Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call, Susana20. “They’re not going to believe you. Sign here.” That is what she told me when she gave me the pen and the custody agreement. “This is your best bet. Sign here. They are NOT going to believe you!” How did I get here??? It was the summer of 2016 . . . . After exchanging phone numbers online sometime before, we went out on a date. We were incompatible from the very beginning. Early on, I talked about waiting until marriage. He talked about how often he needs to masturbate. I talked about keeping his hands off of me. He talked about how arguments over sex made his brother nearly get a divorce. I ta …
I am already a better person having the narcissist out of my life
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following email from a reader whom we'll call, Laura20. Names are changed. Last year I opened a piece of mail that would change my life. I opened a credit card bill thinking it was mine, as my husband had all his bills sent to him electronically. As it turned out, his card had been compromised and before he could intercept it the bill came to our home address. On this bill there was a charge from Tiffany after Christmas. I did not receive anything from there, so I asked him about it. He told me a story to cover himself and said he returned it. I then waited a to see if the next bill came to the house to show the return. By then he had his bill back …
I am already a better person having the narcissist out of my lifeRead More
Despite my education, I knew nothing about sociopaths, says ob/gyn doctor
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following email from a reader whom we'll call, "drsusan." I am a 60 year old retired OB/Gyn MD. I was married for 20 years to a man who turned out to be a narcissist. Despite my education I knew nothing about these types of people or the co-dependency phenomenon in which I was enmeshed. We share 3 sons. I became aware that he was a narcissist in 2000, when one of my patients who knew him casually mentioned it to me. He had recently shocked me by telling me he wanted a divorce, and once I began researching things, saw that his controlling and bullying behavior were signs of narcissism. As the divorce progressed I became aware of all the …
Despite my education, I knew nothing about sociopaths, says ob/gyn doctorRead More
I was almost too brainwashed to believe his sociopathic behavior
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader who posts as "refresh1." It was a random comment I made to a mutual friend that started the whole nightmare. I made a passing comment that this individual would be my 'end up with' guy... eventually one day we'd probably end up together - it was an off-the-cuff overly romanticised comment about a 'charmer' that had always tried to pursue me. I hadn't seen him for years and I was in a long term relationship of seven years with a nice guy at the time. She told him! Almost immediately the sociopath came into my life, turning up to where I worked, making excuses to come into the shop where I would serve him and he …
I was almost too brainwashed to believe his sociopathic behaviorRead More
Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Domestic Violence in Same Sex Relationships
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from an Australian women whom we'll call Sheila19. Speaking Up about the mental and physical abuse I endured from my last relationship in South Australia is not easy and has taken me some time to finally put into words. For several months during 2019 I lived in fear for my safety from a female Narcissist who was also a perpetrator of Domestic Violence towards me and, while I knew her, was a regular methamphetamine drug user. I had unfortunately been an acquaintance of hers spanning over 3 years. Due to fears that I would be physically targeted or my home attacked if I spoke up was a scary reality and this is exactly the …
Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Domestic Violence in Same Sex RelationshipsRead More
My experience in Jehovahs Witnesses: Rape, kidnapping, lost custody and homelessness
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call, "Brenda." All names have been changed. My story is very, very long and sickening. I have not quite been able to write my timeline of events of abuse yet, until right at this moment. The pain of reminiscing to tell my story has been far too great to bear. I went from an independent strong young and beautiful young woman of 23, business owner since 18 years old, renting my own apartment, full time student, etc., to now owning NOTHING but clothes on my back. Living literally on the streets of California, 32 years old now. August 2018 I had an Antique 1910 Baby grand piano, a sewing career that I just …
My experience in Jehovahs Witnesses: Rape, kidnapping, lost custody and homelessnessRead More
What a sociopath says, and what he really means (according to his ex)
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the above screenshot and her explanation from the longtime reader, "Fleeing Deer." The picture above is a screenshot of my former spouse's FB post. He is attempting to recruit people for his multi-level-marketing Ponzi scheme. He promises to teach people how to make 6 or 7 figure incomes. Here is my "re-interpretation" of his message: Let me tell you a tale of how I am a victim so that you will feel sad for me and have pity on me. Let me manufacture a life-changing moment because we all love redemption stories and I need you to believe I have grown, and changed, and learned from my mistakes – even though I am completely unable to do any of those th …
What a sociopath says, and what he really means (according to his ex)Read More
After the narcissist, I will live life to the fullest — as soon as I figure out how to leave my bedroom
Editors note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call, "Lorraine19." I married my husband after one year of dating. He was charming and funny I knew he wasn’t always the nicest of guys but he was never out right mean. Well I guess he was but I didn’t take it that way I just assumed I had done something wrong. I didn’t even realize until 25 years later when he cheated on me, and blamed me for cheating on me, that I wasn’t crazy. Throughout our whole marriage he never once apologized. He never once thought he had to and he never once thought he was wrong. Everything he did was the fault of mine. I had caused it, I had made him react, I had done it, I had whate …
Sociopath at work: Taking credit for an artist’s talent and creativity
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from Curt Chiarelli, who is a designer, sculptor, illustrator and author who's worked in the motion picture/television, toy/collectible, video game and museum exhibit industries for over 30 years. The photos show Curt's work that the sociopath he describes attempted to plagiarize. Things that Go Bump Behind the Backstage Curtain By Curt Chiarelli According to the ancient druids, Samhain is the season when the membrane between our world and the nether realm becomes dangerously thin. In the cursed places of the earth, portals would sometimes open and allow monsters to slip through to terrorize mankind. And although it is of monsters …
Sociopath at work: Taking credit for an artist’s talent and creativityRead More
After the sociopath, I have recovered but I’m still scarred for life
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call, "Andrea19." I married a sociopath who charmed me when I was at a very lonely & depressed time in my life. After only a few months of knowing him, we ended up married. He was younger than me and seemed to have it together. Very handsome, quiet & smart. I had just lost a family member and was devastated & grieving. Our relationship consisted of very high highs and very low lows, it was like being on a roller coaster. I was walking on egg shells all the time and felt in some ways that I had disappeared. His words were cruel & condescending when speaking of his ex, or anyone else he …
After the sociopath, I have recovered but I’m still scarred for lifeRead More