Many people equate the term "psychopath" with "criminal," especially "serial killer." Although it's true that many serial killers are likely either deranged or psychopathic, it is also true that most psychopaths never kill anyone. In fact, there is an entire group of university researchers, led by Scott Lilienfeld, professor of psychology at Emory University, are investigating the "successful psychopath." Scientists disagree on how to define this creature. Some consider any psychopath who stays out of jail to be successful. Others look at career or monetary success. Read: Is the 'successful psychopath' a myth or reality? on Married to a successful psychopath Even if a psychopath …
Two Legged Snakes – explaining manipulative people with outrageous cartoons
They say picture is worth 1,000 words. The 91 cartoons in Dr. Ed Slack's slender book, Two-legged snakes understanding and handling manipulative people, communicate the essence of sociopaths, narcissists, and other exploiters. The pictures will plant an understanding of disordered people firmly in your brain: They are snakes. In fact, deceptive and manipulative people have been known as snakes for millennia. Dr. Slack points out that the original deceiver, according to Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions, was the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. He says this Bible story "highlights one of our most important tasks as human beings: to choose well …
Two Legged Snakes – explaining manipulative people with outrageous cartoonsRead More
BOOK REVIEW: The Wise Lesbian’s Guide to Getting Free from Crazy-Making Relationships
Exploiters are everywhere. Personality disordered individuals can be found in all demographic groups male, female, rich, poor, all races, all religions, all nationalities and all sexual orientations. Amber Ault, Ph.D. is s clinical sociologist and a psychotherapist, and also a member of the Lovefraud Continuing Education team. She's written a book called The Wise Lesbian's Guide to Getting Free from Crazy-Making Relationships and Getting On with Your Life. Reading the book, I was struck by how much exploitative behavior is the same, no matter what community is involved. There are some dimensions to the experience of becoming involved with a sociopath that are specific to the gay community, …
BOOK REVIEW: The Wise Lesbian’s Guide to Getting Free from Crazy-Making RelationshipsRead More
Why I Wrote “God Has Failed Me”
By K.M. Lessing I see many books and horror stories written by women who were the victims of psychopaths. They go on and on detailing all the pain and suffering they endured. And they leave out one vital detail: his name. So he goes on to the next victim and the next and the next. I ask you: why must we be so careful to protect men who are predators? Why must we take every precaution to make sure these dangerous men stay safe—safe to con the next woman, safe to destroy the next mind, safe to play his sadistic games”¦until the end of his life? When I wrote my books, I decided NO WAY. I decided I would not protect the man who destroyed me emotionally. So I published his REAL name and REAL pict …
Why I wrote ‘The One That Got Away’
By Brigitte Knowles It was 2011, a good year. I made $235,000.00 in my business that year and was at the top of my game. I went out for drinks with a girlfriend in Delray Beach, Florida. My life was only about work and I did not realize that I was out of balance. I had not gone out to a club for years and at 55, I was not a frequent dater, celibate for 5 years. I was ripe for the picking. I did not know that there were Financial Predators in this world. I was targeted by an Italian man who professed true love and wanted to do real estate business with me. He asked for down payments to buy distressed housing in West Palm Beach. We visited several with two real estate agents, mine and his. …
BOOK REVIEW: ‘Splitting’ – Critical help for divorcing a personality disordered husband or wife
SPLITTING: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing Someone with Borderline or Narcissistic Personality Disorder, by Bill Eddy, LCSW, JD, and Randi Kreger, coauthor of Stop Walking on Eggshells Review by James Sullivan, Ph.D. Advertised as “the legal and psychological advice you need,” this is an invaluable guide for those in the vulnerable position described by the title. This is a most readable book, the text supplemented with helpful charts and bulleted notes. The authors pay attention to the myths and realities of the courtroom and the “dynamics of persuasiveness.” They warn against thinking that judges will find the behavior of the PD (personality disordered) person obvious. In fact, th …
‘Gone Girl’ and a missed opportunity
[youtube_sc url=] I went to see Gone Girl this weekend, spurred by reports from several Lovefraud readers that the film reminded them of the psychopaths in their lives. In my opinion, the story was a realistic portrayal of psychopathic behavior until it descended into psychopathic cliché. Here's the official synopsis on GONE GIRL — directed by David Fincher and based upon the global bestseller by Gillian Flynn — unearths the secrets at the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. Under pressure from the pol …
Mary Ann Glynn: Book Review of ‘The Psychopath Inside’
The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain — by James Fallon Review by Mary Ann Glynn I first came across James Fallon's research on a show about psychopathy and the brain on the Science Channel. I was fascinated by what he found out by mistake about his own brain, which has added an interesting and significant spin to the discussion of nature and nurture in psychopathy. For thirty-five years James Fallon has been a neuroscientist educator and researcher, and has engineered major breakthroughs in stem cell research. His research lab led to the creation of three biotech companies, one of which won a national award from peers. His main areas of s …
Mary Ann Glynn: Book Review of ‘The Psychopath Inside’Read More
BOOK REVIEW: Never Date a Dead Animal
You can certainly say one thing about Never Date a Dead Animal The Red Flags of Losers, Abusers, Cheaters and Con-Artists: It's a book with attitude. And perhaps attitude is just what any woman who is, was, or always seems to be tangled up with the wrong type of man needs. Author Nancy Nichols refers to her audience "Shoe Sistas," and exhorts all women to find their "Girlfriend Within." Who is this girlfriend? My Girlfriend Within is a styling, strutting fashionista; she loves designer labels, handbags, jewelry and shoes. She feels especially sassy in her red patent-leather high heels. My Girlfriend Within is my super-sized, uber-magnificent alter-ego. I can depend on my Girlfriend …
BOOK REVIEW: The Secret Life of Captain X
Growing up, she was taught that a woman's success in life depended on a good marriage. She pursued show business instead. But still single the age of 39, she decided it was time for a change, and left the bright lights of New York City for Arizona. There she met a dashing airline pilot, whom she described as "funny, intelligent, committed, family-oriented, successful, caring and loving." Or, at least that's how he presented himself in the beginning. She fell for him. Fell hard. They married. For her that was the beginning of 22 years of confusion which, she later realized, was psychological and emotional abuse, inflicted by a psychopathic husband. She's divorced now, but her husband …