Here's more proof that sociopaths never stop scamming. Back in June 2012, Lovefraud published a story about Andrew Funches, AKA Ty Fortner, scamming more than 10 women. Now, eight years later, we learn that he has a new name — Don Charles Andrew Tyler Grey Fletcher — but the same game. Except, where he once operated mostly in Chicago, he's now looking for targets in London and Barcelona! Yes, he legally changed his name to Don Charles Andrew Tyler Grey Fletcher. Having so many names is convenient, because he mixes and matches them, depending on the current scam. For example, in addition to scamming women, he was operating a bartending/catering business and proceeded to scam couples who …
When divorcing a sociopath, can we learn from ostriches?
Editor's note: Lovefraud welcomes a new author, Attorney Caroline Parsons from Queensland, Australia. Today she explains that when divorcing a sociopath, putting your head in the sand may not be the best idea. Learn more about Caroline Parsons on the Lovefraud Announcements page or in her author profile. By Caroline Parsons, Esq. Divorce is traumatic, even when it’s amicable. If you're divorcing a sociopath and the marriage was abusive, the impact is even more damaging to the psyche. There are a number of ways our brains adapt to trauma. We may numb the pain with alcohol or drugs, bury ourselves in work, dissociate, dissolve in anger or withdraw deep within to protect ourselves. Another …
When divorcing a sociopath, can we learn from ostriches?Read More
Christmas and Toxic Relationships: Not-So-Great Expectations
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, explains how Christmas and toxic relationships may increase the pressure others place on us, and the pressure we place on ourselves. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest This season is supposed to be about wonder and magic, about loving and giving, aspects of our lives that we're meant to be contemplating throughout the year but especially now. But somehow, it can become too easy to be swallowed up in shoulds, oughts and musts. Throughout the year, people expect us to be, do or give this or that, but at Christmas, this is all amplified. The expectations rise, and we feel …
Christmas and Toxic Relationships: Not-So-Great ExpectationsRead More
Toxic relationships are like being chased by a tiger
Editor's note: Lovefraud welcomes a new author, Attorney Caroline Parsons from Queensland, Australia. Today she explains how the violence — physical and emotional — of toxic relationships affects your brain. Learn more about Caroline Parsons on the Lovefraud Announcements page or in her author profile. By Caroline Parsons, Esq. In prehistoric times, when a caveman realised he had been spotted by a sabre-toothed tiger, his primitive brain flooded his body with cortisol so he could fight or escape the beast. “Freezing” (or becoming immobile) is also a response to extreme threat. When a modern brain reacts in a similar way to a traumatic event, it can result in post-traumatic stress. …
Toxic relationships are like being chased by a tigerRead More
In Recovery from a Sociopath, Faith and Hope Can Make All the Difference
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, reminds you that in recovery from a sociopath, faith and hope are crucial. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest If you've been dealing with the fallout of a relationship with a sociopath, or if you're experiencing other challenges, things might feel awful for you right now. I hope not, but of course Life does have a way of being miserable sometimes. And in some cases, it can go on a very long time. It's not as miserable when you feel like you have some control over the situation...when you can actively do something to make it better, to change it in some way and get …
In Recovery from a Sociopath, Faith and Hope Can Make All the DifferenceRead More
Sociopath reveals her disorder in her email address
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following email from a reader whom we'll call "William20." He writes about the shocking and flagrant way in which a sociopath reveals her disorder, although he didn't realize it for a long time. Statements in brackets [ ] are editor's notes. I joined Lovefraud about three years ago, although I was aware of you before that, when my relationship with a covert narcissist I was engaged to for over two years ended horribly (at least for me). I thought I had recovered and in time "re-discovered" a lost love and a person who I considered to be a good friend for more than 19 years. We married last December and after I completed a full rehab and upgrade …
Sociopath reveals her disorder in her email addressRead More
Begin Recovery from a Sociopath: A Journey of a Thousand Miles…
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, reminds you that to begin your recovery from a sociopath, start where you are. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest It is said that, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This is attributed to Lao-Tzu, a brilliant Chinese philosopher who wrote a lot about the Tao. More correctly, the proper translation from Chinese is "The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one's feet." I love both of these statements. At first glance, they might seem to have almost identical meanings. They are thought to be interchangeable but in fact, each is quite …
Begin Recovery from a Sociopath: A Journey of a Thousand Miles…Read More
My sociopathic husband wants to marry a rich widow
Editor's note: Lovefraud received the following story from a reader whom we'll call Elizabeth20, who writes that her sociopathic husband wants to marry a rich widow. Married to a sociopath for 9 years, split up four times and reconciled within seven months each time. Subjected to emotional, psychological, physical and financial abuse. Most recently I was manipulated into allowing another woman in his life who has a life threatening illness ( which is actually true ) because they got together during out split up, then she had a brain seizure while with him that made her completely dependent on him. We arranged to meet and talk, and agreed that he carry on living with her and being her …
Rebuild Life After a Toxic Relationship by Staying Positively Positive
Editor's note: Liberty Forrest, author of several self-help books and a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, encourages you to rebuild life after a toxic relationship by staying positive. Read more about Liberty. By Liberty Forrest I don't read the paper. I don't listen to the news. In fact, I'll go a step further. I won't read the paper and I won't listen to the news. There's so much torment and tragedy, murder and misery, nothing but story after story about man's inhumanity to man, about horrible accidents, Acts of God that cause death and destruction. And especially given that I've spent more than enough time in my own life dealing with the damage and pain caused by life with s …
Rebuild Life After a Toxic Relationship by Staying Positively PositiveRead More
If There’s a Way into This Mess, There’s a Way Out
Oh, no! How did I get into this? How did this happen? My life was ticking along just fine - or maybe not all that fine, but it wasn't like this! It's a disaster! Does this sound familiar? I'm sure we've all been there. Especially if we've been involved with a sociopath. Perhaps that's where you are right now. And if you are, the good news is that if you got into a mess, you can get out of it, too. Okay, it's true, there may be some aspects of your situation that you cannot change. If, for example, you're sitting in a car that you just wrapped around an enormous tree a moment ago, you can't rewind about ten seconds and take it all back. After all, life isn't like one big shoelace that you …