By The Front Porch Talker From my newest series, “Jobs for Hard Times,” which is yet another of my unfinished series in my unending series of Front Porch Talker items. HOME PAGE: Welcome to my blog, “NE'ER-DO-WELLS” (WWW.NEERDOWELLS.COM) MOTTO: “Let the Mocking Begin!” ABOUT US: Here, we celebrate a ”˜DIVERSE CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE”˜ with a POLITICALLY- CORRECT HANDLE ON THINGS: For ”˜folks with Personality Disorders': Narcissists, Sociopaths, and other Psychopaths, Shape-Shifters and Flexible Identities Among Us! Dear fans and devotees, and other undecided Libertarians of faiths and fan clubs, and “Dexter,” I feel like saying it, so I will: “Let the mocking begin! It's a …
Jobs for Hard Times: Becoming a Dysfunctional Blogger for Fun and Profit!Read More