abusive in its own way. My Socio preyed on my vulnerability and used it against me. When we met online he was instantly every dream I had ever dreamed of -- the "perfect" man. Looking back on everything it is so frustrating the level of deceit and energy he put into fo …
He has no remorse for the complete fraud he was to me and our childrenRead More
I was bowled over; I really thought the guy was in love with me
Editor's Note: This SPATH story was submitted by a Lovefraud reader who goes by the name "Mary2014". I first met J when he came to fit a new door. I had recently moved house and was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done. He was extremely polite and well mannered and appeared to be attentive to my specific needs. He visited regularly bringing catalogues to choose doors, glass, etc., and seemed very keen to make sure that I was happy with the work he did. Although I did feel quite vulnerable having a strange man in the house he soon managed to put me at ease to the extent where I gave him a key so he could come into the house to work when I wasn't there. I …
I was bowled over; I really thought the guy was in love with meRead More
My sociopathic boyfriend went from idealizing me to neglecting me
Editor's Note: This SPATH TALE was submitted by the Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Kathleen Jones." I dated a sociopath for two years before I found out what he was. We met on an online dating site. He mirrored my shyness and interests. I was smitten with him right away. He was not pushy, but patient, and soon we were a couple. After three months of bliss, he would start arguments with me over nothing, but would manipulate me by crying and lying so that I always thought I was in the wrong. It was a long distance relationship, so we saw each other on the weekends. He went from idealizing me, to neglecting me. When I would bring up how I felt, he would say he felt pressured …
My sociopathic boyfriend went from idealizing me to neglecting meRead More
If Psychopaths Were Identified
If psychopaths were actively identified across institutions, we would more consistently know exactly who we're dealing with. Their stats on getting away with murder would go (way) down. They would be less likely to win full custody in divorce. There would be more public awareness around who's running certain companies. And our public and professional belief that interactional assessments and background checks tell us all we need to know about a person would be turned on its head to the benefit of all involved. If psychopaths were identified consistently and accurately by all mental health professionals (which would require major change in nearly every clinical training …