Editor's note: Part 2 of a series submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Laura-Marie." Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Names have been changed. My birthday, one year and one day after he moved in. I asked if we could go out to celebrate, but he said we had no money. No money? That had never stopped us for the entire year he had been there. I told him we did not need money to go out, we went out all the time with no money. The day of my birthday, he asked if we were going out that night, but I said it didn't sound like he wanted to, as when I tried to make plans earlier, he had no interest. He told me he loved me and wouldn't miss it for the world. I begged him to make his …
Why am I not trusting the love of my life? Part 4 of 4Read More