A couple of weeks ago, New Jersey Assemblyman Troy Singleton introduced a bill to expand the definition of sexual assault to include "rape by fraud." This is defined as: "An act of sexual penetration to which a person has given consent because the actor has misrepresented the purpose of the act or has represented he is someone he is not." Singleton is the Assemblyman for Burlington County, New Jersey, and one of his constituents is Mischele Lewis, who was seduced and defrauded by William Jordan. When Singleton read about what happened to Mischele, he reached out to her and offered to write a law to protect future victims. Now, the story about the bill has hit the media. …
After the Will Jordan case, New Jersey may make rape by fraud a crime
William Allen Jordan, a serial con artist, told multiple women that he was a secret agent to seduce them. When he spun the story for Mischele Lewis, of Florence Township, New Jersey, Jordan didn't break any laws. It was not illegal to create a fake identity in order to convince her to have relations with him. That may change. The New Jersey assemblyman representing Mischele's district, Troy Singleton, has introduced a bill that would make rape by fraud illegal. Lovefraud hopes this measure becomes law. Rape by fraud? N.J. lawmaker introduces bill to make it a crime, on NJ.com. Of course, Lovefraud broke the Will Jordan story with the Daily Mail: EXCLUSIVE: Moment heartbroken woman …
After the Will Jordan case, New Jersey may make rape by fraud a crimeRead More
Never send money to Nigerians or others you meet online
Lovefraud received the following email from a reader Just want to know if I am right on this. I am communicating with 4 guys on the Internet and all have asked for money. They have all sent me pictures of them and the kids, to prove they are "real." Also have cell phone numbers. They are all in Nigeria "working" and seem to have one problem or another. One has finished his job and has been paid, but cannot cash the check. He wants me to send him money to come home on; I have refused. One is still working in Nigeria and needs me to repay a loan for him because he cannot send money out of the country...I refused. One cannot use his credit cards in Nigeria and needs me to send him …
Never send money to Nigerians or others you meet onlineRead More
Woman accused of murdering her husband and dragging his remains around for seven years
It is the stuff of horror movies. Loretta Doyle Burroughs, a 63-year-old grandmother, is accused of killing her husband and packing his remains into two plastic containers, which she brought with her when she moved at least twice over seven years. Donna Andersen got an exclusive interview with the victim's brother, Ray Wantorcik, which was published by Mail Online. EXCLUSIVE: 'She stabbed him to death and kept his chopped up remains in plastic containers for 7 years, enjoying her life.' Brother of victim whose wife is charged with murder reveals she dragged the remains along each time she moved, on Dailymail.co.uk. …
Woman accused of murdering her husband and dragging his remains around for seven yearsRead More
International bigamist con man Will Jordan pleads guilty to theft by deception
MT. HOLLY, NEW JERSEY William Allen Jordan, 49, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, pleaded guilty to theft by deception Monday, admitting that he pretended to be an official from the U.K. to convince a woman to give him money. In a plea bargain, Jordan admitted that he took $4,383 from Mischele Lewis, 36, of Florence Township, New Jersey. Jordan accepted a sentence of three years in a New Jersey state prison. He was ordered to pay Mischele restitution of $4,383. He agreed to have no contact with Mischele or her family. He waived his right to appeal the case. Sentencing was set for February 6, 2015. Fake identity When Jordan and Mischele met online in January 2013, he told her, in a …
International bigamist con man Will Jordan pleads guilty to theft by deceptionRead More
‘The Stir’ posts about warning signs of a secret life
Donna Andersen was recently interviewed for an article on "The Stir," part of Cafemom.com. They include: Your gut is telling you something's wrong He disappears or travels a lot He has unreasonable boundaries He lies and keeps secrets The author, Kiri Blakeley, did a great job.You'll want to read the story: 10 scary signs your man is living a secret life, on TheStir.Cafemom.com. …
‘The Stir’ posts about warning signs of a secret lifeRead More
How could Darren Vann, suspected in multiple Indiana murders, have been considered ‘low risk’?
Not one, but two likely serial killers have been in the news recently. First there was Jesse Matthew, charged in the abduction of Virginia student Hannah Graham, whose body has now been identified. Police have linked Matthew to at least one other crime, and are examining cases of more dead and missing women in Virginia. Then there is Darren Vann, of Gary, Indiana. Vann was arrested in the killing of 19-year-old Afrikka Hardy, whose body was found in a Motel 6 in Hammond, Indiana. Vann confessed to the crime, and led police to the bodies of six other women. All seven of these murders took place after Vann was released from a Texas prison on July 5, 2013. There may be more. Prior to …
‘Expert’ explaining psychopath vs. sociopath reveals the truth: He’s clueless
A Lovefraud reader sent me a link to the following article that appeared on Huffington Post last month: Psychopath Vs. Sociopath: What's the difference? It was written by Robert Siciliano, a speaker on personal security and identity theft, and a corporate media consultant. He's also the author of four books, including 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Identity Was Stolen. I hope Siciliano knows more about identity theft than he knows about psychopaths and sociopaths. Because he knows nothing about these personality disorders. What he has written does more to spread misinformation than educate people. What's wrong with the story? Let me count the errors: 1. "Sociopathy and …
‘Expert’ explaining psychopath vs. sociopath reveals the truth: He’s cluelessRead More
‘Gone Girl’ and a missed opportunity
[youtube_sc url=http://youtu.be/Ym3LB0lOJ0o] I went to see Gone Girl this weekend, spurred by reports from several Lovefraud readers that the film reminded them of the psychopaths in their lives. In my opinion, the story was a realistic portrayal of psychopathic behavior until it descended into psychopathic cliché. Here's the official synopsis on GoneGirlMovie.com: GONE GIRL — directed by David Fincher and based upon the global bestseller by Gillian Flynn — unearths the secrets at the heart of a modern marriage. On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) reports that his beautiful wife, Amy (Rosamund Pike), has gone missing. Under pressure from the pol …
Will Jordan offered plea deal of three years in prison
Will Jordan, of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, was back in court yesterday after being charged with scamming Mischele Lewis of Florence Township. During plea negotiations, Jordan offered to spend a year in the county jail, followed by five years of probation. That deal was rejected by both the victim and the Burlington County, New Jersey, prosecutor. Instead, the prosecutor offered three years in state prison and a lifetime No Contact order. If Jordan rejects this deal, the case will go to trial. Love fraudster accused of scamming Florence woman gets new plea offer, on BurlingtonCountyTimes.com. …
Will Jordan offered plea deal of three years in prisonRead More