A new study out of Australia finds that people high in psychopathic traits did poorly when asked to identify common odors. Read: Psychopaths have poor sense of smell, study finds, on CBSNews.com. Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
What do psychopaths know about themselves?
Do psychopaths know what they are? Do they know that they are different from the rest of us? I believe the answer to both of these questions may be yes. As neuropsychiatry makes progress, science offers various thoughts and opinions on the matter. But while medicine is working hard to unlock the mind's secrets, we may be able to draw valuable discussion from our own experiences. Since psychopaths are not a particularly introspective group, I am not suggesting that they possess great insight regarding their pathology. However, I believe they do have some level of awareness. They may realize that they do not experience appropriate emotions and that they live their lives and view their …
The “Unsustainable Pseudo Co-Parenting” Phase of Custody with a Psychopath
In the past couple of weeks, I have come to realize that my Custody War with Luc (my sons sociopathic father) has entered a new phase - I'll call this phase the “unsustainable pseudo co-parenting” phase. The initial Custody Trial is over and our Family Law case has been closed. No matter how bad the judge, lawyers, and supervised exchange professional all want us to go away, none of these people are going to be able to cure Luc of his psychopathy so “going away” is not going to happen. In my post last week, I noted that my lawyer had suggested me and Luc get “Family Therapy” in order to learn how to communicate with each other. I have thought a lot about this suggestion, and its clear a …
The “Unsustainable Pseudo Co-Parenting” Phase of Custody with a PsychopathRead More
LA Times says Boy Scouts failed to report child molesters
The Los Angeles Times reviewed 1,600 confidential Boy Scout files from 1970 to 1991. In many cases, the newspaper says, the organization covered up reports of abuse. Read Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show, on LATimes.com. …
LA Times says Boy Scouts failed to report child molestersRead More
The Danger of a Psychopathic Parent in a Medical Crisis
This past weekend, I learned some terribly difficult lessons. I learned first hand how dangerous a Psychopathic parent can be during a medical emergency. I also learned another reason that “co-parenting” with a psychopath is not possible (because they have no intention to co-parent and have a reckless disregard for the law and, in turn, will disrespect Custody Orders). During my ex spath Luc's second unsupervised visitation with my baby boy, the supervisor for the exchanges called me about ten minutes before we were supposed to pick up baby boy from the visit and said, "Don't freak out, but I just received a call from the hospital telling me that Luc brought baby boy in after baby boy h …
The Danger of a Psychopathic Parent in a Medical CrisisRead More
After the sociopath, another sociopath
Several Lovefraud readers have written to me recently—annoyed, angry, horrified. These readers had finally realized what they were dealing with—a sociopath. They extricated themselves from the relationships and had no further contact with the disordered individuals. And what happened? Another sociopath came into their lives. The readers asked: What is going on? Why can't they leave me alone? Am I a sociopath magnet? The answer is, not necessarily. Following are some observations to add perspective to the situation. Millions of sociopaths These disordered individuals are everywhere. As long as we're living on this planet, we face the possibility of running into them. Experts est …
Lovefraud Lesson #10: Sociopaths always blame others
When sociopaths have problems in their lives, it's never their own fault. Donna Andersen explains why this is one of the most important Red Flags of Lovefraud. To watch the entire Lovefraud Lessons series, go the the Lovefraud Videos page. [youtube_sc url=http://youtu.be/kL24yoR2H2M] …
Lovefraud Lesson #10: Sociopaths always blame othersRead More
Family Court Theater Presents: The Psychopath as “The Man Who Never Was”
Since the last round of my “Custody War” with Luc (my ex psychopath), I have thought a lot about the flaws in our legal system. I run the events of the trials (“battles”) over and over in my head. I still can't understand how such a disordered man like my ex can be allowed to have unsupervised access to a child. I know it is not healthy to think about it so much, but I can't help it when the thoughts creep into my head. I keep trying to put my finger on why this process left me so incredibly disturbed. Even after hearing disturbing testimony from several of Luc's previous victims (who graciously agreed to testify against Luc during my Custody War), I couldn't shake this feeling that I w …
Family Court Theater Presents: The Psychopath as “The Man Who Never Was”Read More
Lance Armstrong’s former employee tells tale of vengeance
Last week, Lance Armstrong gave up his fight against doping charges. For two years, Mike Anderson was Armstrong's personal assistant, during the height of his racing career. Anderson's story, published by Outside magazine, makes you wonder. Read My life with Lance Armstrong, on OutsideOnline.com. Interestingly, Sally Jenkins, a columnist for the Washington Post who co-wrote Lance Armstrong's book (It's Not About the Bike), rode to Armstrong's defense. She wrote, "Lance Armstrong is a good man. There's nothing that I can learn about him short of murder that would alter my opinion on that." Jenkins is also the sportswriter who originally believed Joe Paterno when he said he didn't know …
Lance Armstrong’s former employee tells tale of vengeanceRead More
Priest says, then regrets saying, children are often seducers
Rev. Benedict Groeschel of New York says, in an interview, that priests accused of child sex abuse are often seduced by their accusers. He then apologized, and his order, the Franciscan Friars, says the priest is "mentally frail." Read NY priest apologizes for saying child is often seducer in sex abuse cases, on NBCNews.com. And then there's this: Trial to open in notorious archdiocesan abuse case, on Philly.com. …
Priest says, then regrets saying, children are often seducersRead More