Editor's Note: This Spath story was submitted by Lovefraud reader whom we'll call “Tina-Marie.” I was married to a Cluster B - sociopath, psychopath, narcissist. He left the children and me six years ago. He created a smear campaign against us before he left unbeknownst to us. This was so he would have a posse of people who would feel sorry for him. He took all the money and borrowed against our jointly owned home without my knowledge or consent. Since he left he has denied the payment of our daughter's school, while he pays for the son. He had our son kicked out of his beloved chorus where he sang for seven years. The dad floated a big check for the expulsion. He has hacked into …
If his eyes could talk when he walked out, they would have said “this pond’s been fished out”
Editor's Note: This Spath story was submitted by Lovefraud reader “Christina2014” I met him while I was working as a designer. He was homeless, penniless, hitchhiking through the country. He told me that his family disowned him and that he is a writer/activist. He introduced himself with a fake name at first, but later, when he realized that I was a worthwhile victim, he gave me his real name and decided to camp out in my life for a while. I helped him get his identifications (he told me he burned them out of protest, finding out years later that he skipped parole in Illinois), drove him to GE classes and helped him even to enroll into College. During the 14 years we were together h …
I had a seven-year affair with my sociopath pastor
Editor's note: This story was written by a reader whom we'll call "Carlotta." My story began rather sad. I met the P when I was almost 15. I am 22 now and had dated this man for seven years in a secret relationship that no one knew about. At that time (seven years ago), he was married for a year and was a pastor of a church. He began using his authority to get close to me and hang out with him more and one day approached me and told me that he is attracted to me and loves me, also mentioning that he feels so loved by me and no one else. He said his wife had cheated on him with someone else and he receives no love from her whatever and really loves me. I was confused at the time but …
My ‘knight in shining armor’ turned out to be a sociopath
Editor's note: The following was written by "Cajungirl." I found my "knight in shining armor" as a single mom of a six-month-old baby. My boyfriend was too good to be true to myself and my son. I fell in love quickly and soon life was easier and we settled into home life. Three years later I am pregnant with my second child and decided to marry the man I loved. He traveled 4-5 days a week so we decided I would be the at-home caregiver. My relationship changed abruptly when I began to feel isolated and out of touch. I had to fight for a part time job to have a social outlet. I was a fine dining server and enjoyed the easy money that was mine. I had to work only when my husband was …
My ‘knight in shining armor’ turned out to be a sociopathRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: My adopted daughter became her biological mother
Editor's Note: Lovefraud recently received the following letter from a reader who posts as "Hannah4." Donna Andersen will offer comments at the end of her story. V and B join our family I retired from teaching two years ago. I have been married for 38 years to the same man and gave birth to two sons who are now grown. Sixteen years ago, my husband and I became guardians of two girls who are biological sisters (who attended the school where I taught). One of the sisters, V, joined our family when she was nine years old. One year later, her younger sister, B, who had just turned nine, also joined our family. At the time, I taught in a private Christian school where the philosophy was "it …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: My adopted daughter became her biological motherRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Lovefraud.com saved me from a sociopath
Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call Jennette. Dear Donna, I saved myself from a sociopath thanks to your Lovefraud.com. Thank you very much, I can tell you now that you saved my life! You see, I was unlucky... He was my first boyfriend when I was 18 yrs old. He made me trust him with insane lies. He knew my weakness was not trusting people so easily. I was very vulnerable, kind, romantic and insecure. I broke up with him -- although I loved him -- because he cheated on me and my parents forced me to do this for my own good. He had haunted my dreams and mind for 10 years .The bond he had created couldn't break no matter how h …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Lovefraud.com saved me from a sociopathRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: A tale of two sociopaths
Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by Lovefraud reader whom we'll call “Thomas." Names have been changed. The First Tale: The girlfriend's ex Last we communicated I was interested in getting your advice on how to handle the ex-husband of my girlfriend and the terror he rained down upon her. You may remember he was a lawyer who knew how to deal with the law and use it to his advantage as a shield enabling him to be even more effective as a sociopath. The threats, the lying, the manipulation and the poison that he spread was unconscionable and designed to hurt and ruin the lives of others unless they did what he wanted. I was so taken aback by his unrelenting agg …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Addicted to my relationship with a sociopath
Editor's Note: The letter to Lovefraud was submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call "Gwenda." My name is Gwenda and I am 27 years old. I'd like to share my story with you in hopes of getting some advice, help, or possibly sharing my story with someone going through this that could possible help them and they can relate to. Last year I started dating a guy who I believed to be the man of my dreams to discover I was dating a demon sociopath. When I met him he seemed like the most normal guy, told me he was in construction, going back to school to become a helicopter pilot, had lived in so many parts of the world, was so cultured, and extremely good looking and charming. He really made …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: Addicted to my relationship with a sociopathRead More
George Ferguson, a man of many cons, feted in death
Editor's Note: This story was submitted by Lovefraud reader "one/joy_step _at_a_time." I have an attraction to people who 'say it like it is', and for doing the same myself. Which is something that I had to learn to rein in and use strategically when dealing with the spath. Despite the carnage of my experience with her and other narcs and spaths, this has been the singularly important tool that I have developed: I keep my thoughts and ideas to myself when I smell real danger. And now, I am going to celebrate letting it all hang out. This obituary, penned was the deceased's daughter, was published in the Victoria Times Colonist newspaper in British Colombia, Canada. FERGUSON, …
George Ferguson, a man of many cons, feted in deathRead More
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: My experiences as a private-duty caretaker of a disabled sociopath
Editor's Note: This letter to Lovefraud was submitted by a Lovefraud reader whom we'll call “Garth.” I've been in the medical field since 1984. I've been a Nurses Aid/private-duty caretaker for a disabled patient since 2009. It took me three years to realize exhibits all the traits of being a sociopath. I came across your site and plan to get your book. Your site and short videos really helped me see him for who he is. I am still with him but I am no longer stressed about it. I stay my distance and only care for him in short periods through the day. I don't know how his wife has dealt with him so long. I feel suckered that my patient seduced me into his illness and plays these emot …
LETTER TO LOVEFRAUD: My experiences as a private-duty caretaker of a disabled sociopathRead More