With their charm and charisma, they take over business organizations. Then they enrich themselves, without regard to who gets hurt in the process. Finally, the organizations crash and burn, and they lie, blame others, and walk away with obscene buy-outs. Does it sound familiar? Read Cohan: Did psychopaths take over Wall Street? on Bloomberg.com. Link supplied by two Lovefraud readers. …
Holidays after the sociopath
Lovefraud recently received the following email: It's almost a year since I last saw my x-sociopath as a boyfriend, the real last time was in May in a court and some after. It is hard this time of year with the Holidays around, and I have a lot of health issues and so not hearing his voice, or getting calls, has been hard—even though I know now he is liar. This time last year I did not know how much I had been scammed up til then. Still, with all the reading I have done, and all the thinking and grieving, I just can't understand how this person could have fooled me, or that he knew that he was doing so much wrong to me, while sometimes still saying I love you back to me after I said i …
Millions of elderly suffer financial abuse every year
Researchers conducted a phone survey of 4,000 people over age 60. Even though none of these people suffered dementia or other mental decline, 4.2 percent said they had been the victim of financial fraud or exploitation during the preceding year. On a national scale, that translates to millions of victims. Read Financial abuse of the elderly is approaching a crisis, researcher says, on Philly.com. …
Millions of elderly suffer financial abuse every yearRead More
Are we growing more sociopaths with violent video games?
Researchers used fMRI brain scans to study the effects of playing violent video games on the brains of young adult men. The changes were similar to those seen in teens with destructive sociopathic disorders. Read How playing violent video games may change the brain, on Healthland.Time.com. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …
Are we growing more sociopaths with violent video games?Read More
New domestic violence study: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partners
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new results yesterday from telephone surveys of about 9,000 women and 7,400 men. One in four women reported being violently attacked by their husbands or boyfriends. One in five women said they were victims of rape or attempted rape. Read Survey: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partner on NPR.org. Read Survey: 1 in 3 women affected by partner's violent behavior on CNN.com, which also includes data about violence to men. National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, on the CDC.gov. …
New domestic violence study: 1 in 4 women attacked by intimate partnersRead More
Investment banker thinks he deserves a second date
A woman goes to the philharmonic in New York City alone. She meets a guy who is also alone. He asks her for a date, she goes once, doesn't want to go again. She doesn't return his calls. He sends an e-mail demanding to know why. Woman is so astounded she posts it on the Internet. Read An investment banker's cover letter for a second date, on Reddit.com. Story suggested by a Lovefraud reader. …
Why Me?
Editor's note: The following article refers to spiritual concepts. Please read Lovefraud's statement on Spiritual Recovery. My father is a sociopath. He is also a convicted serial killer who resides on Florida's Death Row. I idolized my dad as a kid and wanted to be just like him, but I could not. Life, I thought, had betrayed me and given me something so cruel that I could never trust again. I didn't believe that I could ever make sense of this experience. How could I possibly come to terms with having been raised by such a monster? How could I possibly find peace in my life after being victimized as a child and young adult? How could I come to terms with a question that I though …
HIV-positive man convicted of sex with 11 women
Ohio law requires people who test positive for HIV to inform potential sex partners. A professional wrestler called "Gangsta of Love" was convicted of putting 11 women at risk. Read 'Gangsta of Love' faces decades in prison on News.Cincinnati.com. …
“Beware the tyranny of the weak”
By Joyce Alexander, RNP (Retired) I'm a sucker for “one line philosophies,” and sometimes I hear a new one that makes me perk up my ears and start to ponder on the phrase. Thus the quotes around today's title. The person who told me this, and said that she had heard it from her mother, I later came to believe is a psychopath. At the very least, she was incredibly demanding toward me, but all in the name of being “helpless” and therefore entitled to my help or entitled to doing it her way, entitled to inconvenience everyone else for her immediate gratification. Of course she never shouted at me to get her way, but was very soft spoken and politely demanded that her will be given in to …
Psychopaths and neuro-law
The brains of psychopaths are different. What does that mean for laws, crime, sentencing and treatment? Read Psychopaths: Born evil or with a diseased brain? on BBC.co.uk. Link supplied by a Lovefraud reader. …