[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/scpZeDFSJZ8" title="Sociopaths%20cannot%20love,%20they%20just%20want%20to%20win"] In this "Letter to Lovefraud" video, IÂ explain the sad truth about sociopaths in romantic relationships. A Lovefraud reader writes that her ex-boyfriend said that he missed her, he loved her, he changed. But when the reader went to see him, the guy humiliated her. The fact is, the guy is a sociopath, and sociopaths cannot love. He concocted the story to deceive the reader, just so he could hurt her. For him, the entire episode was a big win. The reader, however, can win in the end, by recognizing what her sociopathic ex really is, and eliminating him from her …
Consumer studies professor learns her identity was stolen by her own mother
Axton Betz-Hamilton, an assistant professor of consumer studies at Eastern Illinoiz University, had battled her own identity theft for 16 years. In 2012, she won an award for her work, and her mother stood smiling next to her as she accepted the honor. Then, when her mother died, Axton learned that her mother was the one who stole her identity when she was 11 years old. Axton says her mother was a low-grade psychopath. My mom stole my identity when I was just 11 years old, on NYPost.com. …
Consumer studies professor learns her identity was stolen by her own motherRead More
3 sociopathic partners, one after the other
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Gianna." The first sociopath I met was most likely my ex husband. He did not show guilt nor remorse for his constant infidelity and apathy towards me for the 2 years that we were together. Finally when he found someone new, he agreed to an annulment, but it proved favourable to him because now he had a reason to do so because he got the girl pregnant and he could blame me for the annulment because in the years we were apart, I also had a relationship. And the full blame on the annulment was directed at me instead of him. For the relationship I had immediately after my ex husband, he showed all the …
Help for Overcoming the Trauma of Facing the Abuser in Court
After suffering the trauma of domestic violence, many victims are terrified to face their abusers in court. The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can offer support, so in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Lovefraud Continuing Education presents the online course, "Surviving Court When You're Traumatized" on Oct. 17 and 25, 2016. Domestic violence victims often suffer from anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, explains Dr. Karin Huffer, an adjunct professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and author of the course. When victims must appear in court with the abuser for divorce, child custody or other legal matters, their symptoms may …
Help for Overcoming the Trauma of Facing the Abuser in CourtRead More
Maine man accused of killing his wife while he pursued other women
Luc Tieman, of Fairfield, Maine, was charged with murder after police found the body of his wife, Valerie Tieman, in the woods near their home. Multiple women, including the victim's friend, reported that Luc Tieman was wooing them at the same time that Valerie went missing. One woman said, "Things were too perfect." Husband of missing Fairfiled woman charged with murder, on CentralMaine.com. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Maine man accused of killing his wife while he pursued other womenRead More
Joe Morrissey, jailed for sex with a 17-year-old employee, leads Richmond’s race for mayor
Eight people are running for mayor of Richmond, Virginia. In a poll released a few weeks ago, Joe Morrissey held a comfortable lead, with 28% of the vote. The second-place candidate had 16%. Morrissey, a former prosecutor and state delegate, has a lot of name recognition probably because he's in the news a lot for bad behavior. Morrissey was busted for having sex with a 17-year-old assistant in his law firm. First he denied everything, then, when the girl turned out to be pregnant, married her. Morrissey went to jail for fighting a defense attorney, and for beating a contractor. Morrissey was cited for contempt of court 10 times, and went to jail for it. Mark Holmberg of WTVR in …
Joe Morrissey, jailed for sex with a 17-year-old employee, leads Richmond’s race for mayorRead More
Gaslighting and one key behavior that reveals a sociopath’s true character
[youtube_sc url="https://youtu.be/iTHyReK2r4s" title="Is%20he%20hiding%20my%20keys%20because%20I%20won%27t%20have%20sex%20with%20him?"] Here's the next installment of Letters to Lovefraud. Because of her medical issues, a Lovefraud reader doesn't want to have sex with her boyfriend and suddenly her keys are missing. Is he retaliating? I explain that the boyfriend's behavior may be even worse than retaliating it may be gaslighting. His objective is to make her doubt her own perceptions so that she is more easily controlled. And that's not the only issue. The bigger problem is why is he demanding sex when she is in pain? …
Gaslighting and one key behavior that reveals a sociopath’s true characterRead More
Philadelphia Inquirer quotes Donna Andersen in romance scam story
When serial scammer Patrick Giblin, of Ventnor, New Jersey, was arrested again for attempting to swindle women through dating sites, Barbara Boyer, a reporter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, called me. She was writing an article about romance scams. I wasn't scammed by Giblin, but I covered his case. And after my own experience with a con artist, and all the cases I've collected, well, I'm an expert on the topic. The story is in today's newspaper. Read it here: Victim of romance fraud: 'He took everything I had. My self-esteem, my money,' on Philly.com. …
Philadelphia Inquirer quotes Donna Andersen in romance scam storyRead More
I detected a sense of evilness and anger coming from him. I knew he was ready to kill me.
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call "Marguerite." This extremely attractive person started speaking to me while I was taking a break in the park one day. Because of his strong charisma, I related back. We kept in touch afterward. I had just moved to NY and had nowhere to go so after a few weeks I moved in with him. I did wonder why he was by himself but I found out later. One month after moving in he started hitting me in the face for no good reason. I was pretty shocked and angry. Two days later he did the same thing. I was nauseated because the cut he caused in my mouth was re-opened. I never had that happen. Anyway I realized I was in …
I detected a sense of evilness and anger coming from him. I knew he was ready to kill me.Read More
Patrick Giblin, who scammed 132 women, is charged with more crimes
Lovefraud has been following the case of con man Patrick Giblin for years. Between 2000 until 2005, Giblin, of Ventnor, New Jersey, defrauded 132 women out of a total of $320,241 and blew the money in Atlantic City casinos. He was sentenced to 115 months in prison. He was released on probation and went right back to scamming women. So after finishing his prior sentence, he has just been charged again with the additional crimes. New Jersey con man charged with using dating services to scam women, on philly.com Read the Patrick Giblin case on True Lovefraud Stories: Patrick Giblin trolls phone dating lines, taking money from 132 women …
Patrick Giblin, who scammed 132 women, is charged with more crimesRead More